Gaming peaked in the 2000s. I bet after 2020 it's going to be even worse.
Gaming peaked in the 2000s. I bet after 2020 it's going to be even worse
definitely right about the former, probably right about the latter, although i hope not
Which are the best games from the 2000s?
Thanks Valve, Overwatch and PUBG!
>a mature, proper man, console gaming
i just don't see it
re4, diablo 2, half life 2, deus ex, unreal (1) and tournament 2k4 spring to mind for me but that's barely scratching the surface really
hello sonygrony
Because they play at home and hide their powerlevel in public.
>inb4 quentin comics
Simply doesn't exist. Consoles are for children, manchildren and idiots. PCs are somewhat more diverse.
it's just that you grew up while browsing this degenerate shithole of a board.
That's because everyone knows mature proper men don't play videogames. Instead they funpost on a Taiwanese steam enthusiast board.
Video games have always been soyboy. Manchildren have existed for decades with shit like Star Trek. The internet just makes them more well known.
Daniel Tosh?
Most accurate.
it's just one guy
>Gaming peaked in the *insert decade of my childhood here*
true, i know one retired engineer that likes those complex flight simulators
nope, anybody who grew up in the 80s or 90s will tell you that games from the 2000s were better, hands down
Re4 is nowhere near those other titles you fucking mongol
>gaming hasn't stagnated at all, you're just nostalgic
maybe you've just got shit taste tardotron
But this is actually true if you think about it. How good games are is just an opinion, and there are no exact right and wrong opinions. I bet kids these days are having just as much fun with todays games as we had back in the day, so their opinion on games is just as valid as yours.
there's this thing called objective truth, it exists outside of people not within them
Re4 is universally renowned as one of the best games of all time and the best in the series only being challenged by REmake by fans (though a lot of fans would say Remake is better.) The game has been copied for better or worse by many games BECAUSE it is that good. Sup Forums having shitty contrarian opinions doesn't change how good RE4 is, faggot.
Nah I think gaming is always best near the start of a decade. It'll be good for a while till 2025 when all the games bandwagoning off the success of the 2020s games start to come out
Pick one
those are manchildren, not mature men
so the numale meme is real?
PC gaming in the early 00s was chalk full of edgy pubescent teenage fucks. You just didnt mind then because you were one of them. Our generation was really the start of the "hardcore" gaming crowd, and go figure, a bunch of young faggots grew up into old faggots. I guess you could argue arcades as the start of competitive gaming, but they eventually closed.
oh wow go fucking figure that 10 year olds aren't able to purchase consoles. Most of the 35-44 bracket is probably buying them as gifts for their
>rewriting history
PC fags have always been fat neck beards. Right about the console players though.
14th post best post
there were no neck beards in the 90s, but there were pc gaming nerds back then
That's this industry's biggest well kept secret.
There's only one guy playing games.
>PC fags have always been fat neck beards.
Nah, my dad was a jock nerd and he was the one that got me into PC gaymen.
Sitting on his lap playing Heretic, Jedi Outcast, and games like C&C Tiberian Sun were fucking great.
Hell, he still plays PC games to this day, and the clan he's in is mainly people in their 30s and 40s who're married, have jobs, wives, and kids.
The popular PC games are filled with the same kids and manchildren as the popular console games, but the more niche games have retained a much more mature playerbase.
if you're cool, you don't own shit that can be associated easily with children. At least in my eyes. It's all subjective really though. Nothing wrong with consoles/pc/tablets or whatever. I just wouldn't call you cool/mature. Which isn't an insult, it's just a description of someone.
who is that man?
>if you're cool, you don't own shit that can be associated easily with children.
Only white people actually believe this, which is why their oncoming extinction will be a net benefit.
>If you want to play with chill, laid back people who are actually full grown adults, they're probably going to be bad
>If you want to play with actual good players they're going to be like 16 and toxic as all fuck
I think I've found a semi decent balance in my current clan, but even still, our best players are all like
A mature person won't spend $2000 on a gaming PC for a few more pixels LOL
A mature person won't play video games.
but a "mature" person will buy a boat for $30k that they use once a year, maybe. That's a pretty shitty argument and I think you could have proved your point better.
PC gamers are more like this and they have always been like this.
see, that's the thing, you already own a pc for work, taxes, forms, pictures, you name it
you console boys can't understand that
my little cousin was begging me to let him keep playing his save of OoT when he came at my house, way over playing any of my others consoles
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
He goes by many names.
