When did you realize he was /oruguy/?
When did you realize he was /oruguy/?
>Run now, keep your job
literally alpha
He is annoying as fuck but he always keeps it real, doesn’t pretend to like shit to fit in like Sup Forums so he is not “”””””””””ourguy””””””””””
Damn, that's some ownage
>(8+6+7+2+3)/5= 5.2
>overall 3
What? Is overall just its own thing?
>stays home all day
>clearly doesnt like videogames but forces himself to play them
>Begs for free shit
>Whines over everything
Yup this is Sup Forums's guy alright
Are DSP greenscreens apex kino
Wtf I love DSP now
Stay on Kiwifarms, Vidar. We want you here even less.
Well damn, I guess he is our guy.
>hiring a shit eating whore to pose as your girlfriend
>a well-to-do, high class hooker is going to risk her lucrative career just to make false allegations against Phil for no real reason.
do DSP's paypigs actually believe this?
>dat feel when you'll never create your own prison out of play video games for a living
Going for quantity over quality REALLY backfired for DSP in the long run.
If there's actually a formula here then they aren't weighing each category the same.
Told you dumb fucks it was fake.
>made a group of spergs obsessed with his existence to the point of forming a hate-group that probably only served to boost his long-term popularity despite their annoyances to him
>people are so infuriated by him they spend days making hour+ condensations of his playthroughs so they can get 2,000 unpartnered views on Youtube for literally free
>lives off big Twitch tips and cheers playing vidya all day
>blew Freddy Fuchboy clean off the internet
>works newfags into a frothing rage
nope he got fucked in the ass by a hooker multiple times and she shot hot dragon cum into him for his pleasure
Of course it was fake. Did anyone actually believe that?
I enjoy watching him fuck up but for the past two years or so it's just been autism overload.
DSP wins again.
It's actually hilarious how detractors are so incompetent he keeps BTFOing them.
>>blew Freddy Fuchboy clean off the internet
Autistic Emperor blew himself up. Being autistic and giving in tends to do that. I bet he's dying somewhere being unable to talk about recent developments.
how much have you donated to dsp?
It was always too good to be true. DSP won pretty hard yesterday between the doxing group giving up because DSP can't even mentally comprehend giving them the answer that they wanted and the escort stuff finally being proven false.
*singlehandedly invents the Let's Play format in your path*
How did he do it bros
Will Youtube ever acknowledge his contribution by giving his all of poodickpoo's money?
Hi Fred!
Average detractor btw
He hired a prostitute to be his girlfriend and tried to not pay her on her 3rd visit. She then told everyone because he blocked her.
the most annoying thing he does these days is say a stream is starting at a certain time, show up late, and then ramble about nonsense for an hour and 10 minutes before starting the fucking game. pisses me off every fucking time.
>earlier some user links to a forum where they collect data on (e)celebs to make fun of them
>take a quick look around and sort by thread size
>dsp's thread is the biggest by far, it's not even close
literally i started listening and soy started spilling out of my headphones im not even joking bros
Kiwicucks are blowing up right now
291 pages discussing fake escort. not autistic or obsessed though
It doesn't matter I'll keep spreading it because it's funny. People are fucking stupid and will belove anything.
Will he play GT Sport?
Why doesn't he want to play Super Mario Sunshine?
DSP literally cannot lose.
>run now, keep your job
Reminder that DSP LITERALLY makes soyboys vomit
thread theme
Keep in mind he was already fat when he lost the job and started doing this shit full time. DSP degraded so fast from his thin self it's not even funny.
kiwifarms btfo'd
Holy DSP can seriously bant
Half-hourly reminder.
DSP is going to be super smug for the next few days and then just move onto bitching about the youtube monetization changes coming soon.
Please post more
What happened to Fred Fuchs?
Reminder that "MitchyD" ended up writing the Star Wars Battlefront 2 story and got pissed at bad reviews saying the story was shit.
