Should stoners be allowed to play online games, Sup Forums...

should stoners be allowed to play online games, Sup Forums? They almost always hold the game back for people that actually want to enjoy it

They don't hold it back anymore than some low-tier scrub with a big mouth. Plenty of people are stupid without drugs. There would be no point singling drugs out except to project a lifestyle upon other people.

I just hate how obnoxious they are in terms of shoving it down your throat. They're vegan/atheist tier annoying.

seething losers lol
salty that you dont have any friends so you cant find weed

If you play multiplayer games while you're high you are incredibly retarded. Singleplayer games while high are fine.



should femnist be allowed to play online games, Sup Forums? They almost always hold the game back for people that actually want to enjoy it

At least noobs will try to play the game and learn from experiences with more skilled players. Stoners just sit there talking on their mic and dropping the game. They can’t even learn from the experience because all they remember is how high they were lmao



I used to play mh3u online high as fuck and would carry the team.

I'd sooner ban South Americans

stay off East US servers you fucking garbage-speaking mudhut-living retards

But what if I am better at them while high? I just pulled off a 51 - 0 in Ilios with Pharah the other day and I am high diamond so I play against very good players.



Way to be the coolest kid in your class. Pick up an opium habit like a real man.

>should online games force you to take a drug test before playing.
>should tournaments force people to take a drug test before playing


opium, the fedora of drugs. Now acid on the other is for the cool dudes

I smoke and I can destroy anyone here at anything.

>mfw win a local tourney while I was high as fuck
Scrubs are scrubs, doesn't matter if they drink or smoke

I've literally never seen somebody not ironically promoting drug use. I've yet to find this archetype Sup Forums complains so much about.
It's almost as if they're... exaggerating the frequency of it to justify the fact that they never had friends in high school/college to score them any drugs? But of course nobody on Sup Forums would do something like that.

But yeah, playing comp while intoxicated on just about anything is probably not a good idea. I can't say the same for casual skirmishes though.

what game user?

Dude, acid and mushrooms isn't something to do on the regular. I mean it's something that everybody should give a shot at some point but regularly? God no.

Being high does not increase your skill, you fucking moron. That’s literally just you being a mindless sheep that can’t think for himself and instead believes that any increase in gaming abilitiy comes from the drug you’re under the influence of. If you calmed yourself and got serious, you’d be able to play at that same skill level without the need for weed

No, druggies are so damn annoying.

ill usually take acid up to a few times per month nothing too special and i feel fine

>smoke weed
>always end up carrying in all multiplayer games I play
Stop blaming people who smoke for your own short comings op.

we seriously need a /drug/ board on le 4chin

All junkies promote drug use, you inbred cretin. This is not some straw an for my lack of friends or female company either. I grew up surrounded by junkies and they would always talk about smoking and always try to get me to join in. Even in grade school, the situation persisted. If you bring up any form of drugs to any of these absolutely degenerate mongoloids, they will begin talking about their last smoke and inviting you in for some

Weed is a gateway drug that always leads people to become heroin and cocaine addicted thieves. It has been proven to cause cancer and is as dangerous as heroin. 9 times out of 10 when violent crimes are committed the criminals have weed on them or were just smoking. It's disgusting and anyone who talks about it in the online gaming community should be reported and account banned.

lol nerd

>tfw stopped smoking to pass drug test for job promotion
I want to roll a fatass blunt so bad shieet, but this is good for my tolerance. Plus I had been smoking more and more, good to know I can stop and im not addicted like the stereotypical "I can quit anytime" stoner retards. A friend of mine literally cannot stop and cheats drug tests on his job, fucking pathetic.

>Tfw get high and play Dota 2
>Still manage to be the best on the team though do die more often than usual
It all depends on skill and the type of addict. If I could beat the addiction I would, I'll admit there's absolutely nothing rewarding about it and all it does waste my life but for some reason I keep coming back just to shit on Russians and Brazillians


You do realize that people hate stright edge fags like yourself who constantly complain about drug use the way stoners talk about being high and weed, right? You’re equally annoying individuals. Based on everything I read, that you posted, I would rather hang out with stoners, at least they aren’t autistic kids who sperg out over other people’s choices in life.

There is nothing cool about drugs.

>Like to smoke and play games a few times a week, especially if no friends are available or stayed late at work/class.
>never mention it to anyone because it's an insignificant part of my life
>sometimes smoke with a buddy and bumble through coop games

Life's good why are you so mad

Maybe you should try acquiring a new hobby, I've found cooking rewarding in more ways then one and I recommend it

>i’m not addicted but I wanna roll a fat blunt right now and if I didn’t have to take drug tests, I would

except for the fact that it gets you layed dork

Oh my

>tfw Kratom and vidya

if you have an anime girl avatar you should be banned from steam as you, by default suck dick at video games

It's "laid" you baboon!!

I could just cheat the drug test retard, my friend was actually going to help me too. The decision to quit was solely on my part.

