literally never see this game mentioned, just how dead is this franchise?
Literally never see this game mentioned, just how dead is this franchise?
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I don't how that could be if you spend any time on this board. It's talked about quite frequently.
It's not the franchise, it's just that particular game, and no one talks about it except for memeing because it's so fucking bad. You can see regular talks of almost all previous games. Even MGS4
thats because youre new here faggot
It's been 3 years, user.
It's not that bad, MGS4 is much worse than TPP.
This is just Zelda cycle all over again.
It's the best game of all time.
>*shoots the guy you’re trying to interrogate*
>*hums over your music*
>*repositions out of sight of enemies*
This. MGSfags had unrealistic expectations for it when Kojimbles already tweeted that it wouldn't be anything like GTAV.
As dead as can be? It's over. Whatever Konami shits out has nothing to do with it. V was already meh and 4 only worked for fans that get easy nostalgia boners like me
I have a terrible problem with this game:
D-Horse and D-Walker are very situational.
D-Dog and Quiet are great for stealth missions, however, D-Dog is way too overpowered and makes the game not fun at all.
>allows you to know about every single enemy, prisoner and plants nearby
>can also take down any enemy without alerting them
Quiet would be the alternative but she is totally unreliable and slow.
>MGS4 is much worse than TPP.
In what fucking way? Weird dialogues, boring cutscenes, shitty unnecessary retcons, Vocal Cord Parasites, everything that was bad in 4 is much worse in TPP.
Wanted to start a new game on the quadruple since we got it for "free" but I had forgotten how to beat the first boss and I'm apparently too dumb to figure it out. It really hurt my pride and turned me off the game.
V just needed more big base infiltrations like GZ. Most missions are so small and just wtf with those repetitive levels
What is the first boss? Not sure if it's some parasite unit or fireman. Regardless, yes you should feel ashamed, your team literally tells you how to beat each enemy through radio.
>You've been in a coma for quite some time
>literally never see this game mentioned
do want to know how I know how fucking new you are?
I mean the fire dude in the hospital. He's literally invincible.
>in the hospital
I am not going to mock you because I was also stuck on him for 30 minutes and had to look up a walkthrough. Yes, he is invincible and you are not supposed to defeat him. You just need to LITERALLY walk through the exit of the hospital to trigger the cutscene and someone else will "beat" him for you.
The only good character in MGSV
D-Horse is the patrician buddy
>shitty unnecessary retcons
Hey, I like MGS4 more than V, mostly for how conclusive to the series it feels and all the cutscenes and crazy stuff, but MGS4 had it's own share of shitty retcons. How about Liquid Ocelot actually being Revolver Ocelot who hypnotized himself, or explaining all the cool paranormal unexplainable shit like Vamp and Psycho Mantis with "lol, nanomachines, son"? MGS V repeated this mistake with explaining everything about MGS3 with "parasites, son", but what I'm saying is you can't use that point in your argument in favor of MGS4.
>Stop command
People are realizing Splinter Cell was always better.
Huey was alright. I mean for the role he was supposed to play. The rest of cast were bland and boring and didn't evoke any strong feelings whatsoever ('cept for Paz).
Well, the game is 2 and some months old, and it has been discussed to hell and back. The threads were mostly discussing how fun the gameplay could be, and the beauty of the Fox Engine. But then everybody was let down because of the uninspired boss fights, total lack of narrative, and the ending of the gaming telling you that it was basically an unfinished product. Not to mention that Act 2 is where all the filth underneath the surface comes to light; you start realizing how fucking barren the open world map is, and that MGS works infinitely better in closed spaces with tight design and good enemy placement.
>MGS4 is bad meme.
What's it like to be stuck in 2010? MGS-MGS4 is the best video game saga of all time, fucking prove me wrong.
D-Horse is useless for stealth unless you want to just skip an entire outpost by stealth-riding him through it. Which by the way is very overpowered.
