Redpill me on this series.
I watched this video and now I can't stop listening to the song featured in it.
Redpill me on this series.
I watched this video and now I can't stop listening to the song featured in it.
Other urls found in this thread:
You beat on a plastic drum. You have two drum faces and also need to tap the sides for your beats. Pretty fun, more typical japanese drum music given that it's never really made it outside Japan.
you can play it within Yakuza 5 tho
>Redpill me on this series.
It gets much more complex and varied than the seemingly trivial method of input makes it seem. Like most rhythm games, the only obstacle between you and the game is your own skill. Expect to play it regularly for years and still get nowhere near passing the hardest charts.
what the hell this is the coolest thing I've seen this year
hope the guy makes one for the PS4 theme song
Why would I he can do it better
When did the PS4 get a theme? You mean the PV songs for the upcoming games?
isn't つながれ!ひろがれ!打ち上がれ! the theme song for the PS4 game
I was thinking about getting this for the ps4 but it's in japanese. do I need to know alot of moonrunes to play?
There's an English version as well.
for real? is it digital only?
There's an english version, but the audio's in english as well so some songs with vocals are a bit different.
Physical and digital. Asia only though.
as long as your PS4's language is set to english then the game will as well even the japanese version. I got it from the JP PS store.
what? that's not true
Isn't it? Am I going crazy?
not to my knowledge, my drum still speaks very cute japanese
own JP physical and seconding that you're crazy. english text and japanese voices.
reminder if you're getting PS4 to buy the japanese version so you can't get shafted on licensed music DLC down the line
every region has the same language options
DLC from asian PS store seems to work on Japanese copies but I'm not sure if it works the other way around
former actually gave some free japanese songs a few weeks back while the JP store didn't from what I checked
i remembered i had a wii u so i played a bit of each wii u game last night.
is it normal for wii u 1 to constantly stutter and have shitty scaling on the gamepad?
best meme song
>paid now they're over $900
>A taiko thread on Sup Forums
My fucking dick
Excluding my PS4, I have it on EVERY one of my consoles (PSP/Vita/PS2/Wii/WiiU/3DS). Taiko is seriously the greatest rhythm game of all time. No stupid gimmicks (I'm looking at you Project Diva), great rhythm sounds, and a diverse variety of music that will always keep you playing.
Postan' some of my fave songs
The Japanese version will default to English on US consoles.
t. Imported it from Japan
I wish I wasn't a NEET so that I could afford a horii tatacon. How well do they hold up?
Are they enjoyable without the drums? I kinda want to get them, but fuck paying >100 for plastic shit.
feels great, though it's pretty underused since i mostly played 3DS when i bought it and right now i have it moved aside for the PS4 one. might switch them back now that i've been playing wii u more.
>can't get past 7s on the PS4 gamepad, feel like my hands and controller triggers are gonna break
>refuse to buy drum controller because $$$ and it's plastic shit
>local arcade has outdated cab from 2009 so the songlist is shit
the vita is comfiest for buttons
wii u / 3ds are comfy for drumming on the touchpad (you need an extra stylus ofc)
jbc that you don't drum too hard. a bud of mine broke the lower screen of his 3ds after drumming too hard
I'm thinking about getting the PS4 version, but the Vita one is also tempting not to mention the Idolm@ster themed ones.
>tfw no idolmaster ps4 games in English
>guys which imas game should we localize?
>that rhythm game for PSP, it's fun and it's got less text to translate.
>only bring over the ipad port, though. rhythm games with touch controls are what the people want.
>also censor it.
>and make it 50 bucks per game.
>didn't sell well, guess americans don't want idolmaster.
>controller triggers
why are you using anything but the dpad and face buttons
>it's a 'last objective on the hidden bingo card requires playing on ura oni' episode
What are some notecharts that make you angry? Video related:
I have to keep my tips on the buttons all the time because I'm weirdo
anyone got a working image of nanadaime that isn't patched for ESR?
the one i've got hangs on the inital loading screen on both console and PCSX2
these games are very good as long as you enjoy idolmaster a lot
I'm more of a RABU RAIBU guy.
