Vidya Gaem Awards 2017

Voting closes in just about 10 hours! Make sure to get your votes in while you can, as 11:59 PM EST tomorrow we'll be shutting it down to begin video production.

If you don't know by now how voting works, check the next post and any subsequent ones for a link to follow, if you want your vote to count. Didn't use a voting code before? Just click an up-to-date link, and it'll count your votes. If you didn't finish voting before the hour was up either, you'll still be fine as there's a grace period.

Other urls found in this thread:

Voting code for the hour.

I fucking hate video games. Will I like these awards?

No, VGA has always been reddit tier cancer and you can expect mainstream trash to win every award.

That's nice.
Tell me about the Sup ForumsGAs though.

I'm trying to vote, but for half of them I just end up picking a random game because all of the choices are garbage.

You can skip the awards you don't care about by simply advancing to the next award.

>tfw wrote "Todd Howard of Bethesda Games"
>tfw it's nominated for best song

I know the singers made that song what it is, but still, yay.

There is no next button before you submit something.

That's not true. You can just click on the arrows on the top and at the bottom

I admit the site looks pretty radical this year

Or, failing that, you can go down the page and pick the awards you want to vote for directly.

>multiple threads in one day
You're stepping up your game I see.

Well, gotta give the Europeans a chance to vote too.

>open nominations for at least half a month in December
>ded threads
>bitches that the nominations suck
sasuga Sup Forums

Zero hour, Kat.
I just hope Yakuza wins something.
Or else.

Tell me about it.

If Sup Forums picks the same games reddit does, does that mean we've become the cancer?

New voting code:

God speed fellow weebro

no one cares

The whole site is cancer, what the fuck.

Quit looking at your mirror.

I'm new to this, guessing it's the VEE game awards, but who made this advert? Is this real?

it's an ebin meme bro xD

But it actually takes me to steam? Is it a meme advert or does steam pay for it? Thinking about it, it probably is memes made to look like a real advert.

Can we get Todd and Jim in trouble for advertising horse cocks in skyrim?

>I modded in a horse cock
Of course it's real

No it doesn't. It's just an ebin prank like all the other reddit tier memes on the site.

Thanks for the compliment.

No one fucking cares about the Sup ForumsGAs. Why would anyone watch an awards show about the same regurgitated memes and opinions you see on Sup Forums everyday?

Everybody deserves their praise in the project.



Nice rebuttal. Seriously, go watch any of the Sup ForumsGAs and tell me that isn't the case. A Sup Forums themed awards show will never be good because people here just blindly vote for whatever they hate/like. It's one big dumb meme.

I didn't articulate this very well. The Sup ForumsGAs are just an hour long video with the same hivemind opinions you see on Sup Forums every day because people on Sup Forums are incapable of forming opinions that go against the hivemind.

Everytime it's the same shitshow full of memes where the flavor of the month rack up everything.
Also good god get some actual announcer this shit is always fucking painful to listen to.

>all weeb/console games

lmao neo Sup Forums

vidya game awards with rare exceptions should be 100% PC exclusives. I don't even know most of hte titles there nor I'll ever care to play that casual shit

>Trying this hard

Are you gonna have local ecelebs doing some voiceover? Are you actually gonna have some gamer kot this time, unlike previous year? Is the ending music clip gonna be the Lolve live one like the previous year, is it gonna be the classic eva one, or is it gonna be something new? Is Kojima finally gonna be there?

>if it's funny it's reddit
Those soyboy cucks, as soon as I found out those fucking redditors drink water too I quit. I've only got about two days left Sup Forums see you space cowboys

Code for the hour:

> where the flavor of the month rack up everything.
I wonder who we should blame for this.

Sup ForumsGA

>Sup ForumsGA

Tell me, how good is that chocolate milk?

You can stop being so defensive by not eating tofu you faggot.

I'm just trying to enjoy things you autismo

>I'm just trying to enjoy things

Well, here's your chance, folks. In about 12 minutes, we'll be streaming ALL the previous shows:

Laugh, cry, be moved by this show.

Will this version include the original CWC having sex with his PS3 skit

What games did you play last year, you enlightened PC kiddie?

No, the one in the stream will be the cleaned up version, but you can download the original version here:

Code for the hour:

IT'S LIVE, LIVE, LIVE. We are streaming all the old shows RIGHT NOW:


>removing essential Sup Forums history

Twitch rules. We keep the original full versions in the site exactly to save them.

The nerve.

Site looks really nice good job

>I am trying hard to have fun
How hard is your autism affecting your life that you need to force yourself to have any form of emotion?


Goddamn these skits were so bad in 2011

Nyanners is here

Is she?

in a very special way

Doing God's work.

defend the colony

Tbh I've thought this was fucking dumb since you guys did the first one in 2011. I even remember having one of you chucklefucks commenting on my steam page and discussing why it was such a bad idea. I still think it's fucking stupid and always le cringe at best.

Good on you guys for sticking with it every year in spite of how much no one actually wants it though, I respect that.