ITT: Good licensed games
ITT: Good licensed games
The setting didn't age well though.
it's a cool game, but it gets kinda repetitive
I also hate when games let you build a comfy empire and then a sudden plot twist fucks you off back to a stick and stones shantytown like in fucking san andreas
that m16 is massive
It kinda missed the "crime doesn't pay" message of the movie
This. Has no right to be as good of a collect-a-thon as it is.
the first toy story was also a great game
in fact, most of the licensed disney platformers were
LOTR TWO TOWERS and Return of the king.
>mfw getting each late December for my birthday
Comfy. Man they were so good.
Sheep, Dog & Wolf, also known as Sheep Raider. Amazing mix of platforming, puzzles and stealth in Looney Tunes universe.
king kong, surprisingly good
holy shit yes. Me and my bro used to replay the last missions over and over, specifically the one where you're in the castle trying to defend it from the onslaught. good times
The Godfather was awesome, sequel not so much.
cmon, movie tie-ins are way too easy, what are some non movie tie-in licensed games?
>fallout nv
only answer
every game should have a dedicated swear button
>re-release on digital platforms never
>extorting a guy buy breaking his shop using him as a ram
The warriors for ps2
there was a FPS for PC about 15 years back that had this
cant remember the name, it had a hip hop OST
Fuck Allies and Gullies
The Simpsons Game.
Kingpin: The Life of Crime?
I could go hours and hours just shouting about my balls into incoming traffic
I need to reinstall this game
The mission where you pop out of a coffin during a mob funeral is one of my all time favorite missions in any game.
I like you. Not enough people remember this game and it was really fucking good. Good puzzles, good music, good humor, it really captured that Looney Tunes comedy well.
Yeah that´s Kingpin. But it wasn´t a dedicated swear button.
When talking to NPCs, you could either say something positive our insult them when asked a question.
Just pirate the PC version. Once a company stops selling their game it's a-ok to just torrent it.
thanks for these fond 2002 memories bros
I still got the discs lying around, pretty sure they don´t work anymore though.
I loved this game so much, playing the mode where you have to throw people off the roof was the best
this is my pick since someone already posted toy story 2
The best.
Why are there so few games like this?
I had possibly the most retarded moment in gaming with this game.
>Watching the intro cinematics
>It changed into gameplay
>For whatever reason my brain didn't realize it was now gameplay
>Gandalf kept getting hit but he wouldn't die, maybe because it was a tutorial area
>I waited for some two or three minutes, wondering what was the point of this cinematic
>I touch the control and finally realize I should've been playing
>spin-offs are now licensed games
this game was brutal as fuck
You don't know what "licensed game" means, please kill yourself.
Wish we got a sequel to this, probably one of the best games from that generation.
The closest we'll ever get to a part 3
mad max
I'm surprised it wasn't the first mentioned. The web slingling mechanics are still fun as fuck.
Dan Aykroyd explicitly said "This is basically the third movie".
Funny how 5th gen licensed games were mostly rather good.
>pizza theme starts playing
>had to turn the screen black and white to prevent getting AO rating
It was good. Could've been great but too much of the Ubisoft formula. Still, it did perfectly capture that wasteland vibe. There was a lot of love put into it. Shame it was just slightly misguided.
How's the netflix serie? Never read any Punisher but I feel like I might enjoy it
Best Mario Part copycat I know. Better than Fusion Frenzy.
Also heard some good things about Battle for Bikini Bottom but never played it.
so comfy
so good
And that punisher game mentioned up here was awesome
First game was fucking ace, too.
>All those cheats
I wish there was a mod to take out necessity of doing all the Ubisoft collectathon shit in order to progress the story.
All I want to do is the sidequests and main story, fuck everything else.
I really liked the Punisher game. Like a slightly more janky and hyper-violent Max Payne.
Haven't seen it nor read the comics. Only saw the movie with John Travolta as the bad guy. Just felt like sharing this.
6 episodes of great content stretched to fit 13 episodes.
At least the hand didn't show up.
>beating the game in Very Hard unlocks playing the whole game as the Green Goblin, unique moveset with the glider, razorbats, pumpkin bombs and all, and new dialogue for levels.
I pity the dead that no longer know such joys. Why does this have to be DLC now.
So, every Marvel show ever.
I feel like some peope with more time and skills than me could probably edit every series to 6 episodes and they'd all be much better.
I 100%'d the fuck outta that, such a good GTA clone
I find it interesting that to my knowledge it was the only non-arcade 360 game to release with less than 1000 gamerscore
Loved this one as a kid. Now it seems pretty tiresome to play, but still one of the comfiest games for me
>tfw push it to the limit plays during a shoot-out section
>tfw you once 100% the pc version
Only game i ever did
Wasn't this basically a NBC God of War clone?
Scarface and Godfather were both amazing GTA clones that in a lot of ways did many things better than GTA.
Kind of, although God of War didn't have musical sections.
This one was cool. I liked the levels set in the city and outer space.
I miss when Disney contracted Sega and Capcom to make their games.
It was a sixth gen port. Most sixth gen ports had fucked up achievements.
damn that looks cool. it's sad how many hidden gems I missed back then.
heh, I didn't realize that Fellowship on the PS2 has no autosave so I had to do the whole Shire again
Best Spongebob game?
>Insanely good graphics and art direction
>Amazing atmosphere
>Game is too long and the xenomorph's AI is just unfair
Huge shame
You guys wanna hear some retarded shit that happened to me with this game?
>Get ps2 for christmas
>Little did I know my ps2 was slightly broken causing graphical glitches in certain games
>Mostly obvious clipping and stuff would really ruin some games for me but I was young and didn't really understand it
>Get Two Towers a couple days after getting ps2
>Start game
>EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER ON SCREEN is reduced to only their weapon
>Swords floating around the screen, when the ogre came out later it was just a giant club knocking over swords and shit
>I thought this was the way the game was supposed to be for weeks, thinking the invisibility had something to do with the ring or something
>Mfw I play it on my friend's ps2 and everything works perfect
>AI is just unfair
How much of a fag do you have to be to complain about difficulty?
sauce of the full comic?
>the xenomorph's AI is just unfair
Care to explain? From what I understand aliens have two AI "brains", one that is looking for you and the other one which knows where you are and is giving tips to the first one. This way the alien will always eventually find you if you decide to hide in one place and stay there forever. Seems fair to me.
I played immediately on hard because the game says it's the intended experience
I don't know about you but there were many cases where the Xenomorph either kept patrolling the zone I was supposed to go to or already spawned knowing my location even though I was crouch walking
why is the PC port of this so bad
>that audio compression
>that aspect ratio
>those controls
>the alien will always eventually find you if you decide to hide in one place and stay there forever.
Not true at all. If you say hide underneath the desk that faces a wall or inside the locker the alien will never find you, even when passing you. That is given you don't move around too much. I think people's problem is they underestimate how many things AI takes into account for tracking you. Motion detector noise bleeps, light on a noisemaker/flamethrower/molotov, trashing around inside a locker like madman, being in direct sight of alien (he's not blind) even if you're underneath something.
This. The AI basicly had simulated intuition. Most peole who say it behaves unfair are just accustomed to shitty run&gun AI from COD and they probably never played F.E.A.R. .
this guy explains how alien ai works pretty well
This was way better than anyone was expecting
But at least in SA you then proceed to build a much more vast and lucrative empire than simply having more ghetto streets than another gang
I think the xeno's AI felt unfair because we're not used to games' AI taking into account so many details. We're used to the more "video game logic" AI, where you can reload a weapon behind an enemy and they don't hear it, that sort of thing.