Are you a child at heart?
Are you a child at heart?
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>18 games
How can it be possible when it only had like 5?
The announcement has a switch logo for fucks sake!
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
And yet here you are on Sup Forums.
>Super Mario 64
>Paper Mario
>Mario Kart 64
>Mario Party
>Mario Party 2
>Mario Party 3
>Ocarina of Time
>Majora's Mask
>Ogre Battle 64
>Super Smash Bros.
>F-Zero X
>Star Fox 64
>Kirby 64
>Yoshi's Story
>Pokemon Stadium
>Pokemon Stadium 2
>Donkey Kong 64
>Buck Bumble
I was never on Sup Forums as a child. That's against the rules.
Cant spell like a child still
Ok i imagine its a fake, but hey, its a good one?
anta baka?
Scratch the ?, sorry.
Anyway, the only way for this to be successful, assuming one gets made, is for nintendo to add the 64dd games, including the mario artist series and Fzero x xpansion, with microsd card support for content sharing.
>not being a little girl
Id love to see this
>Will never get a Buck Bumble 2 E3 announcement where the lights dim and suddenly that song starts playing while dancers wearing bee costumes flood the stage in a ubisoft-like chaos that only they can provide
Fuck everything anons
not only at heart
Blast Corps
Mischief Makers
Banjo Kazooie
Motherfucking GOLDENEYE 64
Smash Bros
Add these.
>rare games
This intro is pure kino
> the only way for this to be successful
... Is for them to just ship fucking 15 games and call it a day. Seriously, no one outside this board gives a shit about unreleased games. This thing will fly off the shelves just like the previous two mini consoles.
>all that filler
there's like 7 unique games there
Yeah and it will all be Virtual console games. I see sin and punishment being the star fox 2 for north america.
The big thing is it will have almost no third party games as only rare and star wars games were of particular note besides maybe Ogre battle if they go over 15.
The 64dd games are not unreleased, they were jp only.
And a lot of people wanted at least fzero xp, the track editor basically gives the game infinite replayability.
>And a lot of people wanted at least fzero xp
again, the majority of consumers have no idea what the hell that is. What they do know is that a famous games console from 20 years ago is back and it's a perfect way to re-experience nostalgia/have a perfect gift for their grandson/scalp losers on ebay
>buck bumble
>clearly a wasp
>Instead of real sing collections on the Switch, they sell them separately on a plug in play console
>Ninsoybros defend this
>used up analog stick on the boxart
Not him but if an N64 mini did release I'd definitely want sequels like all 3 mario party's, stadium 1/2, and both Zelda's.
>Buy a new n64 controller
>Analog stick is so stiff and sticky it may as well be a dpad
Parents bought me used controllers and i never knew
You just know they won't fix it for the mini.
obviously nobody does first party games like nintendo, but it is noticeably lacking without rare's third party games. skeptical of this console without them.
also i want starcraft 64 on it
>no conker's bad fur day
I think he meant 18 good games
do you think they could get rogue squadron or shadow of the empire for this?
>no bomberman 64 or hero
You're Gay.
>Not hacking the fuck out of a Wii U, downloading what's on the E-Shop, and injecting the rest.
Way more cost-effective to get a Wii U and an HDD than to buy ROMs.
Are you asking if I'll buy this? It depends on the games, I was an idiot and traded in all my N64 shit when the gamecube came out. I don't have either anymore but the N64 is the one I miss. N64 was the last console I had that I remember all the games I owned.
I had Mario 64, Wave Race, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, San Francisco Rush, Crusi'n USA, Shadows of the Empire, Mario Kart, Blast Core, Turok, Star Fox, Ocarina, 1080 Snowboarding, Winback and Rogue Squadron.
If they have at least 1/3 of those I'll buy the fucker.
This shit has the worst controller of all time. Boggles my mind how anyone liked it. Same with the fuckin' Gamecube.
I seriously hope this thing gets cracked open like the nes mini because there is no way to have Mischief's Maker, Doom 64, Hexxen, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, Tetrisphere or the Bomberman games in the list.