Why are you on Sup Forums instead of playing a video game right now?
Why are you on Sup Forums instead of playing a video game right now?
Why are you a dumb sissy anime boi?
D-does pokemon GO count?
A-are you serious?
I'm eating.
I'm at work
I'm at work tho. Can't possibly play anything owrthwhile without attracting attention.
Why won't you just shut up and suck some dicks instead?
What the fuck man
animals will be animals
>browsing chinese cartoons discussions while at work
Let’s see how this plays out Cotton.
Doing it since I've started last year and nothing came out of it. It helps that I have a small office just for me. And who the fuck is cotton?
I'm too lazy to get out of bed
I'm taking a break, was practicing button mashing with Laura in SFV.
Who the fuck has time to do that?
>browse Sup Forums
>listen to tunes
thats y
Because I'm wasting time while writing on the homebrew setting for the dnd game I'm running.
I have class in 20 minutes
img deleted, what was there?
The weak should fear the strong
Eating while reading Sup Forums
I'm waiting for my hot pockets to finish in the oven.
Climbing the ladder on lol isnt easy nigga
ah nice.
I prefer lmao personally
I just spent 4 hours starting a civ 6 campaign with my friend, so yeah ima take a break.
I have a headache and my neck hurts worse than Steve Austin using the stunner on my dick
Husky killing a little white pup
I don't like games. I'm just here for the ambient discord of this place and the bara/husbando thread
I'm at work don't tell my boss
Cause I'm making a simple timer program.
Beerus sure knows how to spend his down time.
I have too much to play and nothing to play. I almost never have an urge to play any type of game, and when I do it wears off quickly and I drop the game. games themselves are so shit they can't hold my interest.
Just finished shoveling my driveway. Gonna make some lunch and then get comfy with some vidya.
I’m taking a massive shit and while I could’ve brought the switch in with me, I decided against it.
I don't actually like video games, despite owning hundreds of different games and over a dozen consoles.
Why are YOU on Sup Forums right now instead of playing videogames?
because i'm taking a shit
Because I've become addicted to shitposting. And you guys are the only guys I can talk about vidya with.
I'm at work
i need to pick up my laundry soon
and then I need to study organic chemistry
and let's be honest I'm just going to fap until bed after that
I too am takin a shit. Also I just got up man, I haven't even eaten yet. I'M GETTING HUNGRY, HOMBRE.
eat your shit.
problem solved.
i've spent the last 12 hours playing bloodborne. the game's still on even.
I'm supposed to fap now according to my schedule. Thanks for reminding me to get off Sup Forums OP.
fap right here, right now.
give updates
Why is Sup Forums so gay now?
No good games out.
I should be studying right now and playing vidya would make my procrastination feel worse.
So I'm here instead, doing essentialy the same amount of harm by avoiding my obligations but doing something less pleasant instead.
too tired after work
Funposting while at work
actually 4 right here
Baby's first trap, but still a solid one among entry level. Can do better, though.
Revolutionary concept. Funny how cat girls and cat boys have been a thing for a while now and it took that long for a cat girl (male) of notoriety to show up. 9/10
Shitty "drawn girl called a boy". There's literaly nothing masculine about him, which misses the point of a trap entirely. The contemporary baby's first trap, only worse than Ruka, Bridget, Pico or any other of the older pleb choices.
Trully tasteful choice. Good balance between masculinity and femininity, but with both taken to the extreme for increased contrast and appeal.
Almost the same as >4, but with less contrast between features. Still a solid choice.
I'd personaly go with either 4 or 5, but 2 is a pretty safe and decent choice.
I fapped to a loli prostitution manga and came 3 times. There was even a cute trap getting fucked by black oldmen at the end of the manga. Shit was good.
Gib link
Haha no.
Well fuck you too.
Who's the artist for this? I can't read the stylized kana in the bottom right (Is it Chisozuri??) and the romanji doesn't turn up anything but the joy luck club on google.
I'm in the hospital.
Eating and patching. Gonna play either SFV or Nioh.
I'm waiting in the library for my next class
Who is the first one on the right?
