Pic related was in front of me on the train today.
>inverted chin
>playing some anime game with hatsune miku on it
and this will be you if you dont change your ways, its not too late user.
Pic related was in front of me on the train today.
>inverted chin
>playing some anime game with hatsune miku on it
and this will be you if you dont change your ways, its not too late user.
My family has a history of keeping our hair into our 80s
Why are you taking pictures of strangers on the bus?
Also get a car like the adult you claim to be
>middle aged man having fun
haha look at this fucking faggot this is hilarious i bet my pals on Sup Forums will love this
I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself
so im good thank you user
you are an autistic little kid.
The people that take these pictures to laugh are more sad than the ones in the pics.
iPad owner ≠ Switch owner
I work in a part of town where parking is non existent, my boss earns more in a year than most people have in their lifetime and he still trains in.
>anyone having fun ever
Balding is genetic and I'm /fit/ and /alpha/ and still balding at 27. Just keeping it longer for now to avoid the thinning being apparent but soon it's gonna be all chopped off and I'm gonna have to embrace it (ie kill myself)
If this is you and not a post on facebook or some shit you should know youre the actual sad one he is playing something and youre doing nothing good job LARPing wage cuck.
>i'm /fit/ and /alpha/
playing anime games/watching hentai in public is different than "having fun" its like carrying a waifu pillow around
>I'm /fit/ and /alpha/ and posting on Sup Forums
>I am a little goy i follow what ((())) deems is acceptable.
Keep being a cuck your whole life.
Anime games are now same as porn?
>guy having fun playing mobile games on a bus
>some fag takes a picture of him because LOL HE'S PLAYING ANIME VIDYA ON A BUS, THOSE WEEBZ AM I RITE XDDD
good thread
>Also get a car like the adult you claim to be
Public Transportation is healthier for the environment.
Shironeko is actually among the better mobage.
I wonder what his life was like until that point...
The Janitor at my university was watching some Moe shit anime in the dining hall
Yeah if you want to cum swap flues and viruses.
>T. Amerifat
It’s not 90% do not care what you do on your phone
Don't you have anything better to do than taking pictures of strangers, user? That's pretty creepy.
>Look at this man, laugh at him because he's having fun in broad daylight!
He's playing Valkyrie Connect, typical gacha shit mobile game that had a Hatsune Miku collab a while back
leave him alone user he isn't hurting anyone
>T.insecure faggot
epic upboat xD
Sounds like a cool dude
>leaving your exfile unwiped with your fucking LOCATION before posting on Sup Forums
You are aware that taking pictures without someone's consent in non-serious cases is a fine of up to $1000 in your state right?
which game is he playing?
can we have augment glasses already so i can not have faggots taking pictures of my back playing video games mind my own business
>I’m /alpha/
lmao nigga what the fuck? “/alpha/“ isn’t a board, quit trying so hard to fit in.
>playing some anime game with hatsune miku on it
If you have ever played any CoD game or paid for EA product you simply have no right to make fun of this guy. Period.
>Japanese games are now the same as pornography
>Fun is okay
This is what's wrong with the world today.
Keep projecting Sup Forumsirgins. Whatever makes you feel better about yourselves, since you're not actually willing to do anything to improve yourselves.
>like me
>be alpha and fit
>post on Sup Forums
>play DBZF
>fuck tons of women
>Sup Forums losers can't even believe it even though everyone but they are easily doing it
pic related, it's my current fuck toy
he's on a bus
>and this will be you if you dont change your ways, its not too late user.
are you fags that post this shit on a video game board trying to role play as chad? you're not fooling anyone here with this shit.
Wow there's a lot of insecurity in this thread
This is the most cringe post I've seen in a while
Anyone know what the game is?
>says the guy taking picture of random strangers and posting it on Sup Forums
So let me understand this.
In front of you, we have someone minding their own business, having fun and doing harm to no one.
Behind him we have you- a raging retard who takes pictures of someone without their concent, so they can go online and try to make fun of someone minding their own business, hurting no one.
You're the manchild here, you fucking loser. What are you doing riding the bus? Buy a car.
blow me, go back to /beta/ (reddit)
nah id rather her blow me instead
100% alpha male material
I get carsick staring on my phone for more than 4 minutes
Stereotype much nigger?
the trap has been set. the soyboys are determined to defend their kin.
/alpha/ posting
glorious ps4 master race
a picture from a woman magazine?
>be retarded
>delete your post
Nope, you're not getting away from that one you dumbass.
>this will be you if you dont change your ways
You mean I'll still enjoy playing video games in my 40s? Thanks user that's great news!
This dude's playing a random mobile and you took a picture just to make fun of him liking anime because "lol cringe XD". I think you should consider what "having fun" means to you.
>with Hatsune Miku on it
What game? Because that does not look like a rhythm game
That's a bloke. Post the dick
/reddit/ the post. Hurry up and get to back to school Tyler you don't want to miss gym class.
>OMG, like, he was playing one of those creepy "annie may" games I saw on YouTube! Like, aren't those games filled with rape and porn?!
sure bud
I hope I become him one day
How were you not melted immediately by his power level?
Why do dumb kids think it's ok take pictures of complete strangers just so they can post them on the internet for people to mock?
You want to make fun of someone, do it to their face and not online like a little bitch ass coward
Sup Forums wipes it before uploading
Way to prove these anonymous virgins wrong /fit/fag. You're doing the world proud.
now a random instagram whore ?
it keep getting better
>anything that i dont like is reddit
youre a fucking faggot op
Didn’t mean to upset you so much user. You should chill out.
>gets the bus
what the fug is going on with that base layout
in such disbelief
Kek at least I'm not balding.
What exactly is your plan here? Don't get old?
Or are you going to do the things that you think old people are supposed to do on the train like read the newspaper in some kind of autistic performance of adulthood?
tfw this will be true 9 times out of ten.
Have another (you)
>will kill himself in his mid 30's
>narcissist even tho he's ugly and stupid
Don't be like OP, change your ways
What game is it? Is it good?
He looks like he's enjoying himself and you seem pathetic for taking a picture of him
im gonna be a sexy qt forever, im a true manchild which means ill keep my youthful appearance along with my youthful interests
I'd rather be balding from uncontrollable genetics than just an awful disgusting fat pathetic piece of shit from my own choices and actions but hey thats just me i guess
>I'm balding and I'm 23
You guys don't know the feeling.
Facebook filenames. You can get the profile from them.
>OP posts pictures of people he takes on the train
>Posts some girls Facebook pictures
>Claims to be /fit/
Let’s see it faggot, show me your jelly rolls.
>He looks like he's enjoying himself
You can tell that from looking at his bald spot??
op is a typical loser that has no life and has to feel better about himself by judging other
And you’re just a grunt
I really hope you're just a pathetic faggot trying to bait because otherwise you're projecting so hard I can feel your insecurity.
>I'm /fit/ and /alpha/ and still balding at 27. Just keeping it longer for now to avoid the thinning being apparent but soon it's gonna be all chopped off and I'm gonna have to embrace it (ie kill myself)
And you’re insecure as fuck, “alpha” boy. Hahahahaha
>watching hentai in public
That is completely normal behavior
Kek dude it’s not hard to get a hot gf if you’re not ugly. Idk why you feel so special. Enjoy being old and bald tho faggot. You’ll still get laid it’s really not a big deal.
>not being a passable trap
>not having qt gf
>not making bank from fucking her ass on cam
Nice try, but that's a negress. They have so little value than any fat neckbeard can get one without even trying.
Who's instagram did you find these on?
I want to see that of which you speak.
Sup Forums absolutely shook