You’re supposed to just dash to the exit and then a cutscene will play
It’s designed that it makes it seem like you’re supposed to fight him though, and progressing is entirely dependent on you standing in the right spot
I'm not saying that these problems aren't in 4, i'm saying that they are worse in V
Yeah, sorry, didn't read your post to the end.
That was terrible design. I had no idea what to do and kept leading him upstairs, looking for a fire extinguisher.
Huey was an irredeemable piece of shit lying loser, and I fucking loved him for it.
Yeah, that's what I mean, you're supposed to feel burning hate for him and how deep he is in denial. Maybe not hate but pity, but something. And he certainly draws strong emotions with his bullshit.
You shouldn’t be taking shortcuts for stealth in the first place, The game gives you everything you need right off the bat. D-Horse is good because he just cuts travel time considerably.
I also used him to knock out animals by running into them, rather than wearing out the suppressor on my tranq gun
D-Horse is goat for getting around. D-Dog's wallhack is only good if you're a shitter or hunting for wildlife.
What companion is not overpowered?
>Doggo - lights up the whole village with enemy marks like a Christmas tree
>Quiet - kills the whole village while you sit in comfort
>D-Walker - probably the least OP, but still a nearly unstoppable killing machine
>Kaz speech in the trailer
Really showing a man driving by despair and pain
>Kaz speech in game
Almost sound like an old men with dementia who forgot to take his pills
Stealth is hell if you don't have someone wallhacking for you, since enemies are erratically placed on the map and walking around all the time. You also can't scout the bigger bases with big buildings.
lmao git gud shitter
You really showed me internet tough guy
Kojima left Konami dud. wyd?
MGS will live on in Death Stranding
Why even bother, you obviously don't know how to play the game
>>Kaz speech in game
>Almost sound like an old men with dementia who forgot to take his pills
That was the first thing that threw me off about MGSV after an amazing prologue. They just dumped all the memorable powerful trailer quotes on you in 2 cutscenes one after another, like "here are your damn meme lines, you happy?", instead of evenly spreading them throughout the game at appropriate times.
If you really need a wall hack there are more options than buddies.
Active Sonar has ridiculous range, and probably should be louder than it is
>How about Liquid Ocelot actually being Revolver Ocelot who hypnotized himself, or explaining all the cool paranormal unexplainable shit like Vamp and Psycho Mantis with "lol, nanomachines, son"?
This was passive aggressive fuck you's from Kojima to the fans demanding explanations for what he deliberately intended to be unexplainable
>Stealth is hell if you don't have someone wallhacking
>enemies are erratically placed on the map and walking around all the time
nigger that's the best way to play it
>ridiculous range
when max upgraded
You people keep pretending doing stealth in this game is difficult as if this was the meatboy of stealth games, but no, this is easy as fuck. I, too, can drop magazines until I lead my enemies to the spot where I want. It's just that this is boring as fuck and not my idea of fun, I'd rather know where everyone is and plan how to beat them all quickly and easily.
I remember Sup Forums agreeing that the gameplay is best in series, that story had potential and is just unfinished and that its overall ok geym just not as good as it should be
mgs4 in general comes across as such a bitter, passive-aggressive statement
>MGSV has good Artificial Inteli-
MGSV doesn't even feel like a Metal Gear game, it's so unpolished and messy, people keep praising the fox engine, but to me it just seemed like a broken and buggy mess that needed way more testing. Yes, obviously it's masterfully optimized and that's a huge plus, but everything else is just a mess.
MGS has always felt polished, this game was the first one that felt like other games do.
Are you insane? Kaz was godlike in game
At least MGSV got gameplay.
>MGS4 is much worse than TPP
yeah no
at least Act 1 and 2 of MGS4 were good
>MGSV is bad meme
What it's like to stuck in 2017? MGS-MGS3 is the best video game saga of all time.
You can says the same to chapter 1 of MGSV, the second chapter is where the game jump the shark and most people blame it on that.
