GOTY&AOTY at the same time.
Based Skyrim.
GOTY&AOTY at the same time
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Newfags on Sup Forums like Skyrim now. what happened?
>japanese rick and morty
elections in usa happened
um no sweetie its japanese family guy
its tim & eric faggots
RaM has "le self aware" sense of humor from Borderlands
Pop Team Epic is just bizarre shit kept playing straight
>Always liked Bkub, there's something just so charming about his art
>Always get a good chuckle out of a few of the Poptipepic comics, most of them kind of suck though
>The anime is the most tryhard shit I have ever seen
I had to turn it off. What the fuck.
>half of the episode is a repeat with different VA
>they actually do the for second episode
Are they just doing this to fill the timeslot?
Why the fuck is Skyrim so popular? It came out 7 years ago, and it is so fucking stale.
what? no, western cannot into comedy and animation. This shit is saving comedy and anime
every bethesda game ever
I love this shit lol
Limitless modding possibility.
>it came out seven years ago
>The people who buy it 15 times like total fucking retards on every console are totally without the ability to mod, the knowledge to mod, the tools to mod, the inclination to mod, and are totally lacking any idea that modding exists
If you've bought skyrim once, you should lose a foot. If you bought it twice, you should lose your other foot. For every additional purchase of the product, you should lose a portion of your body.
AOTY better not fucking mean Album of the Year you pleb
It's more like The Eric Andre Show then anything.
If it goes on like this, every new popular animus will be an item of this package.
It's funny because all my friends love everything you just posted.
nobody makes games like bethesda, so all their games have this ridiculous longevity and popularity, TES series is also one of the few western games that are actually popular in Japan
Babies first RPG.
you're so cool my dude, I'm sending you a link to the REAL Sup Forums
don't forget to check your emails;)
Christ this is accurate.
Also the ahaego face is so fucking cringe, especially when try-hard cosplay sluts try and do it
>Jojo, OPM, and HnK ruined by "le mem culture"
This is the worst timeline
Isn't ruined by shit, you're just a dipshit.
>ruined because it has loud autism
Nah, my man. Most people will never get deeper than muda muda and le dio face or omae wa mou shinderu XD
They literally won't go deeper into those fanbases, you've got nothing to worry about. If you can't enjoy something because there'a bit of loud autism associated with it, that's your own autism kicking in. The screaming has no impact on how good or bad the show is.
you need to go back
why is the Dark Brotherhood and Sithis so popular?
The edge.
Jojo become popular on the west because memes.
A lot of year ago
>bkub used for reaction images for over a decade
>now Sup Forums hates him
Really makes you think.
Because the people you meet in Sanctuaries are usually the friendliest and most welcoming out of any faction, especially the Shadowscales
Also yes.
same, they also refuse to watch anything that is not "Reddit approved"
you cannot possibly be older than 18
exactly, something loved by Sup Forums that suddenly becomes hated because it's popular and god forbids anyone enjoys something popular in this epic elite forum
Yesssss, I really want to fuck the tall one while she scratches my body with those nails, dragging those fangs upon my skin while I suckle those soft, doughy breasts. I'm gonna fuck that anime meme whore in her tight angry little toothed pussy!
I had a glass of water today.
I know where the door is.
Did you even watch the second episode?
If you ever liked Poptepipic, you should.
It's a worse base for modding than Oblivion or even Morrowind now that OpenMW is coming along.
>It's a worse base for modding than Oblivion
>lying on the internet
Oblivion is a lot harder to mod than Skyrim or Morrowind, much harder and its a lot more unstable.
the use of
>even Morrowind
shows that you have no idea what you are talking about, because Morrowind was always much easier to mod than Oblivion, with or without OpenMW
>The male voices are the superior dub
If you prefer the female voices, you're a faggot.
>harder to mod
>and its a lot more unstable
But the results are better. And you don't actually have to write entire new frameworks of game mechanics on top of the base game in order to unfuck the base game.
Skyrim runs better and has more memory and stuff which helps a lot.
But if you want to do anything beyond new assets, asset flips, new places, or the absolute most basic stuff. You have to employ so many damn workarounds it's not even funny. Whereas Oblivion and Morrowind never pevented you like that to begin with.
Mods are wasted on Skyrim.
>manga is mostly references and random non sequitor humor, been out for almost 4 years now
>anime comes out, is mostly references and random non sequitur humor
>Sup Forums explodes
Anime watchers are mouth breathers, what do you expect?
How come people only post the 2 second Skyrim reference and not the other games? Does Skyrim just have the power to anger people that much
fucking fish and their weeb water this is what happens when you test nukes in the ocean
You realize that the opinions of a bunch of retarded contrarians on the internet has no bearing on your individual enjoyment of something, right? If you feel this way about everything Sup Forums has an opinion about, the only games you'd be allowed to enjoy are New Vegas, Deus Ex 1, and VtM:B.
great game
holy frikken crap lois remembuh when we was in crono tigger
The anime didn't make much sense to me, the jokes were unfunny and there was no cohesion. Dropped it halfway through ep.1
Because people saw that scene and thought it was just a rapid fire reference joke like Ready Player One and didn't realize it's shitting on anime companies who produce that and mouthbreathers that like that shit.
accurate title
>not using an anime ENB so it looks like
>mfw VA skit in the second episode
>being anime elitist
whoa they getting SCHWIFTY
>If you feel this way about everything Sup Forums has an opinion about, the only games you'd be allowed to enjoy are New Vegas, Deus Ex 1, and VtM:B.
real talk tho, those games are really good
I refuse to believe someone can spend hundreds of hours on something they don't enjoy.
Doing gods work.
This. First episode is pleb filter.
a boo
Danm, i hate Digibro.
Chicken or beef?
>not being an anime reference in vidya elitist
I've been on Sup Forums for 11 years and I fucking hate it here
They're great games and I've played them all, but if you try posting about almost any other game you get swarmed by the 14 year old brigade, and even those games aren't immune sometimes. And god help you if you want to discuss something that was released in the last year.
Is there anything that you actually do right?
weebs love skyrim
is it because muh stats? mods like ordinator have shown that skills + perks is much better than attributes + skills
yup, the diagnosis is autism
you'll get over it
t. jojofag
That's grossly underselling it.
They added a second spooky ghost to the studio scene in the second half.
Clearly you didn't get it.
So in all seriousness how bad is the show?
I think its funny.
It's shitposting in animated form.
It's the 4komas animated, what else were they expecting?
Imagine hating something because it's popular
Ever hear about jobs?
It's fun, only shitty part is it's 11 minutes stretched to 22 because they replay it with different voices.
she godd big tiddy :DDD
Not just different voices
really nigga? no one cares about doki doki anymore and yet we still get a daily dose of ten threads and it's all from people who hate it, I find it easy to believe they spend a good part of their day doing nothing else
How about watching it for yourself and making up your own opinion for once? It's just 12 minutes long. Don't like it in the first 5 minutes, then give up and go try something else or do something which you actually enjoy.
>"Beloved four panel shitpost transforms into shitpost anime, with a message of intense contempt for its own medium and audience and itself."
>is that a mother fucking jojo reference
>it was I, Dio :DDDD
>oh lol theres a second joskue?
I fucking hate nu-jojo fans so much