Will the average Nintendo player be even able to beat it?
Will the average Nintendo player be even able to beat it?
If they follow the formula of
>play for a day
>give up for 3+ months
>play again
Probably yeah. Most normies can make it if they do that.
My 7 year old nephew at the time beat it on 360, i dont see why the shouldnt be able, unless they are of course 4 year old toddlers first game
I did this with BotW and now I can't stop playing it
they're called nintenbros for a reason
It's easy to spot the underages: they've never known the term 'nintendo hard'.
You can call nintendo fans whatever you want.
But calling DaS hard is just embarrassing, even ironically
Name the last game that was "nintendo hard".
>t. Faggot who never beat Zelda 2 or Mario Lost Levels
he said average nintendo player, faglord
Probably...? Most nintenbros also own a PC. A lot of people play dark souls 1-3 on PC these days, the multiplayer is free and you have the option to use different control schemes and better graphics
Can't wait to witness soulsfags going mental when they see someone do a no death run with a Waluigi set and holding a tennis racket
Only with Funky mode
Souls is neither hard nor fun, so why should anyone care?
>Switch version adds exclusive Link set that regens your health or some shit
calling it now
tf that was me.
BotW Master Mode is pretty damn close to it.
Every final level in any 3D Mario game past Galaxy 2.
Tropical Freeze Hard Mode
Post game in Robobot
They better add a Mario set too.
>people still belive in the "dark souls is hard" meme
When will it end?
How did this meme even come to be? How do you go from Wii60 to "lol I bet these people are familiar only with a single platform ever" ?
ITT: Games harder than Dark Souls.
>Came out 15 years ago.
seriously? darker side is not that hard
it's not hard
that's the point
>Just fly over the level and win every time
So hard
Considering the average PC player can't, I'm gonna say no.
Nintendo fans are like children
I do not think a child can complete it
>Dark Souls
I want game journalists to leave
If they can manage to endure that hellish grindfest that is monster Hunter, why not?
When people stop recommending dark souls for it's difficulty instead of what it actually excels at.
Seriously, why do all these idiots insist it's difficult?
>Mario set that allow you to play a new fighting style based on jumping and acrobatics
Because most journalists are Nintendo fans
It doesn't matter. They'll buy it just so they can be part of the fandom. Then they'll meme about it for another decade. I can't wait to play the Dark Souls of VR in 2028. Next year it will be the Dark Souls of racing and the Dark Souls of rhythm games. Rinse and repeat. The older I get the more I hate gamers.
Obviously, Switchers can actually think in their heads. I would be more worried about how Pedostation players and Xcocks managed it, with all the temptation to suck on the controller like their dad's weiner.
>Give up, buy a ps4 for bloodborne
>Give up on that too, go back to it on your xbone
>Bing Bing Wah...ou died
So you didn't die to the dragons on the bridge? Or was that just your fault?
>people buy it just for praise the sun memes
can't wait to see people react to Lautrec
It dies only if you are a shitter
trials and mistake doesn't make a game hard
That's not hard though Nintendo has had games way harder than Dark Souls.
Go look at the stats, retard.
That was me.
Except it was give up for four (4) years after not even leaving the Undead Asylum, and then I beat it.
I know this because I autistically log all of the things I play in an excel file.
Neither is Dark Souls.
>souls are white
>humanity is dark
>game is called dark souls
why is this legal?
>not even leaving the Undead Asylum
>I autistically log all of the things I play in an excel file.
I somewhat did this. I played pretty constantly until Sen's Fortress, got raped and put it down. It wasn't until i beat DSIII that i went back and just kind of flew through it. genuinely looking forward to playing it again on my Switch
Cause humans have the darkest souls, bruh.
Can the average player on ANY platform beat it? A majority of PS4/Xbone users only buy the systems so they have a shootan/sports/GTA machine. Dedicated game players on a platform are always a minority.
The average Nintendo player won't even buy it.
I was your average Nintendo fan who only got into the series, because a friend gifted me Demon's Souls, and allowed me to borrow his PS3 for some time. I don't know how he knew I would love the game, but he guessed correctly.
I beat it. And the next one, and the next one, and the next one.
Can the average Souls players beat pic related though? I can.
make an easy mode.
tropical freeze is more much more difficult desu
and? not relevant to this discussion. follow the reply chain
Zelda 2 is better than any LoZ game released in the last decade desu
On in self imposed easy mode
>Kirby Game
pick one
at least 28% of PS3 players beat it according to trophy stats. Actually slightly more than that because 28% is only for ending 1
t. gibbering man-ape
One of the best and worst parts of watching Dark Souls streams, is Lautrec.