I replayed mgsv last month and it was far more enjoyable than the first time around
I was mad as hell on release, but I even managed to enjoy the story the second time around
I bet people would start to praise MGSV if Kojima stay in Konami and made MGS6.
MGS V was a good time f the stupid naysay'rs
out of curiosity, did you play any other MGS games?
All the MGS games dude
Not youtube. I mean have you played MGS1,2 and 3 for yourself
oh yes
>A fucking demon made of fire that literally eats bullets and shits them back at you who also resembles the dead russian lighting god you killed 20 years ago vs a guy with one arm one eye and just learned to walk 5 minutes ago
Yeah fighting him makes sense
MGSV has amazing gameplay. I know it's a meme but it really is "good game, bad MGS game".
heeeere we gooooooo
do you really feel it was a bad mgs game, I mean Kojima made worked on it himself, like the others.
>game lets you "fight" him twice before that
>shows you the mechanic of water countering him
>after that puts you to fight him again
>expects you to just run away instead of using the mechanic you learned
>do you really feel it was a bad mgs game
Yes. It had none of the hallmarks of MGS that I find enjoyable.
Having seen gameplay of other metal gear games, I dont see anything that isnt existant here that is in the last 4
I think the cancer fanbase has some arbitrary definition of what constitutes a "mgs game" because those are old, this is new, and new things are bad
t. Fag whos only played TPP
You run. The whole beginning is running away. From start to horse ride in the forest finish
Alright, well maybe you should play any of the other games before mouthing off then.
>being this salty because you couldn't berate user for not being a "real metal gear fan"
Sad, dude.
Really? I'll bite:
>big boss capture and torture scene (obligatory in any MGS game)
>long cutscenes
>good radio talks
>"if i tell him to play the games i wont have to come up with an explainable point, hehe gotcha"
If you play the games you can create your own informed opinion instead of just gleaning info here and there.
Only MGS1-3 have the classic tight pacing of cinematics.
I never liked the capture and torture parts.
I made the game feel to similar to the others when this happens. I don't feel it is something that has to be required in a MGS game.
Just in MGS 2 it was repeated for reason, because of the simulation aspects.
What are you retarded? He's obviously lying, "dude".
Or you can do what this user did
And explain what you think is obligatory in a mgs game
Which by the way these seem reasonable but i cant imagine them being format breaking, maybe the cutscenes
Too many nanomachines for you user. Its gotten to your head. And I also played Revengance and Peace Walker.
just like real life! you wouldn't survive long on the battlefield, kid. oh and I just did that dumbass confident "hmph" you only hear in animes.
>which metal gear games have you played
>all of them
it's just a tiny bit better than far cry 2 if you think about it
>i cant imagine them being format breaking
They are what make it unique. The lack of good radio talks (not that tape bullshit) and cutscenes killed it for me. And the lack of a torture scene was just the cherry on the cake.
It reminds me that I am playing MGS, it's great. Even MGR:R had a scene similar to that (monsoon's intro)
Its lazy if you ask me
What you list is just something that's traditional in MGS games, its inclusion doesn't make it any better.
There's better things to point out though such as the lack of indoor area.
MGS was great without indoors
MGS is laughably easy in outdoor levels.
>picks aspect they personally like in mgs
If you were a fan MGS then 4 wasn't bad at all, fan service from start to finish
I found the bosses in 4 to be great. Really enjoyable
No, indoor is great because of how you need to be cautious and carefully plan your movement because you don't even know if there's enemy on the other side of the wall. And when you get spotted you need to find a very good hiding place or else you would get busted.
MGS3 had outdoor levels but they were still levels. They still had intelligent level design.
MGSV being a sandbox hurt its potential for level design immensely. The only really memorable area I can think of in MGSV is that one mansion that you have to rescue Code Talker from.
This, though I like OKB Zero and Camp Omega much more.