Already played fates. Which 3DS fire emblem should I get next?

Already played fates. Which 3DS fire emblem should I get next?

None, play the actual good games, like FE Sacred Stones or FE7.

>Sacred Stones


Personally I didn't like any of the 3DS FE games besides Conquest. Emulators are free, try FE7 or 9 if you haven't already.

if you have a hacked 3ds download the ambassador edition version of Sacred Stones from Freeshop, if not Awakening. I imagine you wouldn't really like Echoes too much if you started with Fates.


Awakening then Echoes

They're all the same. Play one, play all. I started with this one then went to Sacred Stones and Binding Blade.
After I went straight to 4 and oh boy, that game holds up so well, it made me drop it, because I realized I've played games over two decades old. FE never ever progressed.
And then I understood why they inserted animu in the first place.

>playing Fates first
The mechanics are going to feel like a major step down when you play Awakening.

>simple UI

FE4 plays a lot different then the others because of its big ass maps. So does Fates because it re-balances and introduces some different systems. Gaiden/Echoes is more of a JRPG/dungeon crawler.

>>FE Switch
-Open World
-No casual mode
-MC like Dark Souls/Skyrim
-My castle like FOB(MGSV)
-Real-time Strategy

Will you buy?

get echoes, best 3DS FE easily

>Open World

>-Real-time Strategy

GBAbbies are even more boring than Awakening Lucinafags. So many good choices like Nino, Serra, Sue and Amelia and yet you choose the most boring girl

Play Awakening then Echoes. Note that the gameplay in both is going to feel like a downgrade.

>Sacred Stones or FE7
Wow, you named all of the GBA games except for the good one.

If he has a hacked 3DS, he can get all three GBA games. Don't be absurd.

Fuck no. Every single point on that list would make the game significantly worse. Open world alone is already a death knell for any game.

awakening on hard setting straight up since you played fates

I feel like I should ask just in case since Xander's mug is in here, did you play both Fates routes or just Birthright? If the latter, definitely play Conquest.

>open world rts



Why don't you just go back to playing Skyrim, Todd?
