*confuses your path*

*confuses your path*

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Wait a minute, that claw...

Average Bethesda mind boggling

there are 27 variations
kid in kindergarden can bruteforce it

wait, what part of the game is this?
i got stuck at the rotating pillars part.

>Show the solution to the puzzle at e3 presentation
>Copy and paste the same puzzle in a bunch of other dungeons, only changing the order for each.

>that part with the pillars and arrows
>keep getting hit by arrows and die
>get past it after 4 hours
>get to this part
>deathgrip my switch every time I fail

I got so mad at Skyrim my Switch screen cracked from the death grip I had and I ripped out the cart and bit into it. Tasted like shit, just like the game should.

I wrote down ever combination and tried copying the same pattern before but it doesn't work. Fuck "puzzles" in games, I don't want to have to think about retarded shit or face a roadblock.

>make puzzle that's solved using feature that's never presented to the player
>make it easy to bruteforce anyways so the player never needs to figure it out

people who got stuck on that are retarded

You also need the claw as the final key

why do I see so many threads about this now? somebody sauce me up

Only literal brainlets had an issue here

There were plenty of hints that the claw had the key, and the journal you grab off the guys body outright tells you

>nintentoddlers are mentally ill
What a surprise

it's funny when people try to claim smart but they forget that the solution was given to them during that

It never tells you how to zoom in on the key though, and when Skyrim came out a lot of people still had CRTs so it was impossible to see the small icons on the claw without doing that

wait-hold on time out?
what the fuck do you mean? you bit it into it? this is satire r-right?

>a lot of people still had CRTs
>at the very end of 2011


27 possible combinations is more than enough (you also need the claw or you can't get through the wall).

A tumbler lock code can be discovered by anyone cycling through the numbers with enough time, but finding the code will usually be faster. They stall a thief/intruder long enough that you can stop them from breaking in, which is what these things would be doing if the civilization were still around to guard the places.
Since these are ancient civilizations using giant stone plates, setting up the modern briefcase equivalent of three 0-to-9 tumblers isn't sensible.

Regardless, it's all a fucking waste of time for a video game, the only thing any "puzzles" do in a fucking RPG is slow you down, you dick around in an empty room until you push buttons in the right order before you can move on to the next bit of content. They're never any sort of curious riddle with a branching outcome if you fail to solve it. How about a fucking pit trap that drops you into a deeper level of a dungeon.

>Silent Hill tier riddles in vidya never ever

Yeah, no soy boy would be strong enough to death grip any nintendo console. Nice bait.

Imagine how neat it would be if the correct combination had to be puzzled out through examining the pictures carved in the walls to the hall leading up to the gate. Every claw would have its own unique carvings and you would have to research into the meaning of the symbols to get the proper combination.

So Shor getting stabbed by Alduin while Mara sneaks up from behind Alduin would be Fox - Dragon - Wolf.

The idea isn't too bad but the execution you suggested is fucking terrible. How the fuck would players unfamiliar with the setting solve this stupid puzzle? Hell, even veterans probably wouldn't be able to connect the dots.

Protip for these: Almost every single one of them is solved by rotating each section twice

Just have a few books on the ancient nords' totemic religion. Include a few hints along the way (through NPC dialogue or notes in the dungeon) that they should hit the books for some research if they're stumped.

I enjoyed this a lot in Dishonored 2.

>You can either try to solve it yourself or do an extensive sidequest to get the solution for you

You and I know the casual Skyrim fanbase wouldn't go for that shit at all.

>in order to go through a ruin(thats just another tuesday for me) you need to sell yourself to a deadra and after your death your spirit will be locked to this place *points towards empty hole in the ground.

ge wiz tod, I do hope there isnt a MOD so I can say NO.

>Bleak Falls Barrow
>Find cryptic door
>Press all three panels twice
>Open sesame
>Tfw you've restarted the game so many times that you automatically know the puzzle with even checking the claw.


