Resident Evil has best girls

Resident Evil has best girls


We had this thread yesterday

Resident Evil (2) has best girl

and I loved it

Movie Jill a hottie

This was my first movie fap

game jill is hotter

I want to miscegenate with Sheva.

Claire was my first vitual crush

I disagree, but still hot as fuck. That's not in game though.





Stop spamming this thread you dumb fucking moron.


stop being a fag

It’s really weird how, despite being the second main character in Resi 5, Sheva’s never made another appearance in a Resi game since. Hell she wasn’t even in 6, which had a fuckload of characters.



re games almost never have the same character 2 games in a row

>No Cindy ever again.


She is living happy life in her new house and working as nurse
Also there was a slight Alyssa's cameo in RE7, so they still remember them

>Second thread a day later

Nigga do you like dicks or something??

Why did Leon not fuck ashley

waiting for ada

Aren't they already dating between games and movies?

>not sampling the appetizer before the main course

not happening, homosexual

I just want LeonxClaire to be canon in REmake 2, is that too much to ask!?


Cause he's not a faggot

fuuu, those hairs on the forehead.

High test men don't bang thots.


Delete this.



Resident Evil 7 has no cute gir


>Manneth of Shadwell
I'm making haste towards the nearest door!



Because he's small time.



It's time

Are they all staying that young and fresh because of virus exposure?

who was in the wrong here?

give me uhhhhhhhh number 6

I've only ever gotten Rebecca once. And I've calculated the odds. Other anons on similar threads have gotten disproportional luck. Sometimes as high as 17% of the non-me rolls getting 0.

Jll or sheva rollin

Cursed pic

>tfw unexpected boner as a kid

Best boy.

Hit me.

4:3 user, holy shit

So theory about Ethan being Umbrella agent was destroyed?

My First ever crush remains best girl today. Who knew?

What a homo


>regenerating hymen


Are you old enough to be on here?


First 2 movies were great, you can actually stop watching them after it
But on the other hand you will miss Wesker later, dilemma

Neither of them? Leon was succumbing to the Plagas parasite and Ada defended herself and knocked some sense into him.

maybe the plagas just made leon show his true self

Nah he begins acting just like any of the Ganado do.

Everyone on top and Ashley have virus exposure. The rest will age up and disappear (except Ada, because Capcom forgot why she exists)



Not a chance, fancy pants

RE8 wishes?

>all these waifu and husbando fags
which game has the best gameplay and or mods

>shoots off handcuff
Master of Unlocking my ass! Anybody could do that!

She's mentioned somewhere in 6 but it's on a file. I think she offered to help pieres find Redfield

RE2 if you prefer classic games
RE4 if you liked ex-new vision
UC if love dead aim games
Outbreak if you enjoy MP games
RE7 if you want something new in a series

oh boy

Remember her, Sup Forums?

I just want them to build of what they in 7.
Bigger more detailed maps and a far larger and more creative variety of monsters.
If they do that I will be more then happy.

I know she hated 5.
But what did she think of 6 and 7?

No old crew, maybe only as cameos in the end or notes/newspapers/tv programs


Yeah they do, high test men bang easy girls all the time. They're there to keep your skills sharp for the women you actually care about.

RE6 for Mercs. Some of the best controls and mechanics you will find in a TPS, essentially a Vanquish-lite. Don't know why fags don't shill this game off and force me to do it my damn self. Shit's extremely fun outside the campaigns.

l was fucknig amazed when she started making new content and the Ashley song was so cute that... l became a patreon


>introduce new girl just to kill her off and turn her into another BOW
>the new girl that's actually in the game is shit

You know what? Why the heck not.

>Captcha: Games Everyday

All the classic RE games are good, the only exception being a few hiccups in 0.
The Gun Survivor side series is enjoyable if you like the lore, and GS4 is my favourite action RE, as unlike RE4, it actually balances action and horror.
Outbreak is pretty bad in all honesty, but the server resurrection thing seems fun.
The action games are good if you like TPS games, and RE5 and 6 are the only good co-op TPS games. Revelations 1 is complete shit and REv2 requires a lot of RE5 knowledge to fully comprehend.
RE7 is the best first person horror game but that's not saying much. It's a nice beta for an actual game, it's too short, Madhouse changes too little, and the fact that the only extra mode was a free DLC that came out almost a year later sours the whole deal. Everything else is paid DLC, and only RE5 locked extra story behind DLC (unless you count REv2's episodic release).
The RE1-3 PC modding scene is mostly just 'here's how to make the game work'. There is an English patch for the Sourcenext versions of 2 and 3, but it's hard to find.
REmake has some fun mods, I like the model change mods (Forest, Kenneth, etc.) and the 1996 music and models mods are great.
RE0 has some good model mods as well, but that's mostly it.
RE4 has the RE4HD Project, but that has yet to be completed. It also has a nice DMC3 model swap mod, among others.
RE5 has the Alone in Africa mod, which removes Sheva. Pair that with the nighttime mod and you get a significantly better game.
RE6 is mostly just Mercs mods and model mods.
Have yet to mod REv1 and 2 or 7, and no way in hell I'm putting ORC on my Steam profile.

>10 years

fuck, dude

She was shit as well. Good riddance she got killed off. Can't even see the bitch's face.

Rebecca, sheery, and moira

I always roll this and I never get becca.

>Outbreak if you enjoy MP games
>literally the worst game to do multiplayer with
Stop parroting opinions you autist. Also
>UC if you love dead aim games
The fuck does that mean? Umbrella Chronicles was a rail shooter. Gun Survivor 1, 2 and 4 weren't, Gun Survivor 4 wasn't even first person for most of the gameplay.


She animated Resident Evil musicals. Some of them were actually pretty good, like Research and Bad Babysitter.

l still watch particle man from time to time