>Want to buy a Switch just for Zelda
Talk me out of it please.
>Want to buy a Switch just for Zelda
Talk me out of it please.
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I found it to be worth it for Zelda alone.
Mario Odyssey is just icing on the cake.
I did so and sold my Switch being halfway through the game. If you're a sucker for open world games that give you a bunch of tools and go "the fun part is experimenting with those tools", then go for it.
If you like structure or story or sidequests that aren't just one liners sending you to fetch something, then dont.
But I made the same thread as you did, and I knew my reservations and bought it anyway. You will do it too
WiiU emulation bruh
I'm actually thinking about buying the Pro controller to play Zelda, Odyssey and MK8D
Talk me out of spending $70 on a controller Sup Forums
Well if you've got a good PC you can emulate it. The number of people who buy a console for one game and then end up disappointed because they feel like they invested $400 into one game is countless. That being said, if you didn't have a Wii U, Switch is getting all its games and it should be getting some more good shit too. If you like comfy handheld stuff then go for it.
Do you like walking around an open world and fetch quests? If yes, go for it.
Do you like dungeons, storyline and bosses? If so, don't do it.
It's not that great of a game a 7/10 to me at least. If there's other games you want on the switch I'd recommend buying Zelda maybe you'll get more out of it than me.
>Zelda being a reason to buy it
>not Mario
The Switch is perfect for skyrim brainlets like you.
play the superior version on pc
For Zelda alone it’s absolutely not worth it. Just get a Wii U and hack that for even more games.
You should always have at least three games you really want for a console before buying.
These, and in general the Wii U is still a better purchase than the Switch.
Breath of the Wild is an amazing game. I've played it for about 30 hours now and every time I boot it up it still boggles my mind how much care went into the game, how many neat little details there are and how massive it is.
Having said that, don't buy a Switch if there is no other game that you want to play on it or if the concept of a console that is both handheld and traditional console is not for you. Look through the list of exclusives (and Nintendo system exclusives if you don't have another Nintendo console) and games that will soon be released, write down all the titles you would like to play and see if the purchase is worth it to you. I told myself I would only buy a Switch if I could come up with at least 10 games that I want to play on it, and since my last Nintendo console was a GameCube, I easily came up with those.
Otherwise see if you can borrow or rent it from somewhere, depending on where you live you should easily find a way that is not too expensive. I know here in Germany you can rent a Switch from certain electronic stores for like 30€ a month.
>Want to buy a Switch just for Zelda
Xenoblade 2 is better.
>Xenoblade 2 is better.
It's not worth buying just for Zelda imo, make a list of minimum 5 games you want to play on the Switch and then decide if it's worth it.
Nah, the controller is pretty good, apparently the XBC2 one has a better d-pad though so maybe look into that.
BotW is the best game of all time. Do it user
Why would you list 5 games that are potentially 12 hours long, when he can list a single game that is 100+ hours?
It's an alright game but I personally don't love it as much as others do. While there are a lot of great individual moments, especially the shrines which all have varied and different puzzles (usually) I feel that the game also has a lot of dull downtime with large parts of the map either being empty fields or mountains you have to slowly painstakingly climb.
Mine arrives tomorrow.
When I'm done with Zelda I'll move onto Mario, hopefully we know more about the new metroid by then.
>the Wii U is still a better purchase
I generally live pretty frugally.
I don't buy expensive clothes, don't eat out, take the bus and or walk whenever possible.
Once a year however, I splurge on something expensive I want.
Last year it was the New vegas collectors edition (400$) and this year it was the switch.
Feels good.
The wii U has an infinitely better library and all free. You must be a fucking brainlet to even try to deny the huge difference.
Nothing about it feels like a Zelda game. Sure there's the obligatory races, the master sword, the Hylian crest and Gerudo symbol are plastered over everything, and there's references to old places and characters, but even playing as Link doesn't make it feel like a Zelda game at all. The story is so far into the future, that just the events that lead to the events that lead to the story in this game took place 10,000 years ago.
I think someone desperately wanted the Legend of Zelda to be a completely open world adventure game and more because why play the same type of adventure game you could get in the 90's, with linearity, and slow paced combat, when you could play The Witcher III, or Horizon Zero Dawn, or whatever else exists these days.
But it is user. Botw is as generic as you can get with an open world game. The only fun I had was doing the 4 divine beasts part, and even then I had to force myself to get through the last one. The shrines are complete shit and the fact you need to do 4 to get a new heart or stamina is beyond me. Finding towers to unlock a part of a map, I wonder what other open world games did this. It's easily one of the most overrated game I ever played.
