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I heard AM2R is better.


It was good times. repititve parts too it though, with the metroid killing n shit

Vote here:


4th option: didn't play one of them; AMSR2

If you didn't play one of them then the vote isn't for you retard

you know you are only supposed to vote if played both , right?

Yes, we're getting Metroid 5 now because of it.

Yes but because of it and AM2R there is no definitive Metroid 2 experience, and neither of them nailed the ending as well as the original did.

you could have made that an option and most ppl would have picked it space cunt

I didn't vote boi

It was pretty good.
Definitely looks and plays better.
The counter mechanic wasn't nearly as necessary as that one faggot in this board made it out to be with his thread shitting on the game every day until ralease day.
Over all nothing to write home about, good nonetheless.

The poll is to see what people who played both liked more. Nobody gives a shit about your third world opinion. Why are you even in this thread?

a thread about Samus Returns and not ASMR2 which many most likely didn't even play? You are fucked man.


A little bit, which is kinda bad considering that Metroid is my favorite Nintendo

yeah 5, Dread, The Game After Fusion

sheeeit I'm retarded and misread your original post as you saying you never played any of them my b

Yes. I don't think counter was that big of a deal because all the enemies are aggressive as shit and can tank hits pretty well.
There are two things I didn't care for. One is that they kept throwing regular missile expansions at you even when you're on your way to tackle Queen Metroid. Like I had some 200 missiles, I don't need another 3, give me an e-tank or super missile.
The other is that the baby metroid is what removes the crystal things cock blocking you the entire game. But the game is pretty much over by that point except for lol, Ridley. I'm not going to cycle through the entire map again when I just did that when I got power bombs.

no one played shitty MR2 lad.
just voted out of spite now.
go fuck yourself.

I really did, but I have to concede am2r is better. Excited for more 2D Metroid

It's actually my favorite 2D Metroid after Super.

Took me a while to finish it because I had little motivation, but I've played worse things

It's the only 2D Metroid game I've 100%'d. It's really fun to retraverse the world with your little baby companion, and the reward you get for 100% completion made me super excited to see what comes next.

It was great.

Yeah, Metroid 5 also known as Metroid Dread, the game that's supposed to come after Fusion.

No. Gameplay-wise its the best in the series, but where the game falls flat is having memorable locations. Hollow Knight did this too, it's just cave cave cave, stone ruins, cave cave cave, ruins with the occasional glass window etc.

There needs to be variety so it doens't feel like you're running around the same bland cave for hours on end. Look at La Mulana, every area was unique and even had its own lore. Even Metroid is supposed to have the occasional pirate facility or ghost ship.


Best song.

It wasn't terrible but AM2R was a lot better.

Super > Zero Mission > Samus Returns > Fusion > II > I

I loved it.