Will Blizzard ever be able to turn Overwatch into a decent game...

Will Blizzard ever be able to turn Overwatch into a decent game? They really should have stopped adding characters after Sombra and focused entirely on balance and content like maps and game modes.

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I've never played Overwatch. But I do enjoy the porn

We had this thread yesterday

>Will Blizzard ever be able to turn Overwatch into a decent game?
As long as theres idiots who will care more about cosmetics and are willing to buy, no. They will always overshadow those who want to play the game

They could, but they have a lot of work to do, and if they were able to make HoTS fun, they should be able to do it here

>tfw no Pharah gf
Whats the point?

Who's bottom middle meant to be?


me too :v

I know the video this image is based on, and it's a pretty boring dom shit. Shame.

To suffer of course.

Fareeha is gay and in love with Mercy

Shittiest ship after Mei with Junkrat

The only good thing about overwatch is porn and that probably will not change

Only if they ever add a scoreboard.

first post best post

Blizzard has never been able to figure out balance in its games. Heroes of the Storm is also easily the most unbalanced of the MOBAs.


Woman detected

I want Pharah to bully me.


Lesbians are #1 around the globe, stay mad

>that picture
Those legs are at least twice as long as the rest of the body. That is stupid and grotesque.

Yeah, no. Mei is a tubby cow, that is a fit girl with big breasts.


Overwatch needs Turbo mode. All gameplay is 2x faster, none of the bullets except Widow are hitscan, misc balance changes as suggested above.

>tfw no giant gf
Just fucking end this already

legs anatomically ARE half the body you retarded 12 year old

This is good taste.

This woman is being painted as super tall but her head is only just above the mantle of that fireplace.



Why does Anna have an eyepatch on her tit?

Lol, she's leaning in like that because she isn't actually strong enough to hold her up like that.

Lauren Phillips is 5'10" so taller than the average woman(and a little shorter than Pharah), but Alice Merchesi is also really short.

Breast cancer, had to cut it off

luckily it also makes it a little sexier because she looks more forceful, so win/win.

If you've ever played a blizzard game you should know they don't give a fuck about you, they don't give a fuck about balance, they don't give a fuck about the 20% of their players playing the game 80% of the time. They only care about pandering to casual shitters. More characters = more loot box sales for cosmetic items

>Lauren Phillips is 5'10" so taller than the average woman

and me

>5'11 vs 6'


when will you learn?

Overwatch porn is cancer, or any video game porn for that matter.

I always try and avoid it 24/7 because I know that one glimpse and it'll completely ruin the video game for me.

>he can't separate lust from entertainment
lmaoing@your life

>that reading comprehension
user, I...

vidya porn best porn

>all that futa sfm/blender/drawn porn
I know that a lot of people don't like futa but god damn if they did what a treasure trove this game has given, the more cartoony style is just detailed enough but not enough to be off putting like other games.
As for the game itself when I remember reading a while back that Blizzard was actively trying to punish players that won too much is when I lost all interest of ever playing the game.

>Fapped to getting cucked by Mercy again last night

>Amazon fetish
Since when did nitwits like you guys get such good taste?

Gimme a list of artists who do this.

What is this from?

I want to marry and impregnate Tracer



>not fapping to giant Mercy

Knowing what I know about Overwatch image composition, that farsii translates to the patreon logo.

I'm going to leave this thread open and see what it gets me.

We had a good Pharah thread yesterday, time for round two

Amazon is small time. Giantess or bust.

I wonder who has the darkest nipples, Pharah Symmetra Ana or Sombra?

symm for sure since shes indian

Brown women were born to serve white men

i would choose white anyway

>tfw you will never be in a situation like where you shrink even smaller till she's holding you between just two fingers


I started following her on instagram because of that thread
Very surprised to find out that she's 16

That makes it even better


Fuck off pedo

>tfw gf is 3 inches taller than me

I wonder what sex feels like

Go with the Indian.

In high school I was slightly weirded out by how dark this hot Indian girl's nipples were.

16 is too old. She like old hag for me.

No because the entire premise is flawed. Class based first person shooters are peasant tier garbage when they are played competitively. TF2 for example is fun to deep around in but no one takes it seriously. Overwatch tries to be super duper esports faggotry while at the same time being a classed based dps. The two do not mix. This is why CS is and always will be the best competitive shooter, regardless of how awful GO is compared to 1.6.

She's lesbian, leave her alone


Phone autocorrect wins again.

its the fucking makeup. I was hitting on this girl once that looked 20. Glad a friend warned me she was actually 16.

being a lesbian has nothing to do with it
hes a pedo tho


>ywn be shrunk and stuffed into dva’s hot and sweaty bodysuit

It hurts to live



modern blizzard games are all mindless shit for casuals

I'll bet she can, but holding her like that long enough for the camera man to get clear shots requires much more endurance.

Smite would like a word with you

Mercy gets all the bitches.

The whole game needs a fundamental redesign.

Start with reworking these shitty chokepoint maps and making the movement speed higher than a fucking turtle's pace

Overwatch reminds me of league. Absolutely unplayable garbage, but the porn is high quality as fuck.

Remove shields and the game is suddenly halfway to becoming decent.

Overwatch will forever be inferior to pre-hat update TF2.

TF2 is also inferior to pre-hat TF2.

tf2 is basically dead so noone really cares

So what happened with OWL?
It got btfo by a cs:go major and was never heard from it again.

we dont need another basic fps

It's just going into it's second week now and last week it had higher viewership than Thursday Night Football. So I think it's doing just fine.

The entire concept of Overwatch is broken. It's predicated on perfect team work. That simply doesn't happen online. At least not nearly to the frequency that is required for Overwatch. Your enjoyment of the game is held hostage by your teammates. If one person picks a stupid hero, you lose (unless the other team is stupid).

The game is fun 10% of the time. The rest of the time it's infuriating.

Just post the fucking porn already

I'll save you all the trouble, the sauce is terrible. Enjoy the cap as it's the only frame worth anything from that garbage.

Only in the high ranks. At platinum and below a single good player can easily carry a team.

I never play alone so for me it's fun 80% of the time