There’s a difference, you mindless piece of shit. God, is love to smash your skull into a pile of concrete, you insolent little pig. Stupid junkies just cannot shut up about their drugs once they’re brought up, I can. If you brought up weed, id say it’s dumb and call it a day unless you persisted in keeping the conversation open. These disgusting shits just can’t and won’t.its always weed that is and weed that

I find this plan of action far more effective at weeding out the shitters



Good golly you fellas are hopeless



>fell for the herbal jew
>nothing left to smoke on
>getting anxious by the thought of having to leave my autism cave
Well, what now, Sup Forums?.

I buy it

>I can
Haha obviously you can’t. You’re still crying over it. Just except that people are going to do what they want to do and stop getting your titties in a twist about it.

Everyone I know who smokes pot is a degenerate that lays around all day.

Because you’re the most productive man alive right? It’s not like you lay around all day posting on Sup Forums...


Moronic fuckface, you obviously have no sense of reading comprehension. I said I’d be open to closing he conversation after my opening words, you are the one that continues to open it. If you ask, I will obey, and with that I will continue to express my disgust in your pathetic reliance on herbal sins to fuel your worthless lives. Now why don’t you fuck off and stop replying before I fucking rip my foot of my leg and shove it so far up your ass that it reaches your brain and activated the same high you’d get from smoking a bowl

>not having coffeeshops in your country

Feels good to be Dutch.

Have to do something during my downtime.

fucking virgin lol

>getting this mad about people smoking weed
you sound like you should smoke weed sometime, it would calm you

>not having a standing desk to shitpost without the fear of DVT

Or give an asthma attack. Smoke of any kind is shit for your lungs.

Sure, and while i’m at it, why don’t I just smash my head into a fucking meat grinder and watch my newborn child get raped by a couple of black guys?

>still can’t shut up about it
You’re only reinforcing my argument. Congratulations, you’re equally as stupid as a stoner without having to smoke weed.

I would assume people who smoke weed think the same thing.

hey if that's what gets you off then who am I to judge

So people smoke weed at work? No wonder nobody at any fast food chain can ever get my damn order right.

>tfw damaged esophagus
>can't smoke anymore so been taking edibles for a few months
>get 10x as blasted as I used to and end up playing rpgs for 14 hours straight

life never felt so productive and useless at the same time

You sound mad

Eh, nobody wants to be 90.

That's like saying taking Ritalin doesnt make you better. How about you stop throwing buzzwords around and make a coherent sentence

Just ordered 15 grams, stay jelly

You keep telling yourself that

pretty good bait

>tfw have a lot of money but never hung out with subhumans so have no drug connections


Save the money and invest it into improving your community, and not becoming a degenerate.

>all these threats of physical violence
>being this edgy
Congrats, you somehow managed to make the stoners look good.

Just want to try some drugs at least once. I never even smoked weed.

Just ask any employees at Starbucks that are standing outside and smoking a cigarette.

Either that or ask your friends. A friend of a friend of a friend might be able to help you out.


I'd rather have stoners than drunks that keep shouting because they think they're so funny

Stoners always smell like a fucking sewer too.

what if you smoke weed, but don't ever talk about it? it's not really cool to go around saying you smoke weed like it's an accomplishment or a hobby. it's just a nice thing to have. people smoke weed to have fun and feel less depressed or angry. not to go around saying heyyyy guys dudes i just smoked 5grams at once arent i cool for being so wasteful?

This. Tried mushrooms twice, the first time started off great then ended in a mental hellscape that lasted for 6 hours, and the second time I vomitted so violently that it fucked my throat up through the entire next day. Don't play with psychedelics kids.

Do you have any friends at all? All it takes is asking because it's not exactly an underground or looked-down upon thing anywhere other than here.
Weed is basic shit that is completely overblown by the straight-edge here so if you're talking about harder hitting drugs then you're probably shit out of luck.

>playing online shootan on LSD
>can't even make sense of what I'm doing
>"damn, user stop carrying"
>"are you a smurf???"

acid actually makes your brain work a lot faster... even if you're tripping too hard to realize it. if you micro dose lsd every day you'll be a genius.

I don't have any friends. I thought about finding one of those serious drug addicts and to offer buying them some drugs if they hook me up with their dealer. But they probably consume shit tier drugs, I want to try the good stuff if I am already there.

It's mostly a meme honestly. I don't believe people have gotten so XD WEED here without being ironic.
The only people that are genuinely like how you described are teenagers and wasters who have nothing else going on in their lives so it just doesn't make sense

only until your brain turns into a scrambled egg

I know people that are worse fiends with cigarettes.

yeah it's just another thing people use to try and hide that they have no personality or real interests

literally the most accurate, based-in-reality meme to ever exist

Yeah Ozzy is real smart isn't he?

Hm. Any co-workers you can put some confidence in? Might be worth asking them. Past that, might be able to just ask on craigslist but that's always kind of sketchy.




more than anyone here desu

I've never had any complaints about it before. Probably because I'm there to play the game and nothing more.