It's the best part, because everyone freaks out when he kills the firekeeper. I've only seen one player senselessly kill the suspicious guy on their own accord.
It's the worst part, because everyone in chat can't keep the surprise in their fucking pants. many times, viewers will outright spoil what's to happen with him, even if the streamer asks for new spoilers.
Other viewers will convince the streamer they're giving him helpful advice. And then spoil it, and claim they're doing it for the ring.
Other viewers will hype Lautrec up so much, that they're practically telling the streamer what he's about to do in giddy implications.
The souls fanbase is so god awful. They spoil EVERYTHING, if you don't remind them not to every 2 minutes like children. So the Lautrec mystery often doesn't stay a mystery.
But when it does... oh man, it's one of the best things to witness.
That dark zelda is thick
I've played Dark Souls 2 on 360 so I'm just gonna have to figure out how to play this one.
I would say most anyone can beat dark souls. It's really not that hard. If you can beat any zelda game you can easily beat dark souls.
It's more of a willingness and patience issue than skill. It doesn't offer instant gratification and there is a lot of bullshit. If a player doesn't beat it it mostly means they aren't interested in putting time and effort into something trivial.
holy fuck that was me.
>Someone wants to play the game discovering things on their own.
Fucking Ireland.
This happens almost every time a player even sniffs the bottom of blighttown. Makes me want to throttle the faggot.
Same. When I played it when it came out on PC on GFWL, I tried playing it for a few days but got so frustrated and intimidated that I gave up for months. Then I picked it up again, without my friends insisting on helping me, and I got gud. Loved it.
Lost Izalith still fucking sucks, so lazy all around.
Eventide Island was harder than most things in dark souls
It's a testament to how those players played the game. They probably had the wiki open the entire time they played the first time through, so they didn't miss anything, and then they feel that they must give "helpful advice" to anyone who wants to experience the game on their own.
>le DS is hard meme
This was me but I only left because of fucking games for windows live
Speaking of Ash Lake specifically. I once saw someone uncover the entrance to the great hollow on their own. As someone in chat was giving a preamble about how they would never find this secret. You know how the stream is delayed, right? So we saw him gearing up for spoilers in chat, while 10 seconds in the future, the player had already uncovered the mystery on his own.
Jesus Christ my dick was never ready for her.
Imagine being this autistic and writing a whole book about this dumb shit. Didn't even read lol.
Go beat Tropical Freeze and post again.
Oh and Killing tutorial boss does not mean that u completed DS.
I don't care if you read it or not, because you would likely have something even more retarded to say than what you already said.
>tfw actually found ash lake without external help
something just looks off about those walls, but it probably helps I'd played DeS right before DaS release. Now that game has some bullshit illusory walls
Jokes on you, I don't even know what's going on in this thread.
>tfw been paranoid about secret areas in secret areas ever since that one Oil Drum Alley bonus room in Donkey Kong Country.
>tfw Ash Lake was the one time in nearly two decades where that paranoia paid off.
>fight boss
>about to die
>go into sleep mode, take a break
>in the middle of an area
>want to take a break
>press a button, go into sleep mode instead of running to nearest bonfire
>get invaded
>go into sleep mode, disconnect
This game is fundamentally different and very simplified with a pause button. This port worries me. Here's hoping that the home menu/sleep button doesn't actually suspend the game. People dont realize that the lack of a pause function isn't just because of online mode, it was a design choice that forces you to constantly be thinking on your feet.
>hit sleep button
>take break
>come back
>turn Switch back on
Would having the sleep button kill you instantly be too cruel?
It does provide a challenge, with a semi final boss being the gatekeeper to the true final boss.
>want to take a break
>press a button, go into sleep mode instead of running to nearest bonfire
That's not really that much different from just selecting Quit Game in the menu.
they did. its called increased summons;)
That fight in the Custom Robot post game where you 2v1 Ruhiel and Rakansen.
>Gwyndolin has a Gerudo outfit
Kill me now
Yes, it will include an easy mode for the Nintendo players with a skip boss battles option, and skip Blighttown option.
Seriously? No. I see no reason why anyone would buy this on switch. It came out in 2010/11, didn't it? Surely anyone who wanted to ever play it has done so by now. It's been 5.99 on steam before, plenty of times. It's been FREE on xbox and psplus, hasn't it?
The only real "advantage" would be playing it "on the go", and Dark Souls is not the kind of game for doing that. It requires too much concentration. I've tried playing DS2 on a GPD Win and it was an awkward bus ride.
what exactly is a nintendo player?
>Not having all consoles, all generations
is like you guys are fucking poor there in burgerland
This ain't the middle east fren
what is the performance this game undocked?
720p because the screen is 720p. No one played it yet so we don't know about the framerate.