>his hospital doesn't have a ps4
>which misses the point of a trap entirely
Why? Traps are supposed to look like girls and to look like a girl that much would mean you did a really good job being convincing.
I just woke up
I have no good vidya left to play.
because i have my pc in technical service because i have really bad luck.
Not home and phone games suck
someone is boosting my overwatch account haha
My parents are home and I can't play my weeb games in peace.
Server crashed
If you're literal about the definition, sure.
But that dilutes the concept to the point where it becomes worthless.
How the fuck does a trap differ from a futa with that definition? And wouldn't a futa be, by default, a better trap than any commonly refered trap?
The more commonly used definition of "trap" is more descriptive for those particular cases where you don't know for sure if it's a boy or a girl, but leans ever so slightly towards the girl. It's slightly more descriptive than simply "androgynous", which is basicaly the middle of the road.
We already have a definition for "literal girl with a penis". Why make trap a synonym?
That would only make the futa tag more confusing and the current trap niche more difficult to describe.
B O R E D and not in the mood of playing anything.
Futas have tits most of the time. Plus with the trap tag you know there are gonna be balls instead of that weird vagina/dick hybrid that shows up on some futa stuff.
5-6-7-8-9 counts respectively as 1-2-3-4-5.
0 means none.
Dubs means two by choice, trips 3 and so on.
I'm an Ukranian poorfag
Same here.
Are you a fucking pentium 4 or what?
Cant do both?
I always play the game, pause, check Sup Forums, then go back to playing.
1 and 5, you're a fucking faggot if you disagree.
The Archer from Drifters
retrying haha
>not wanting to fiddle around with Felix's barbed micropenis
The sexiest boy.
I'm not at home
The more you try to specify it, the more confusing it gets.
So, what's the difference between DFC futa and a trap? Just the balls?
So every futa with balls is just a trap?
What about the "full package futa"? It has balls, so it should be a trap, but it also has a vagina. Can traps have vaginas between their balls and their boipussies?
And just to go the extra mile, when 3DPD is concerned, does a shamale that removes her balls "promoted" from a dick girl to a trap?
I know I'm being autistic, but I want to make it clear that this is all about semantics to me.
It just makes more sense to admit the word "trap" has gained an implied meaning to it over the years that goes beyond its ability to fool you. A trap has to have a certain nuance to it, or else you'd be better off calling it something else entirely.
I'm taking a big fat shit right now.
If liking it makes you gay then it's a trap. How bout that. So they're all traps.
I don't like videgames.
because I'm working
Listen, a trap is a boy who has feminine girly looks and features. They can pass easily as a girl especially when dressed in girls clothes.
It has nothing to do with futa because it's based in real life. In the old days people would post hot traps to lure people into saying they wanted to fuck them. Hence the name trap.
If a trap looks boyish it fails to pass and thus is not a trap. Get it?
nigger, you fucking gay
I agree that it's all semantics, but I don't know if you realize you're working under your own connotation. If you do, that's fine.
A futa can have balls, but doesn't have to. A trap always has balls. Because a futa CAN have them, I wouldn't suggest that this was a way to differentiate the two clearly.
What I pointed out was the breasts. Futas almost always have breasts, because big exaggerated titties are something people find appealing about the female form, they just also want a big dick. With a trap, you're looking for something that could "fool" you, which usually means it doesn't have a big pair of tits.
I'm sure there are loli futa doujins, but at that point I think the line between trap and futa is a lot harder to find. What separates a trap in that instance isn't something so physical, it's more behavioral/how they dress. It's a feeling more than anything concrete.
Because Halo 2 on Legendary is only fun in short bursts
You guys are confusing futa's, transexuals, crossdrssers and traps.
A trap is a boy that passes as a girl. A trap must be girly enough to pass, nice legs, hips, ass etc but they are biological boys.
A trap is not a futa or transexual but a trap can become a transexual. Not all crossdressers are traps as not all can pass but almost all traps are crossdressers.
Faggots and chasers are bastardizing the term because they weren't here when it was created.