>tfw kiwifarms
He used to. Living by himself in a gated community with no real human interaction to a point he fears someone ringing at his door fucked him up big time.
his autism got too strong and the SoK imploded
I've never seen anyone waddle to turn around
people joke about his back, but there's definitely something wrong with him. like how he can't stand still.
I don't believe this, that has to be fake
i wonder how much Phil had to pay her to do this LOL, what a fucking peace of shit person Phil is
That's actually a really good question, whatever the fuck happened to that political science masters , keyboard and skypecall addict tony montanna wannabe, student ?
How mentally ill must one be to hack an escort's twitter account to shitpost about DSP? This on top of making 8 hour vids about DSP
imagine how much load kiwifarms spilled jerking off to her hot body imaging they had gfs of their own. DSP won... he fucking won. it's over guys.
DSP shills out in full force today.
Anyway finally the bullshit MW story is over.
>Desperately believing this nonsense
The only reason this went on as long as it did was because the cucked mods at kiwifarms let him/her have a platform to do this shit non-stop.
Chad Burnil v. Virgin Mitch
>The Sons will rise again
Jesus Christ, give it a rest you dorks.
DSP literally got cucked though
>The Sons will rise again. I'll be back
>Sons of Kojima
Fred Fuchs was the fake escort?
Kiwi cucks BTFO
Can't believe how gullible those idiots are
>Fred's ultimate revenge was getting a sex-change, pegging DSP and filling him with dragon cum
Holy shit bros he really went off the deep-end
>rating a game 3/10 without understanding what it's trying to do is amateurish.
Oh come on don't tell me that whole escort things was freddy fuck cuchs trying to get back to the whole "anti-dsp" thing
Not video games.
Many have suspected this. Autism like Freddy boy's doesn't just disappear overnight.
When he made an unboxing video and forgot to unbox the game.
If my post ends in 5, anyone who posts an e-celeb thread is banned for 1 year due to being underage.
But he claims he used to lift and was muscular, when was that?
not to mention he has shown to no be above messing with dsp directly to generate drama himself. sadly, even kiwi farms doesn't really adhere to prime directive anymore aka observe the trainwreck, but don't interfere beyond pointing a finger and laughing. fred fuchs' problem was he wanted e-fame.
Thats a fake you dumb goy i bet you believe what you see on the news.
>Sammy Samosa was right all along
>the sons will rise again
So the whole escort issue was just fred at it again ?
Haha, the leet doxing haxors got played as well.
The prostitution thing never made sense. That a guy who lives near the canadian border would go halfway around the world to find a sex worker was suspicious enough, but no sex worker would blow you now and ask you to pay later.
>flies his tight new redhead piece of ass out to fuck him anytime he wants on his cuck fan's dime
>drink nothing but gin
>eats nothing but fast good
>plays video games all day
>makes a living doing this
>hates video games
When was it ever in doubt that he is /ourguy/?
based as fuck
DSP detractors think sonic game are actually good LOL
Sorry to tell you this but you have severe case of autistic fibrosis
These losers are just in the desperate throes of trying to bait DSP into telling who his g/f is before she's moved in, so they can do something autistic and try to make it not happen.
People still, to this day, call AVGN a cuck for no reason. This will stick.
>owns 2 houses
>when money is "tight" rather than sell the unoccupied house, he holds beg-athons
I feel for those dumb kids
At this point they definitely reached a higher level of autism than phil.
nope. I can actually play a game without getting my hand hold.
>eats nothing but fast good
be fair now. his Christmas dinner was two pieces of spam, macaroni and cheese and a roll.
I hate his personality and he really fucking sucks at video games. That being said, watching him in those "how you DON'T play" videos is pretty fun. I sort of understand the appeal of watching him, but would never give his actual channel views.
it's faggots like this that make me cheer for DSP
Who's TN woman?
its a real shame nothing of her got leaked
Pure kino