Why do not you have an Xbox One X yet?

Why do not you have an Xbox One X yet?

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>runs your game at 10 frames per second
heh, nothing personnel kid

xbox one shut down

xbox x is definitely the best out of the modern consoles, but every fucking advantage has gone. Here were a few past ones

>plug and play
>ps2/xbox gen, mostly true
>current gen, day 1 patches and have to keep your online up to date

>ps2/xbox gen had important exclusives like halo/gran turismo
>current get the most played xbox game is a port of a pc game, most played ps4 game is a crap rip off of pubg

Same thing happened to the "gens" meme and the "optimisation" meme.

What is the point anymore?

begone, filthy peasant

Xbox players are giant hot scorpion men?

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

I've bought OG xbone to play with friends but I also have gaming PC.
I feel fucked over by xbox x, I was of pretty poor opinion about MS already but X thing just crushed it for me

Xbox One X
>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

I recognize the image from years ago. It was made back when everyone used to suck Valve's dick unironically.

everything but
>only for internet instead of gaming

>baiting this badly
You don't even deserve a (You) for so little effort.

way too much bullshit
godspeed to the guy who will bother BTFO'ing this retard.

I'll reply to this obvious bait.
>>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
That is 100 times stronger than platforms, can run 4k at 122 fps and can do other stuff except gaming. Also 700$ is enough.
>>have to manually put together all the components
Depends who you buy from, most stores assemble it for you with no extra charge.
>>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing
More buttons, and superior Mouse control the consoles could never compete with.
>>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards...
When Skyrim just came out played it on hight graphics on a 6 yo PC. Ran smooth af and looked better than all consoles.
>>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
What is gog?
>>have to play $60 for recently released games
Pirate & sales.
>>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
Never happened to me on a legal copy, not even once.
>>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
Buy different card, you can do that in PC unlike with consoles.
>>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs...
And non of them even exist on console, are you complaining on having extra options you don't like?
>>try a early access to literally alpha test a game...
So don't buy it.
>>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even...
At least the disk can't scratch and render the entire game unusable.
>>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but...
again you complain about an option that doesn't even exist in console.

I think I'll stop here as all your points are either the result of your sheer stupidity or complaining on something that doesn't even exist in consoles.
Kys peasant. Stay in consoles you are not smart enough to own a PC.

No backwards compatibility for ACE COMBAT 6 yet

Xbox One X aka The One can do 4k for far cheaper, PCtard BTFO

>There's a single type of console that can do one of the many things the most basic PC can do and so I could (sort of) answer one of your many many bullets. lol you got BTFO!
Holy shit console peasants on suicide watch!

>most basic PC can do
>for 4x the price of The One


Does Xbox one has any good game on it that I can't play on my PC already?

>Xbone X
>running games in native 4k
Man, I love how big corporations can make their dicksucking drones believe anything they want

PC is objectively better than any console but come one dude, the minority of PCs can run 4k. Make an actual argument.

Do you have a 4K monitor yet? I assumed so.

I'm white.

>let's continue to obsessively dwell on this (not even true) point so no one would notice how much I got BTFO by million other points which I couldn't even respond to.
Learn to buy a PC you filthy peasant, there are easy tutorials online even brainlets like you can follow.

In case you forgot how hard you got BTFO

>put disc in
>play game
Don't forget the huge mandatory download on many games because microsoft can't be bothered to fit the entire game on one disc.

Switch is pretty fun and comfy desu

not that guy, but most average gaymen PCs can run last gen and earlier games at 4k resolution, and you can upscale 1080 native to 4k to get the same retarded shit consolefags call "4k"

>My 4k gaming console is cheaper than a 4k PC!
>I only need my $500 console
>And my 4k tv
>And my online subscription if i want to play online
>And full priced games with the average price of $80 a pop!
>4k man,The power of this console is insane, Only the majority of games that are currently out for it run at 30fps!

Already have a gaming PC, games I want are already on PC. OneX sales are rising drastically in response to bitcoin miners inflating GPU prices.

>Only the majority of games that are currently out for it run at 30fps!
desu that sounds like an improvement compared to normal console fps

>gaming pc
Sure ill give you that, maybe, I dont really buy prebuilds so i dont know what the norm is now but he said PCs in general, hence my response

get out underage master race

>We have a single type of console that can do this one thing PC's do, we win!
You remind me how the media is obsessed about tiny insignificant few things that match their agenda while ignoring mountains of stories that contradict it.

Console peasants are really pathetic.

I still get flashbacks to New Londo Ruins on my 360...

here's some reference, famarinara

and before someone chimps out because there are people using the 750ti and 1050ti (which are good cards, mind you), reminder that the 750ti runs GTAV on high settings 1080@60 while the PS4 runs it LOWER THAN LOWEST SETTINGS, 1080@30

>adding mouths
thats not how this works fignewton

It doesn't cost that much to do 4k on PC if you do the same 4K as consoles.
>cap everything at 30fps
>have all the graphics set to medium

Why do xretards keep acting like they have 4k with everything on ultra at 120fps or something?

wtf i love trump now

Why is the third one replied to in this? Lmao

Nintendo religiously had 60 on vast majority of their games right up to Switch, and even there they gladly go for framerate over graphics in most titles. Just because PS and Xbox made cinematic 30 the standard doesn't mean it is fine.

Based Crypto made Xbox one X even more appealing than it was.