With Disgaea 5 already available and Bayonetta 1 and 2 on the way, switch is actually a solid purchase. Think of it as a handheld, buy a 30000mah power brick with USB-C and play it in your bed all day
It's dead, kid.
Yeah you shouldnt buy the Switch for Zelda
especially when Xenoblade 2 and Odyssey also exist, so that gives ya 3 reasons to buy it, plus its portable so 4 reasons now, plus it has pretty much all the worthwhile wii U titles coming out soon, so all the better
Just wait a few months and get more bang for your buck. Or buy a used Wii U if you can't fucking wait.
Just emulate it doofus
get the $30 wired one. You can even find is $25 at some places.
Look at the other games coming out or that are out. Do they interest you? If yes just buy a switch, if not then don't
Skyrim for switch unironically makes BOTW look terrible. In 2011 Todd did what Nintendo never could and made a game where butterflies don't despawn.
I bought one and I'm not regretting anything. Shit is fun
wait, people play zelda for the story?
That doesn't change anything, The switch will be a purchase comparable to the Wii U MAYBE next near. In this moment there is simply no contest.
Wait until the Switch mini. Trusty sources have already leaked it's getting announced very soon.
Don't do it, you'll become a Soyak
This. The praise for this asscreed clone makes me want to die
>Buy a ps4 controller
>Emulate Zelda, use ps4 allowing you to use motion controls
>Runs at 60fps at 1080p+ assuming your computer isn't old as all fuck
Joycons work fine and why would you ever use anything other than handheld mode
The game really is not that fun. Whenever you come upon something potentially interesting in the world, you discover it’s just another shrine. The sense of discovery in the game is almost zero because the gameplay loops become so repetitive so quickly.
What is the point of this photo? To prove you're playing Zelda.. Like millions of others? What a fucking retard. Also nice handwriting, are you 10?
Get a switch because it has a decent lineup so far.
But Botw is one of the most massively overrated games here. It's good, but that's it.
This, it's only a Zelda game on a superficial level
Pro contoller is worth it if you're going to grind in Splatoon 2.
Playing it in handheld mode is pretty nice but that's really the only advantage over emulating it on a capable PC. The ability to stop playing and pick up the Switch later and in seconds pick up where you left off is a nice novelty for sure.
>still boggles my mind how much care went into the game, how many neat little details there are and how massive it is.
Why do blurry textures, half life 2 physics, fetch quests, tower climbing and giant empty open blobs of sims terrain editor tier "open world" boggle your mind?
Not him, but the point is obviously to prevent the "you didn't actually play it!" spam from you asshurt fanboys. You do that every fucking time someone criticize the game.
Probably because user is sick of fielding the "if you don't like botw you just haven't played it" shill argument nonsense that pops up every single time someone expresses displeasure with a mediocre game.
You payed 400 dollars for a 10 dollar game, 2 dollars worth of poker chips, and a 30 dollar graphic novel.
I'm sure your friends were tickled pink. Otherwise I'm sure they ridiculed you for being an idiot, or they are just as dumb as you are.
I don't wanna talk you out of it, but here I go;
Dead pixels will arrive within a month of owning it, its random and tiny, but it's there.
It only has 32GB, so multiplat games will not only be graphically worse, play worse, but also require more than your internal memory has to offer without buying sd cards.
The left joy con WILL break, either by the control stick slightly moving you in one direction randomly, the joy con sliding in and out too easily, or both.
The nintendo franchise library is weak, and still needs a year to fully develop.
Zelda was a tech demo, and although it was fun for the first 50 hours, you'll slowly see how little effort they put into padding the content of the game out across a giant boring map.
>not retardS
Look at the time stamps, you mongoloid.
>when you try your hardest to reply with something scathing and meaningful
Because for many of them BotW was the first open world game they played.
That was you trying?
>ask why someone posted an image
>get two valid responses
>"hurr retard"
I'm satisfied with my purchase, it has a certain gene se qua and nobody can take it away from me.
if only for zelda you are fuking retarded
if anything wait for monster hunter XX and bayo 3, at wich point it's gonna drop in price and/or we are gonna get a switch pro that fixes every problem
>all free
Kill yourself, pirate scum. We only pirate Sony games on this board.
When you have the switch docked and want to remove or put the joycons back on, are you supposed to leave the switch docked when you do this?
Which is better, FE or Hyrule Warriors?
I already have hyrule warriors and botw on WiiU (and disgaea on PS4)
don't even play it at all it kind of sucks and is a waste of time
je ne sais quoi
Don't you dare reply to me.
Buy it for Splatoom
I'm actually glad someone is taking about this rather than jerking off Zelda.
