Why do we find Japan-made female design much more attractive than the Western one?
Why do we find Japan-made female design much more attractive than the Western one?
More feminine features
Because you're a fucking weeb
Idealized representations of what we find attractive
Which realism do you prefer?
>Implying the left is remotely realistic
>Implying the left is remotely realistic
she was designed based on what cute japanese girls actually look like.
No ape's jaw
So plastic
Japane still views games as fantastic escapism, where impossible things can happen and people can be impossibly beautiful.
The West is going all-out on 'muh realism', which has been infused with feminist ideals by progressives in the industry who want to inject their views into the games, as well as the very vocal minority of people who, while they likely don't play games, think that games, like television, movies and other media, should reflect the 'real world' (ie: their view of how the world is/should be). Face-mapping is becoming the big thing in western games now, but few developers can do it particularly well at this early stage, so the game characters often end up looking much worse than the model that was used. The developers then feel they have to go down a list, ticking off various things so no one gets upset and rips their game for being sexist/racist/cisgendered, etc. The result is often a mediocre and hodgepodge look designed solely to avoid giving offence.
hey, wait a second.
You're thinking of korea
Essentially theyre much less real looking, and more akin to dolls with exaggerated features men are primally coded to find attractive, and some socially too.
>not picking both
Left is cg fanart
It the western designs that are made ugly on purpose for the developers' satisfaction that they're not making something nice to look at for the ones who play the game.
because lab-made plastic faced homogeneous perfect dolls detract from the realism of a story, that detracts from the immersion, which detracts from our overall opinion of the game. People in the west want a story that touches upon the human experience, it isn't just escapism into some childish fantasy realm, it's meant to entice you with uniqueness and adventure yes, but relate ultimately to our suffering, to our desires, our passions and fears, this is infinitely harder when the person representing life for you is some strange looking alien creature designed to appeal to your dick and only your dick. In many ways Japan holds views on women that we have moved away from, and this is represented in games, they also view videogaming as more of a fun, casual, child-like pursuit, but really if Japan tasked its creative minds with growing the fuck up, we could probably have a far better gaming roster.
Because they have good materials to model after among them.
Because western devs trying to defend ugly women because muh tolerance, while asians appreciate cute females.
Right could look like left with makeup
>implying japs can't make shitty women
>exhibit A literally all of Xenoblade 1 and X
>Western game
>Keep trying to reach to an audience who doesn't fucking care and only whines because they're bored suburbanites with nothing to do because the gender studies degree their parents paid for won't get them a job, and they wouldn't even get a job in the first place because they're all Marx worshiping bitter cunts
>Make video game women ugly on purpose because they're virtue signaling faggots
>Japanese game
>Make games for the people they know will like and play them
I'm getting so fucking tired of hearing about bikini armor. I've been gaming since the fucking NES and I always have to go out of my fucking way either with mods or just outright stripping my character to get any kind of lewd armor. Only thing I can think of is glamouring into sexy bikinis in FF14, or some of the end game armor in Xenoblade X. Where are these supposed bikinis? I need to know!
are you implying Elma is unattractive?
This resonates with me in levels you cant even begin to imagine.
They dont want the game to be nice to look at? Wtf?
Elena is definitely is a well designed western female but the pic used makes her look worse in comparison. Might be because left has the pouty look on too.
western gaming has always been about realism, even in fantasy settings (why is this woman wearing bikini chainmail?! that's not good protection against this fire-breathing dragon!)
japanese gaming has always been about throwing realism in the trash
now admittedly Horizon had fucking atrocious face models and animation so this is not a great example
Yes, also Ms. Potato Face right here
>inb4 excused by plot reasons
two of those aren't full japanese.
The Japs figure, if you want realism, you go outside.
Western devs are pushing realism because they want the normy/casual crowd, who would be turned off by shit that's too weird and gaming would go back to being a fringe industry populated by nerds and geeks, a tiny percentage of consumers. The size of the industry has grown so much, games are multi-million dollar projects involving hundreds of people, there's no way they're going to cater to the classic 'gamer' anymore. With that growth in consumer base, games are now more influential, and the progressives want to twist that influence to their way of thinking. Since a lot of games are made in extremely progressive environments, it's no wonder there are plenty of people within the game industry willing to go along with that.
>if a game doesnt appeal to me it means its a sin against gaming and part of a leftist conspiracy
>also everyone but me needs to stop talking about politics
Lay off on those red pills m8, they're not good for you
M8 the West invented the chainmail bikini in the first place
Right. Because 'developers make their characters ugly because they hate ME and want to run their industry into the ground' is a far more logical argument.
Muh realism, which is the most thinly-veiled bullshit idea ever injected into gaming, period. If I wanted realism, I'd go the fuck outside. Games are meant to be fantasy, where I, the player, get to do things beyond the constraints of modern living. I should be able to slay that fucking dragon and be damn fucking hot while doing it.
Cuz youre a fucking wee
No, that would be ODing on redpills, and you're pretty much headed there.
Theyre not even good at making it realistic considering the girl they modeled her face after is hotter.
Japan makes the best females
>implying left is even running in real-time and isn't a pre-render made by tech inept jap monkeys
They appeal to people that actually play games.
>Same fucking thread over and over
>same fucking responses over and over
>People are such fucking retards on here they don't mind having the same fucking arguments everyday
It's like a fucking cycle. I hope you all fucking die.
wii was a mistake
Blue pills made you retarded, no reason to follow your advice.
What bullshit is this, complete abstractedness has been the most degenerate useless subhuman of fads
Reality depicts the human world's beauty.
Well left is pure trash.
>what is total lack of sel-awareness for 500, Alex!