Yes, and?
Skyrim is shit and this would be an improvement to make it less shit. You get the fanbase you deserve, Todd.

false flags are so funny
you guys keep fighting over your toys while i play all of them, alright? if you actually played the games you shilled i might run into you, and that's no good.

>millenia year old door protecting some ancient secret
>secure it with a lock and a combination for maximum protection
>the key to unlock the door has the code to the door on it
>defeating the purpose of the code entirely

why is bethesda retarded

The dude's journal literally tells you how to solve it.
Retards nowadays are too stupid to bother reading shit in an rpg.

>came here to post this

>*blocks your access to the College*

>*blocks you from RPing as a good lawful character*

I mean, most of those Claws hold Word Walls, and they would be utterly useless to 99% of people in Tamriel

>*blocks your most direct path from the Bee and Barb to Balimund*

>*blocks your exits from small areas*

Because someone coouldn't figure this kindergarten puzzle and now some people are trying to justify it just to be different

I've played through the start so many times and I've never bothered to know how to actually solve it, I just bruteforce it every time. Still haven't ever finished a playthrough.

I think youre confused
>if you have the key you can open the door
yeah so. there's only one key. that's like saying its retarded that your house key opens up your front door because anyone who has the key can get in

Did no-one see the demo?

>*blocks your progress*
>*tricks you into pledging your ever-lasting soul to Nocturnal*

>She really thought I would bring the skeleton key back

*unblocks the path*

>*blocks your path to Dragonrend*

You are the retarded one.
The claws are all the same shape, so the code is needed to differentiate between them when trying to unlock the door.

Without the code you could just use the Coral claw in bleak falls barrow instead of the Gold claw, because they are the same shaped key.

I think the design for securing doors in Skyrim is not very well thought out. It is like having a door with a keyed lock and 3 digit combo master lock, but engraving the combination on the key.

*confuses your path even more*

Not the user you were talking to, butThat makes sense.

>*blocks Alteration from having unlock spells back*

Having to have a lockpicking mage with 100 Alteration just feels retarded

>*tcl my way in*

>Bust out a notepad and take a whack at it cause I'm feelin like a smart lad
>After about 10 minutes I get frustrated after realizing I still have the names in the wrong order
>Fuck it
>Flip a random name and turn to leave
Of course I went and did the sidequests anyway because I'm an autismo collector but I had a pretty hard brain boner while I did it

Read the fucking books you idiots, the system's set up that way so draugr can't open the doors but anyone with a brain can.

>there is draugr behind the door

No, it's to keep the ones in front of it contained, the doors are typically located near the back of dungeons.
Remember that basically every single dungeon has a fast exit.

skyrim's retard filter

>the system's set up that way so draugr can't open the doors but anyone with a brain can.

Except there is only one key that matches each door and the door can't be opened without that specific key, rendering the combination lock completely unnecessary.

Took me about 2 hours to get past this

>found the solution before i found the riddle
well fuck

It was an okay puzzle, but not even close to the tier of Silent Hill. Silent Hill 1's first riddle alone is better than any other riddle I've encountered in any video game that wasn't called Silent Hill.

You know you can just walk into the sewers, right? I don't even talk to Brynjolf anymore.

The only legimate criticism I have about the puzzle is that game never tells you that you can/how to rotate items in the inventory screen. Unless they added that later.

I always brute force them.

Finding the optimal method to bruteforce a puzzle in any game is kino.

I bruteforce safe in thief4 using the optimized algorithm. And it's fucking more fun than looking on the code on a paper or somewhere else.

If alteration can open locks as well as lockpicking, there's no need for lockpicking. Why would you ever take lockpicking when you can take alteration to open locks AND do other things?

At least nothing happen if you brotefurce the claw puzzles.
Try to brutforce this one and a horde of automatons will fuck your shit up everytime you fail.

Which place was that? I don't recall seeing that puzzle.