>>have all the graphics set to medium
consolefags wish, familia, GTAV on PS4 has less stuff rendered than on the lowest settings on PC

not that guy, but isn't Odyssey the first 3D Mario running at 60 fps? and no Zelda has ever run above 30 fps, too

This is total bullshit lmao

Get this hothead out

What games to people play on Xbox One?

I use mine exclusively as a youtube/twitch/netflix machine currently.

Nothing good has come out

>little effort

>reddit space
>ironically using jew streaming website such as youtube, twitch & fukin netflix


>I dont like things that are popular
Kill yourself

because it has no game series and exclusives i like wheras Playstation and Nintendo consoles do


>get out underage master race
PC gamers tend to be older than console peasants, with avg age of 38.


>put disc in

I have all of those games on PC.

What the hell is the xbox used for? I dont have another Halo 5 type game for the system

>Xbox One X
>put disc in
>play game
>realize you don't actually have any games and your disk drive is empty

I already own a PC, so it'd be completely redundant.

ITT console fags getting BTFO

This is either shitty bait to get (you)’s or you’re genuinely believe this and are proud of your luddite status.

Just neck yourself

You mean xbots
Nobody in this thread is talking about PS4 and switch being superior

Ill always prefer and argue the PCs superiority but i do love having consoles, Shits comfy as fuck

are there even any exclusives on the bone?


>There are currently 1427 games on this list.

Exclusive = 30
Console exclusive = 164
Multiplatform = 1299

except rich ratboys

True, only Xbox fags are delusional, other peasants know their place.

o b s e s s e d

Or Tales of Vesperia, Ninja Gaiden 2, The Darkness, El Shaddai, Blur, etc.
Lots of great 7th gen games still missing

>Mfw Im using a "gaming laptop" with an 880m and Ive been playing all the new releases at a better frame rate and graphics than any other console

Literally no games

none of the exclusives interest me because I'm not a halofag

Literally 2000 to 0 players. Most people play on Consoles that where the community is, especially for games like Call of, Battlefield etc..

>Re-using the PC title of master race

Damn son, even your memes are ported

I cant even read this, what are you saying?

Well some Sony and nintendo fanboys are delusional but most of them are chill or don't really care

Welcome to the board newfriends

I went looking for games and their top 5 are all exclusives*


*also on PC

I have few reasons to get one. PS4 has most of the next gen games I want to play, even if they're few in number. I could get multiplats on the Xbox One X, but if I already had a PS4, I'd probably just get it on PS4.

Scalebound was the only game gave reason to me pause for brief moment of time to ever consider borrowing someone's else's xbox to play it. But now that its canceled I don't even have to bother talking to fat neckbeard neighbor with a xbone

Welcome to Sup Forums

I will buy an Xbox One once it starts getting worthwhile exclusives games again.

Galaxy ran at 60. 64 and Sunshine were 30, though.

But all those are wrong, besides i cant argue with nolife pctards all day since i got games to play

>JoJo image
>nintendo and playstationfags arent that bad

Peasantbox is the worst console as well. You may as well kys.

Show me your laptop playing forza 7 at 4k/60fps

Show me your console getting 60 fps kek

Holy fuck this is funny

I never said that
Stop projecting dumb xfag
Also thank you for proving you are from reddit now go on and post your ironic weeb starter pack image

Weak, Give it another shot

>put disc in
>play game
If only it actually worked this way, you forgot the 2 hour long install and 50GB day-1 patch since Xbox One X games are now 100GB and dual-layer Blu-rays only hold 50GB of data.

I usually just play a round or two of Fortnite.

Zionyfags loves make lies, it is part of their nature! The new poneyzada is that our true team of Xbox fans (one of the only chads that still resists the FAKE NEWS bought and delivered news, humor and more in a neutral and true, free of manipulation) is "ironic" post because his fucking manipulated, we oppressors will tell you what is ironic indeed!
Ironic is that you defend your masters even when they cheat you at all times with fake promises of 4K screen and constant refresh rate of 60 frames.
Ironic is that you continue to be manipulated even when we expose the rotten and the lies of the Japanese Jews, and how they invent nonsense to defame the competition.
Ironic is that you say you like video games but just buy Japanese phrases where you do not even have to take control to clear, while you cry when a REAL game is released, where you simply have to play the fucking games, and ask for make it easier.
Ironically, besides the Xbox One console, his amazing variants Xbox One S and Xbox One "MONSTER" X have the biggest exclusives, such as the biggest game of the year PUBG, Crackdown 3, Forza (men Game), Cuphead (REAL retro) and many others, you believe you have the advantage of owning more "game" trailers that never date or date.
Ironic is that you let your children play in a machine that has already proven its main purpose to advance the projects that will end their future, Blue Beam, Haarp, Chemtrails and more.
Ironic is like when confronted with the truth, you'd rather reject Green Phill and go back to sleep for the truth that's in your face!
The only irony is yours,Sonybros, who despite being literally manipulated, fucked, cheated and mistreated every day, continues to play his foolish role and let his world dominance plan advance!

>Everything you said is wrong but I'm not going to post any argument.
Are all console peasants this brainlet and pathetic?

How does it feel to write so much and know that nobody will read it?

I do. I got it because I won a plasma screen at a raffle and I felt like the latest "Home entertainment device" would be a good addition. so I splurged on it. Its pretty good but in spite of its fancy graphics Im mostly just looking forward to Sea of Thieves



>Muh nonbody will read it
oh yes, Sonybros can only read "press X to win"

mommy i dont want to pay for dedicated servers, i want the shitty free one


mommy I defend a scumbag business practice

Inb4 crowbcat video of XB1X Pubg performance.