Some games have their songs, right?
I've only ever played taiko in moon and it's fine. Just use an unlock guide and the rest is rhythm game ui.
Was looking for this
drum master has some groovy songs but the english voices drain my soul
Sounds like something from NiER.
Let me guess, Drankenwhatever?
>10000 relay full combo on 8 star songs
How the fuck is that even possible? I can't even FC Kagekiyo once
>there are scrubs that can't full combo Infinite Rebellion on Extreme
You, sir, are quite right. It's simple, catchy and just plain fun. My gf really loathed miku rhythm games, but she absolutely loves taiko no tatsujin. I think that the cute mascot really helps. Who can say no to the :3 face it makes?
>calling it extreme
also why does this have views and comments? have we already lost taiko to the normalfags?
It has been as normalfag as Miku since EPIC DRUM CHINK videos popped up on Facebook.
i wish i had friends to play taiko with. my brother was into it for a short while but then he gave up all video games.
>he doesn't know
I keep hearing shitty things about the PS4 game's tatacon.
Are they really that badly made? Would using my controller to play be better?
Drakengard 3
i cant even clearly see the notes clearly. what kind of special autism would you need to pull this off
they're not worth the price. some people had luck modding them, but unless you've got money to burn you should just play pad.
>see the notes
You'd have to go beyond, musical autism and memorization probably
>i cant even clearly see the notes clearly
Are you blind?
Get the HORI one.
>Get the HORI one.
hori makes the official crummy one. are there already shittier knockoffs?
you can play reimu and kirby in it
Is this game actually good? I've heard mixed opinions. I've played drakengard 1 and I'm working through Nier 1 right now
this video got me into the game:
never heard of this game
now I want to play it
That's a big drum
This is my jam so much, that and pop'n music too; It plays like the polar opposite of Taiko:
It also boasts a decade and a half of fucking amazing songs:
It's on PS2, PSP and PC.
Slideshow trash.
For you
i'm too retarded and bad at video games to play more than 5 button pop'n
and i can't afford an ASC, i just spent most of my money on persona dancing all-star triple pack
when are we getting another taiko OST release?
which pop'n would you music?
Damn, this is the tightest shit.
Framerate issues and mediocre scene to scene dialogue.
Good story and amazing OST tho. If you managed to stomach through DoD1, you can handle 3.
Be glad the camera is fixed. If taro was involved he would make sure the camera is only showing the dancing fish.
Aside from technical aspects, it's much better than Automata. Zero is a treat.
i haven't tried emulating wii taiko since hybrid XFB was implemented, maybe it'll be not shit now
Damn this guy in Yo-Kai Watch 2. Never lets me recruit him.
It's a great game, you can also inject custom dlcs if you pirate it on 3ds. However if you can find it in arcade go for the original version.
an omnimix taiko hack would be the stuff of dreams, but i understand there's song limits and you can't even fit two other games in
I want moi Moimoi's moimois
>tfw I'll never invite Takane to a 20 course meal w/ ENG subs
I'd rather moimoi moimoi's OO
Don't bother with the shitty PS4 version.
They're keeping all the big DLC guns for the Switch version.
What's the ranked mode on Drum Session like?
when's switch version expected to release?
>Get Drum Session on PS4
>Set up the mode to have the song reset if I miss a note to get gud
>Now can't get past the Vocaloid songs on Normal
I hear websites talking about handswitching pretty often but I've never gotten a clear definition on it. What exactly does it refer to?
Just use training mode user.
So, did Donkey Konga just rip this game off completely? I thought they worked with the Taiko people, but I don't see any evidence for why I thought that.
instead of repeatedly hitting notes with the same hand, you switch hands every note
it conserves energy
donkey konga is also developed by namco, most likely the taiko team considering their similarities
i'm guessing nintendo asked them to make a nintendo-themed rhythm game or else they would've just ported taiko to gamecube. hell, even the DK bongos are manufactured by the same company as the PS2 tatacons.