Most just call him a loser
Not really man, believe what you want though, your experiences are likely different then mine. But as a warning (because I've definitely been shot at for this) don't go into the wrong situation with shit on your nose.
So which are socially acceptable hobbies for real men?
hi, it isn't 1998 anymore. we have things called mobile phones, tablets, and laptops now
It's not about the fedora. PC gamers have always been fat ugly nerds is what I'm saying.
>Not really man
Yes really man.
Believing that owning something to play games on or have fun with makes you "less cool" is 100% a white people belief.
Which, again, is why I can't wait for them to go extinct.
and fedoras
Working on cars. It's what my chad older brother does and girls seem to like it.
Video games are only going to get better and better (overall) as the years go by, but the playerbases are only going to get worse and worse.
There is no way of denying this.
A laptop is a PC you mong, and you can't do actual work or even proper taxes on a tablet or phone.
Hell, you can't even use fucking Solver in the mobile/tablet versions of Excel, which makes it functionally useless.
I want to smash your face in until you have permanent brain damage.
Why? you could easily play chess or something for mental stimulation. Just doesn't match up with the description of a cool person. To me that's people who act a certain way and have certain inclinations. As I said before, it's subjective.
>a lot of money
Pick one
>As I said before, it's subjective.
Right, which is why it's something only believed by white people.
I find it imposible for that men to pose with his mouth open while holding a switch.
>thinks people who need powerfully desktops for work can just use tablets and laptops
I wouldn't know I wasn't born yet
That is all.
Most of Sup Forums only has a McJob, you think they'd ever need something like a Bloomberg terminal to do their work?
How do you figure? I've met people from all different backgrounds who I think are cool. I've seen the patterns in their behavior, likes and dislikes. Of course the people I think are cool are exactly lower class citizens, either by birth, trade, skill or personality they became who they are. To fit my own personal definition of success and coolness. Games aren't a large part of that. Doesn't fit the scene.
>How do you figure?
I've never met or even seen a non-white who thinks playing video games makes someone "less cool."
Mainly because "cool" is a white people thing.
there's more in life than that
Ok you render high quality videos on a tablet with deadlines if it’s so easy cunt
Yes, everyone has a PC, but only autists spend 2k on a PC is the point he's making, retard.
>Gaming peaked in the 2000s
Nigger, have you ever been on a college campus?
Fucking Macbooks as far as the eye can see, and those regularly go for upwards of $1800.
You're fucking retarded if you believe that.
>if you’re cool you don’t do things you think other people won’t like
>in the privacy of your own fucking home
That’s not anyway to live man
Well, there's fighting wild animals if that's more your thing.
I wanna know what you're smoking if you think they bought that with their earned money. They all buy it on loan as a status symbol. What I'm trying to say is, most people will be happy to continue playing games on their toaster/mid tier prebuilt than spend that much on parts simply for gaming.
A lot of my opinions come from travelling so that might play a part in my opinions. But I believe you if you when you say you've never seen that. I grew up in a shitty furniture manufacturing town in the Carolinas. I had very similar ideas at that time because of the demographic I had constant exposure to.
People who play any game apart from super mainstream stuff like COD, FIFA and Assassins Creed are all ugly weird nerds.
Never sign any contract, user.
Did you receive a severe brain injury in 2009?
pcs for work go much higher than 2k
>their toaster/mid tier prebuilt
Which also cost upwards of $1000.
You dumb nigger, you're fucking stupid if you think prebuilts or laptops or surface books or whatever aren't expensive.
I'd be ok with being TOSH. He's pretty hot.
Nigga prebuilts cost $600 what the fuck are you smoking
Only """"mature"""" people are Simdads
I doubt you've ever met a non-white who would consider playing video games "uncool" either.
>black smithing
>wood crafting
>car repair
i don't know, so many things
What does Wil Wheaton have to do with PC gaming
>games made for either PC or console sometimes both
>games made for console with shitty ports to PC or indieshit that runs like ass despite using minimalist graphics and other non intensive shit
i just want a good singleplayer-coop/multiplayer FPS that focues on good gameplay with little to no gimmicks or DLC/microtransactions
A prebuilt with not GPU costs $600, and that's not a mid-range prebuilt.
A mid-range prebuilt with mid-range parts (GPU included) easily goes for $1000+
don't tell me you still play on PC "master race" as an adult lmao
based quentin
I have never seen a more "white people" picture in my entire life.
Considering the 2010s is full of weebshit and furshit, yeah.
Those don't sound like fucking or fighting.