BotW’s “world interaction” is not nearly as fun as all those webma would have you believe. The world honestly does not feel that interactive most of the time
I don't have time for spelling.
i bought mine on christmas with zelda, mario odyssey and mario kart. i took a week off from work to play and it was the most fun I've had playing videogame in a veeeeery long while. Do recoment it.
It doesn't really matter but it's easier if you attach/remove joy cons when the Switch is docked. I bought a pro controller just to avoid having to detach the joycons if I wanted to go from handheld to docked and vice versa.
Only put the right one on, and lift with that, then attach the left after
You can do whatever tickles your pickle. try it a few ways and do what feel best to you
>Buying a 300 dollar console for one game
>mainline Pokemon confirmed
>mainline SMT confirmed
>portable BotW, Sonic Mania, Stardew Valley
>a real Mario game for the first time in years
>a "real" Mario Golf game for the first time in years, albeit an indie clone
>getting every goddamn WiiU game rereleased
This thing makes me feel bad for having bought a WiiU, but then I remind myself how much fun I had playing Splatoon 1 constantly for a year.
Now it pretty much just needs Animal Crossing.
user sweetie . Do you understand now why the picture was taken?
Is MK8D worth picking up? I don't see it going on sale anytime soon.
>Buying 300 dollars console for 5 10 hours games.
I've had mine since launch, and my pixels and joycon are fine. did I receive a dud?
Stop spamming wojakbro.
>we are gonna get a switch pro that fixes every problem
This holy shit. The Switch needs a revision upgrade BADLY. The Switch is going to need all of the following before it anyone can take seriously as a console.
>Needs to be at least as strong as a PS4
It's fucking 2018 Nintendo, there's no excuse for this shit. It's inexcusable that this system can barely run games from 10 years ago without problems, much less it's own modern games.
>Needs to be smaller
It's incredibly fucking awkward for a "handheld console." Who has fucking pockets big enough for this thing?
>Better battery
~3 hour battery on a handheld? I don't think anything more needs to be said.
>Price drop
$300 is fucking insane for how little you get out of it. Even $200 would be a fine asking price, though I'd lower it to $150 myself.
Do all this and a Switch Pro would sell like fucking hotcakes. Hell, I'd even buy one.
I just bought a switch the other day with Zelda and Mario. Mario is super fun, Zelda actually was kinda meh at first but damn now that I got a mount and a feel for the game, it's probably one of my favorite. It does at times feel like asscreed but that's only if you aren't emerging yourself into the story. If you skip all dialogue and cut scenes it'll feel empty.
How many hours have you clocked onto your Switch, Sup Forums? I'm at 470 currently.
>Auto attack Gachashit
How about FUCK that. I've just rescued Nia and while the world gives the appearance of opening up, all the game gives way to is just a brick wall of boring fetch quest and treadmill character progression mechanics.
>expecting mainline Pokemon to be good ever again
My expectations are rock bottom until GF proves me wrong.
Do people seriously care about portability that much? It's a nice feature, but it seriously doesn't seem worth it when you can't mod games like the three you mentioned in your third point, and when the system itself is obviously pretty weak as a result.
>The product that's only going to depreciate in value is better getting now than the one that's doing the opposite.
stay in school
It just freaks me out to put the system in sleep mode, undock it, put on the joycons then dock it again and see it turn on...so I then have to turn it off again. It always feels so fragile.
When it’s docked and I take off the joycons it feels like you have to do it kind of roughly, semi-undocking it in the process .
I just hate having to turn it on and off multiple times in succession, doesn’t feel good for it
And don't think you're making much sense user.
> a bunch of things that aren't out makes me feel bad for having bought a WiiU.
Oh boy.
play any other zelda instead. They are all more enjoyable with the only exception being Skyward Sword.
If you really need to play it for whatever reason just get CEMU
If you like Mario Kart i guess. Probably not worth it if you already have the WiiU, but at least it has Multiplayer and battle mode
Zelda gets boring after like 20 hours. It's very shallow and lacks real puzzles or dungeon-like content. The shrines ended up being very disappointing when 1/3 of them end up just being a single enemy in the same exact arena. All of the bosses are uninspired garbage, nothing like past Zeldas at all.
>10 hours
> "I have the attention span of a fly and get bored easily"
It sounds like you added in like 4 extra steps you don't really need there
Have you been living under a rock? A lot of AAA games have single player campaigns that last around that, specially the most expensive to produce cinematic ones.
I kept hearing "you need the pro controller the joycons suck the joystick click is too easy to press on the joycons" non stop whining so I was really scared when I got my switch. Ends up the joycons are perfectly fine for every game and I've never once accidentally pressed in the joystick. Not sure what people are smoking. I ended up not buying a pro controller and haven't regretted it at all.