Blizzard continues to hate fun


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someone probably claimed that having a ticklish animation is rape or something

>only you can see the effects of the Void Totem, now
Fucking Blizzard.

>nu-Blizzard falling over themselves for sjw again
Who would have thought?

Just a matter of time until they will make emotes only invisible for the person typing it because otherwise it would be harassment or something.

Emotes that imply physical contact are already restricted to party or friend list.

I hope you're joking.

>tfw used to drop the train every raid in wotlk

ticklefags BTFO

/e baby, it cant be stopped

They already made it so you can't even use the fun toys inside of raids anyway

fuck blizzard

No they're not. I /pat people all the time.

You fucking rapist I bet you're white.

No, I'm a panda.


Stop being a shit and letting your species die you knob

Wouldn't have happened if people didn't abuse it. As always, the few ruin it for the many.

Overbotch was a mistake

Fuck you, I'll do whatever I damn well please.

how the fuck do you abuse it?

I'll fucking spank ur arse if you don't go impregnate the lady pandas

They are fucking my fucking piccolo?
I was thinking of coming back to try the new lvl system, but half the fun I derived from that game was spamming that, my train set and my arcanite ripper inside the main cities and during raids.

Don't know about the totem because i haven't been playing for some months but the flute has always been annoying as shit. You're at the auction house looking for stuff and this jackass comes right in the middle of it and right clicks his shitty thing and now your character is doing what he wants.
Used to be you could spam strafe out of it and it would break but after a patch it didn't work anymore, so you had to leave.

good, fucking break the single last particle of immersion
they should remove all toys, or make them client side only

That was me. Also it didn't affect your character if you were actually using the AH. So the only people who get salty about it are those standing around pointlessly and not playing the game.

Why are you so bothered by your character dancing while you're browsing the AH, you aren't even looking at your character anyway

they really overdid toys following MoP

Thanks for this PC culture hellhole, Obama

The "few" here being whiny babies who get triggered by animations and words.

>have AH window open
>cannot see character dancing
>stops once you move
How can one man be such a little pussy.

The change was so stop people from ruining roleplay servers by spamming this dumb shit, people crying "muh sjw boogeyman" are idiots.

>wont be able to wander around Dalaran and /whiste at random people
everyone just walks around like mindless fucking zombies anyway
community is fucking dead
and its the same fucking queer faggots that will be playing classic, afk in main towns
not talking to anyone, using some addon to replace group finder

what the fuck can you do to even fix this shit, people would rather stop playing then make questing groups, THEY WANT TO SOLO QUESTING SHIT
and as soon as we got a step closer towards vanilla questing difficulty people threw a fucking tantrum on the forums

Wow...literally nerfing fun. It was bad enough when they fucked up Noggenfogger years ago(a decade ago? goddamn) but now this shit too? ANd a pvp-focused expansion in their pve story? It's like they want FFXIV subs to jump. You can /playdead as a lalaboy and take it in the ass anytime you want there.

>1st they were fucking up the game for PvPers
>now their fucking up the game for faggot RPers