Xenoblade thread
Favorite blade? Favorite continent?
This game really grew on me and I'm liking it more than XB1. Don't know what it is but this one is just so much more comfy. I'm only at chapter 8 but I'm loving it more and more every time I play.
Xenoblade thread
Favorite blade? Favorite continent?
This game really grew on me and I'm liking it more than XB1. Don't know what it is but this one is just so much more comfy. I'm only at chapter 8 but I'm loving it more and more every time I play.
The characters are more light hearted and likable.
Boreas best blade, Morag best girl, Uraya is comfy and First Low Orbit Station is coolest, that’s all I got.
Well the villains aren't light hearted and they're still more likable than anyone in XC1 other than Dunban.
Yeah I don’t think the story is quite as good as the orginal but the characters are so much more likable that I overall found it to be a more enjoyable ride.
Holy shit how have I never tried movement-cancelling auto-attacks before, this makes a world of difference. Thanks to the fellas who suggested this in the last thread.
I think the cast of Xenoblade 1 was very good and likable in their own way, but the cast of 2 is something different. You're right in that they're more light hearted though, especially Rex compared to Shulk. Never thought I would like this kid at all, but he's hilarious.
>that was... poorly judged
Can't resist those hips.
>Favorite blade?
I ended up really liking Azami. Good voice, solid Battle Skills, Solid quest and H2H and great specials
>Favorite continent?
Morytha. It did the "profaned city" feel really well, similar to the underground city from TTYD
>he only just discovered auto-canceling
Just wait till you get the Driver Affinity ability to cancel Arts from OTHER Arts, along with canceling with Specials and Blade Switch
>movement-cancelling auto-attacks
Initially I was down on the idea that you only auto attack while standing still, but this alone actually made it a great mechanic. Especially good for fast weapons like the whips and katana.
>cancel Arts from OTHER Arts
>canceling with Specials
I've got those on a few guys already. I'm only on chapter 5 so I guess it wasn't TOO late for me to have figured this out.
Yeah, I really thought I would hate rex and while I do think he is one of the weaker characters, I don't mind him nearly as much as I thought I would.
The blades all have personalities that are fun so maybe that's why I like the cast slight more than XB1
It's a much slower burn but it feeds well into the feeling of adventure and globe trotting
>Hey, Nia, take a look at this trinket.....hey, nia?
I like that the game acknowledges taht he's a kid and they build his character arc from that starting point
how does Sup Forums feel about vale
Morytha reminded me a lot of the opening scene in Nier. Thought it was pretty cool because you could explore a lot more
he keeps saying that even before the final battle
That’s the same chapter I was on when I figured it out your fine
>Poppi gets progressively sluttier with each new form
what did Tora mean by this?
>kos-mos's h2h is literally next to the final boss door
She was 100% meant to be a post-game find, wasn't she?
Post side-banter
>Kora on Nia
>"Nia, when we get back to the inn, we have SO MUCH to talk about
>"I'm begging you, let me get some sleep before its bright out"
This side banter is top quality
Friendly reminder that Aegis swords are not for lewd.
I wonder
Lila designed that outfit though.
What can I say, the kid keeps finding shiny trinkets. Especially around the World Tree man
Go away Alvis. You don't get to complain about what we do with Pyra if you run away from home
Poppi QT
>Built on Lila design by Tatazo and Soosoo
>Slutty maid
>Massive jiggle physics
Poppi QTpi
>Designed by Tora
>Back to superhero motif
>No bouncing titties
Tora is my spirit animal.
There is a quest where Rex has to teach kids at a new school and you have to fulfill insane field skill requirement (Ancient wisdom 12 and shit) but you only get one chance so you don't know who to put in.
And after that you have to salvage but I pulled a monster which made Rex look like a fool.
Now my question is: What happens if you manage to get everything right at the first try?
Anyone know?
This is my darling kitty cat, Nia! I love her very much
Zeke commenting Blade Nia's outfit.
Kora in particular. I find it entertaining to just sit there and listen to how long she'll go on for before she shuts up.
>Lets get poppi some clothes
>Lila, make her some clothes, since modesty is an issue
>Sure thing
>Makes skin-tight, and I mean SKIN TIGHT leotard and a rad scarf
What did Lila mean by this?
>that side banter where Azami calls Kora a slut
You can also cancel with your special, it's does more damage and gives you a boost for the next one
She doesn't love you though
You can easily see how moving and auto-attacking would break the game. Why does Monolith soft keep making games that are so drastically different from the previous ones?
I love her too! And everyone of you, anons!
At least we have something in common
>Azurda telling her that her true talents are swearing and insults
Oh my god, it was seriously a job and a half. Cuz like we went to do the job and this other guy is all like hey do this other job, so we did and then he is all "this is free right?" and we are all like nuh uh and then he...
