Framerates and resolutions make no difference to a game
Unpopular opinions thread
Cute mouse you posted there.
*framerates above 60 and resolutions about 1080p make no difference
As written, you're just wrong. I fixed it for you.
goddamn those hips
They fucking do OP because when I went from Yakuza 4 to Yakuza 5 and I'm running from assholes dressed as Santa Claus the frame rate shits its pants and it's not pleasant to look at
Anything under 120 fps is literally UNPLAYABLE
*so long as it's at least 720p 30fps framerates and resolutions make no difference to a game
I agree on resolution, but framerate is something I'll disagree on when it applies to games in the FPS or fighting game genre
>Anything under 120 fps is literally UNPLAYABLE with a mouse
I had a retard friend who says he cant see the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps. Fucking how is it possible
Framerates and resolutions are the most important aspects of a game
t. poorfag
Resolution arguably doesn't make a difference, but frame rate absolutely does. Smooth and responsive is a better experience than choppy and laggy.
>it's just an opinion it can't be wrong
Literally retarded.
That 1x1 game sure is fun
Gadget best mouse
Is that weird Russian cult that worships Gadget still around? I think that might have been back in like 2007 or so when that was making the rounds on here.
up to a certain point, they matter but once in game text is legible, resolution doesn't matter. and once framerate doesn't interfere with reaction time, frame rate doesn't matter either
>framerates above 60 and resolution above 720 don't matter
there i fixed your fix so that it's actually right.
I know it's unpopular for a reason but I agree with resolution, as long as it looks visually appealing but fr is a pretty big deal
That is an objectively wrong fact.
A lot of things in a video game depend on it's FPS and resolution.
Take Dark Souls 2 for example. That game had a bug on the PC version where equipment broke super easily due to the game being at 60 fps as it was calculated as "frames spent in attacking mode inside a hitbox". On console the game was at 30fps which meant they broke half as slow.
Resolution is mostly for graphics and since 1080p is the most standard for monitors and TVs now a days, its a no brainier that most games out put at that resolution.
Depends on the genre
It sure is
lowering res can improve fps
60 to 144hz is a huge difference in refresh rates when you turn in fps and shit/looks nicer
u are wrong son
Shit mom
1080p actually has widespread television and monitor support, unlike 4k, which is a meme resolution so Sony can sell you expensive shit
You take that back she is doing her best
clearly you havent played CSsource at 5-10 FPS
Did some lurking, couldn't find anything besides a bunch of shitty e-news covering it in 2010.
try playing at 1fps fuk-o
It's not, he is lying, either to you or himself, or both.
>tfw just got 144hz monitor and can't see/feel any real difference when playing stuff on it
Maybe it's only really noticeable when you you back and try on a 60hz monitor?
Anything above 30 is okay.
15-30 is basically playable once you get used to it.
Under 15 is pretty bad, unless it's a turn-based game.
I think that Drakengard being awful is really overly memed. The gameplay is fine, and at times fun. I played it last year after beating Nier and Automata, so it’s not just nostalgia.
heavily depends on the game, generally speaking, resolution or framerate are not deal breakers for me.
FPS? I really enjoy having 120+ fps, gives a smoother better feeling experience. Same with MMO's.
Everything else? anythings possible. Super Ghouls and Ghosts has massive framerate issues in certain sections, and it actually makes things really tense. You make a risky jump, and watch your inevitable doom play out in slow motion. It makes for tons of "OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" moments when playing with friends. Pretty god damn fun having friends screaming "IS HE GONNA MAKE IT!?"
To the game itself, no.
To your enjoyment? OH BOY
Holy shit dude are you me?
The people of this board only like DMC because their inner edgy kid/teen has a raging boner for Dante not because the game is actually any good when in reality it's just a really subpar hack and slash.
It's for styling on enemies, not actually killing them effectively.
She is best mouse.
>Seeing more and playing smoothly does not effect the game
You wot m8
It makes a difference, it just doesn't make ALL the difference. A game with a good frame rate and resolution may or may not suck, but a good game with meh frame rate and resolution is still a good game.
You guys remember the time an official animator for this show drew Gadget porn?
Try playing a game in 120p at 4fps and tell me it feels the same as even 480 20fps
What a stupid thing to say.
Halo Reach would have been fine had 343 not take what it had and run the entire series into the ground.
Both are rather fuggable, yes.
>Responsive gameplay and clarity does not matter
I would say as long as it's playable, framerates and resolution only matter as much as the chair you're sitting in.
i.e., you want whatever's most comfortable for you, but it really doesn't have a huge effect on the core gameplay. Though being suddenly thrust into 720/24 after experiencing 1440/144 can feel like going from a $600 exec office chair to a $20 Ikea dining chair. No direct effect on the game, but man that could make for a shitty experience (Until you get used to it, that is)
Do tell more.
>Halo Reach
Reach was Bungie.
Bungie made Reach as a finale to the series, at least on their part. As a one time deal with things that were initially supposed to be in CE and 2 it was fine, 343 took what it had and milked it for all it was worth until Halo became a borderline CoD clone.
Play The Last Guardian
100% agreed. it's graphical autism. idg why anyone gives a fuck. everyone is capable of getting into some 640x480 indie pixel game without caring if the game itself is fun, so i have no idea why they throw such massive bitchy tantrums when a bigger and more polished game doesnt have the absolute perfect fidelity or whatever
As someone who plays Xenoverse on an 800x600 resolution at 30 FPS:
Fuck you.
As long as the framerate is stable at least. Higher FPS tends to look nicer though
Play something that isn't a turn based RPG?
Turn off V-sync?
Check to see if the game is actually running at 144FPS?
I think the reason ppl complain about FPS most of the time, is because of FPS games. (the irony)
You want more frames/smoothers camera, when trying to make headshots etc.
Similar with street fighter styled fighting games.
(Where you have actions that only work in certain frames.)
But in so many non shooting games, FPS above 30 doesnt matter, and FPS between 20-30~ish is usually acceptable, though not as pretty.
Going below 20 can grow less reasonable, to unplayable.
As for resolution, depends on the game, as prite based games obviously dont need high resolutions, and 720p is usually fine for almost all games.
Though 1080p+ can be nice for MMOs, where u dont want your UI taking up 90% of the screen.