Classic Wow

What I'm rolling on classic:

>Femtroll dagger rogue (main)
>Tauren Shamanbull
>*can't decide race/gender* alliance warrior, 100% not female human or female gnome though
>Male Night elf Bear druid

Rate and post what you're planning too


>Undead male warrior
>Undead male rogue
>Undead male mage

Orc Warrior

See you in Vietnam comrade.

Mithra White Mage

Orc warlock for main

>I am forsaken

your going to get tired of it in a month and its going to be a giant waste of money for blizzard fuck yourself for asking for this stupid shit

Human male warrior

I have 4 60s on private servers.

I really doubt it.

Dwarf something probably. Depends if I can rope friends in and what they decide to do.

Anyone else hoping that they'll do a few balance tweaks/quality of life stuff, or just try and make it like the original?

Classic was shit.

TBC was better.

WotLK pre-3.2 was better. Babbymode Naxx doesn't count

>Dwarf priest

Feels good man to do onyxia at 58.

>guild banks
>give paladins taunt
>fix tank/bear feral itemization so they can get to defense cap

This will trigger people but it should happen. Alternate timeline vanilla where we get new raids and shit would be awesome. As long as they don't put in full retard Looking for Raid though we should be OK.

Tfw only now realizing how redpilled and desired a dwarf priest was on alliance.

All these sexually confused trannies and/or actual girls playing night elf or femhuman healers really made a demand for dwarfs damn.

If I make a priest it'll definitely be dwarf.

>it's another assblasted catababy episode

male dorf paladin, though i might go full sadist and try to make a boomkin/ele sham

>bears were fine after the armor buff

>human warrior
that's like the most boring combination.

>give paladins taunt
They would still be shit tanks.

When is Classic coming out?

It's hard for me to keep giving a shit for two years straight after the disaster that was Elysium.

Undead rogue for playing alone
Tauren warrior for group play.
Should I be a femcow or a beefy mancow?