Fucking hated 1
Loved X
Love this even more.
Anyone got a guide for making Poppi really good?
I have no idea what I'm doing
I haven't got qt pi. is she useful? I was debating on doing the quest.
Moving and auto attacking only works for like 3 weaps
Solo Tora build since he's an absolute fucking monster.
The only thing I can complain about with the combat system is that more enemies don't have interesting interactions with the Blade Special meter or having orbs put on them.
My favorite fight is against the snake unique monster in Cliffs of Morytha that levels up as you fight it, can cleanse Special meter, blowdown (while launching itself) and heal itself, and the Defense system on the titan Weapon.
Here's fingers crossed that the DLC Challenge mode brings some great fights
With all of them Tora can do a driver combo by himself plus he can solo most super bosses if set up right
Crit up
Crit damage up
Heal on crit
You can't auto attack while moving. Pretty sure everyone bitched about it
One of the strongest blades in the game.
She's the most broken Blade in the game because of all her poppiswap slots. Even in normal play she's great because Tora gets a triple hit attack that can break on every hit and a launch attack.
I love this too
>she's talking to some people in the Mercenary camp
>talk to her
>mash A
>still not done
He made her look like an Aegis the madman
Welcome to the late game grind fest, friend. Treat her well.
Does auto-attack affect art damage? Morag's blades are starting to fall behind in that sense because of the pentagon chip, and I'm hoping her shitty AA doesn't affect her art damage.
Please explain the Ursula WE meme
I don't have her and everyone ignores me. Please help
Where do people usually grind for lvl 99?
Just kill 99 Ardun?
Is the doc on Mor Ardain the best place to farm crystals? I swear I've opened like 30 common and 8 rares and only got generic shit. Are there any tips or anything? I have no idea what boosters do.
Yes don'tknow why they choose the term auto attack for the stat when it's just general attack.
The reward for Ursula's Affinity Quest should be a ShindoL Corruption doujin with her
is she good? I rolled her after about 30 common cores last night on morag
at the beginning of chapter 5 so far
The cast is just very likable and well developed, scenes like Nia's confession and the beginning of Chapter 7 made me love every character. Even Brighid, who's usually calm and reserved, has a "holy shit" moment.
>Favorite continent
Tantal, the atmosphere really solidifies the idea of isolation and despair (the music...). Mor Ardain is fantastic too, usually i'm indifferent towards desert areas, but they nailed it this time.
>Favorite blade
Boreas, he's just so cute and funny. I love the slurping sounds he makes when salvaging. I have a ton of unfinished affinity trees, so i may have a new favorite soon if the quests are good.
Everytime you send her out as a Marc leader, her line is "We are... Ursula's new groove! And we'll do what we can!"
Let's just say you'll be hearing that a lot.
"Well, mean...My imaginary dad. My real dad died five years ago"
Klaus wanted to tack on some extra code with duct tape and glue that would've nerfed the shit out of him. Can you blame the guy?
When you start a merc mission with Ursula as the team leader she says "We are Ursula's New Groove, and we'll do what we can!"
If you do a full driver combo on the krabble there he has a higher chance to drop rares. Once you get above level 70 you smash sea king ken/Arduran for legendaries
Boosters increase the chance to get a specific element, if you look at the core when selecting boosters it will be wreathed in the two elements it affects
Oh ok, slight underwhelming but thanks anons
I just got Praxis' Core Crystal, but I already have Perun as an ice element spear user
Who is better on Zeke?
She is ok. Her gimmick is spamming special get stronger the more your spam without switching.
Repeat on loop for 35 hours straight.
>You can't be a bachelor, you have to settle down with a nice Driver at some point
I can sing that to the Steven Universe theme song, fuck me.
Jesus fuck, you're right. Just kill me.
Praxis is water not Ice
Praxis is Water, Theory is Ice.
Wait, who says this?
i already beat all the super boss and got all the rare blade, what it's left to do?
Okay, thanks. I thought they were both ice. Perun it is
Been thinking about getting it considering all the talk, does it matter that I never played the first / know nothing about it
Wait for NG+ or grind affinity
Wait for NG+
how do you check your tanks' evasion percent chance?
The little girl in the Merc camp that is always giving sage advice her dad told her. Then it turn out her dad is dead and she is just saying things she thinks he would say
Zenobia's Xenopanties
Fuck. Then should I just change her blade s' chips?
Get a chip from the level 80 guys in mor ardain, there is one that is like an upgraded pentagon, a motor or booster chip IIRC
Do you get something for maxing out the drivers's charts? Those you need SP for.
Yeah, preferably make the guard your priority for her at least.
Also for maxing out Vandham's?