>such a huge and amazing looking open world
>nothing to do in it
Why is Rockstar so incompetent ?
>such a huge and amazing looking open world
>nothing to do in it
Why is Rockstar so incompetent ?
all the good content is behind online goy
What is the matter goy? You don't like playing multiplayer with random mongrels from 3rd world? Too bad, this is the future now.
It's an inherent problem with all open world games, don't act like cuntstar are the only ones to fuck it up.
Did you miss the story mode?
It's not a MMO, you're not supposed to keep playing for thousands of hours after everything is done.
the story is shit, uninspired and makes absolutely no fucking sense.
>muh heists
they sucked ass too
>nothing to do in it
found the brainlet
I thought we were talking about things to do.
The missions are easily the best of any GTA gameplay wise.
no, not really. it bored the fuck out of me.
Because GTA5 was built to maintain the online aspect instead of the single player portion.
Why do you think they just kept the Online alive and decided to never deliver any kind of single player expansion despite promising they would.
Nothing to do isn't as much as a problem as not having a good map. The map was designed by an autist with zero concept of good map design.
>its fun if you install mods!
Im fine bro, currently replaying GTAIV and expansions, shit is cash.
Map design is inherently flawed with the egg shape, basically pushing you up and down the map most of the time. GTAV has the same map size as BOTW, but the latter feels much larger because you traverse it in multiple directions.
>such a huge and amazing looking open world
>nothing to do in it
Why is Nintendo so incompetent ?
Missions were all heavily scripted crap that were super casualised with checkpoints and the option to skip if you failed too often.
Actually the biggest issue I have with BoTW is the fact that there's literally like 7 enemies in the whole game. They just reskin them and give them more HP.
im not talking about the mods
It's a sandbox game only that it's filled with concrete.
GTA IV had awesome single player and meh multi, V did the exact opposite. Take a wild guess why.
What am I looking at here?
Too bad it's all for nothing since the jetpack update and the alien egg update all went to Online
Speaking of Online, the new AI is also symbolised with an eye that has a pyramid inside of it.
to be fair, it takes a high intelligence to enjoy this game
When are we getting an open world game where you can just have a huge city and go in every single building? Is it really that impossible to pull of with a team of hundreds of people and a billion dollar budget?
Oh, were those all a bunch of hints about the UFO Easter egg after getting 100% completion?
severe autism
This honestly better be a big focus of GTA6. Being able to actually go into buildings makes the world feel so much bigger and there’s so much more potential for different missions than just having everything taking place outside.
Yes, because you'd have to think of the interior architecture of each building as well as the exterior.
Unless you want copy-pasted interiors for non-franchises.
what would you do in all those buildings?
Personally I want a GTA game that has Gran Turismo amount of cars, like 1000+ shitboxes
youre asking for millions of individual rooms.what price do you think is fair for a dev to develop a room to your standards?
now tack that price on to the price of your already expensive game and youll see why a billion isnt nearly enough.
i hope GTA6 is a smaller city with all interiors. Id rather have more detail and a denser city
>huge and amazing looking open world
>they're incompetent
You're just a mentally ill, ADHD ridden millennial.
Still better than IV
Go masturbate to that shitty fish you fucking degenerate. BOTW is bad. Deal with it.
The only thing that adds things to do to a GTA game is padded content like minigames and recycled side missions.
That's the problem.You are retarded
This also real npc with real lives who never disappear/respawn, destructible environment that isn't fixed simply by leaving and teetering the area, kids, disabled and a non retarded police system.
But nooo, instead were making the same exact game again with better graphics. :)
>Too bad it's all for nothing since the jetpack update and the alien egg update all went to Online
> Nothing to do
There are literally a million things to do in offline single player alone you meme loving fuck. There are enemies, races, minigames, Easter eggs, collectathons, random encounters, range of vehicles in land sea and air, you can even go see a fucking movie at the theatre. The fuck else do you want? Just get another game or something, Jesus fucking Christ.
you just have low standards.
Pic related
Alien egg is for a secret mission in one of the newer updates where you steal the egg from a crashed UFO
Not as good as it sounds since it's just a 10 minute romp at best
I will never forgive them for keeping all the interesting shit to the online part of the game.
>no friends to play with
>randos in heists are useful as potatoes
It would be nice to live in a world where all consoles had terabytes of RAM to allow those things to happen.
after 2000 hours played? you wish rockstar shill. the game is shit and you know it
>randos are as useful as potatoes
Welcome to the world of CoD zombies.
They should have done this and got rid of the whole top half of the map.
Why would I want more uninteractive scenery? Give me physics and AI to screw around with.
I don’t get this complaint, gtav feels more substantially content filled than almost any other open world
SP got gutted for online.
>game has revolved around the stealing of cars and riding them around cities, countryside, etc since it's first iteration
>man i sure hope this fucking game was indoors
>the story is shit
it's literally "fun>making sense" situation
Why do you bother with this? Someone would have found something in the code already if there was anything hidden, also the game is 5 years old
Id like a gta that focused more on destruction
killing people, getting chased are the missions
with destructible and more interactive environments and pedestrians
What are some ways to improve gta?
Instead of always gong to mission markers some missions can be activated on the phone with a conversation
Once you have been to a mission marker before you can just warp there
whats your favorite UFO?
>Instead of always gong to mission markers some missions can be activated on the phone with a conversation
I would have preferred it if all missions were like this. Meet people through other people etc.
>hey it's a me, you got a job?
Later people call you because they heard about you etc
I hate it when I drive to do a mission and a cutscene plays where we bump into each other randomly
I wish they weren't just static objects
I'd love to be able to randomly spot them flying around