In due time, all of us will.
None of this really matters, nothing we post about here will matter, ever.
They hate the white male interested in games crowd and making pretty characters would be something they'd like.
Left looks like a (albeit meh looking) woman.
Right looks like a child/child's doll.
You're a closeted pedo if you prefer the right and you should seek help.
I love how the plot explains the uncanny faces that the characters have in a seemingly plausible way.
who is this cum-sink chink
Imagine being this much of a pathetic virgin thatyou go around spouting conspiracy theories for a hobby meant for children and you then blame that of why you're a kissless virgin. Let's not even talk about the fact that outside of Nintendo, every western game makes a fuck ton more money than every japanese game.
Every industry wants to expand their consumer base. Can't really fault them for that. It's just unfortunate that some feel the hardcore gamers need to be jettisoned in favor of a more casual audience.
what's this guy's name again?
You have to be on several levels of soy to find Aloy attractive
right is hotter
shouldnt have taken a super attractive jap vs a 4/10
Because weebs are borderline pedophiles.
>you're a closeted pedo if you prefer the right and you should seek help
Right is just what they look like at their late teens or early twenties
How can you be pedophile when you like someone of that age range?
I think you mean actual pedophiles
Imagine being this contrarian that have to you quote half the thread and call things that are unarguable "conspiracies", call everything for children and virgins and can only end it with a complete non-argument, just for the thrill of being against common thought.
t. feminized low T soyboy
How about thinking for yourself bruv
t. thinks he understands academic painting while being completely oblivious as to WHY those paintings were appreciated
"L'arte รจ cosa mentale"
Is that you Reddit? Is this me?
Stop speaking for me. "We" do not agree.
I'm italian nigger, your pretentious line falls completely flat.
Because they look 10 years old.
I didn't know the EU was a country.
Go jerk off to more lolis you degenerate
They made her look like that on purpose, adding mixed race features. I remember reading about that sometime ago, she wasn't meant to look this ugly initially.
He's right tho.
this thank you
yall need to learn what people actually look like if youre such big fans of japanese people
"My" pretentious line is from Leonardo DaVinci actually, and if you're italian you should be aware of how most of the Renaissance painting which actually "survived" is extremely mental.
While I don't think abstractionism and it's offshoots accomplished what they wanted, they at least tried to make something beyond pretty pictures to watch while life goes by.
Seriously kill yourself
>has the most Reddit interest
>calls other people Reddit
Western devs want to create "strong female characters", but neither they or the SoCal clique they seek the approval of have a clue what that actually means. Strong characters are well-rounded, highly motivated, consistently characterized and charismatic. "Strong female characters" under the Western dev's definiton are defined by what they aren't - they aren't physically weak and they aren't sex objects. Rihanna Pratchett's protagonists, all of them, are po-faced glorified couriers who have no motivations other than immediate survival and a vague sense of duty. But they shoot people and don't look like Playboy models, so they're strong female characters.
I'd love a source for that, if it exists.
not for 7 more years
>hobby meant for children
Is your mom's basement stuck in a timeloop to the 80s? Gaming is 90% targeted at the 18-35 demo ie: the people with disposable income.
I'm just saying that in the modern day, the abstract paintings and """sculptures""" coincide with decadence.
I have to say it's more complicated than that, since there's also garbage depicting ugly reality on purpose like all the garbage that gets "mistook" for literal garbage by janitors, while there's border-line abstract like anime trying to take reality and transform it into something better
>common thought
>They look ugly to me and it's done on purpose to push an agenda
That's not common thought you fucking retard.
>Rihanna Pratchett's protagonists, all of them, are po-faced glorified couriers who have no motivations other than immediate survival and a vague sense of duty.
That's not even strictly true of the characters I know you must be thinking of, and she's written more than those.
>it's an iphone soyboy misusing memes episode
And it's still seen as something in society only lonely virgins do. It's not respected like film or TV or even super hero movies
Honestly, Aloy or whatever the fuck her name is would be a whole lot more attractive if she just changed her hair.
Having it done up in a fucking BUMP just makes her look trashy. And what the fuck is up with the west and no bangs? Sure, foreheads can be cute with some styles, but most of them look atrocious. I don't think hairlines are particularly attractive, if I think about it.
Having some fucking bangs just makes someone look better when it comes down to it.
yeah he's right, go back 2 reddit
It's common thought if you're not from neogaf.
Otherwise this vomit is made just for you, I hope you feel accomplished.
>Gets called out as a pedo
>Doesn't deny it, proving me right
>Instead just spouts "reddit" as a defence
and who the fuck cares what old moms think
Yeah, well, that's what happens when game journalists try to say that video games aren't just for lonely virgins and the lonely virgins throw a tantrum as a result.
oi guvna betta bin that knoife innit
See, I don't even think everyone should develop an active interest in art and so on anymore, I just don't understand why people who don't follow it feel like they're apt to judge it. I'm sure you dislike normies shitting on niche games you like, I don't see why art should be okay with it.
The mere fact you're still railing on against "abstract painting" (not a thing for quite a while, if anything, pretty much everything that gets hyped in contemporary painting is just figurative painting with a twist, kinda neo-expressonism, though that's not the proper term) and sculpture (no one barely even does "sculpture" anymore, though indeed, most of it isn't figurative, but you can't really claim any sculpture to be "abstract"). Why can anime be "border-line abstract" and art can't? I'm not dissing Paprika (I don't even watch anime tbqh), but a Rothko is much more evocative and inspiring than lol-so-weird animation.
>And what the fuck is up with the west and no bangs?
This is how you spot a virgin loser who hasn't interacted with a girl in his entire life.