Was it any good?

Was it any good?

when i played it i was like 9 and i had fun, so probably yes

I should replay it sometime

Truly a low point in the series. While the gameplay was passable, literally everything presentation-wise was completely crushed by this game.

Crash of the Titans is more or less just going down the road that this game built.

yes in some aspects
it was clearly an unfinished game but still had some charm and interesting ideas, if they had more time to ploish it it could've been better recieved
still its last decent Crash game to come out so I say its still passable

Good Final Boss theme with the Twins

It was more funny to watch than it was fun to play.

It was OK, but criminally unfinished.

It's a complete mess mechanically and clearly unfinished. However what is there isn't so bad and at least it tried something unique instead of copying the 1-3 formula badly like Wrath of Cortex.

It wasn't even funny for the most part, it was mostly cringe.

Really wish they had more time to develop it, the amount of cut content was painful

>tfw the world was denied Evil Coco

Crash should've silently faded into obscurity after the PS1 era ended. Once the series was taken out of Naughtydog's hands the games just copied the previous games or made changes so drastic that they may as well have been a new IP. The only game that innovated but not over the line was Crash Bash.
The GBA games were more or less a level pack of the side-scrolling stages, which itself is welcome enough but still pretty mundane.
Wrath of Cortex and Nitro Kart copied Warped and Team Racing yet somehow managed to get the physics more slippery and made the stages less memorable.
Twinsanity feels like they were trying to instead follow the Jak & Daxter formula for level design, which was a worthwhile attempt but ultimately fell short due to development constraints and ultimately the stages themselves aren't terribly interesting from a pure platforming perspective, but the variety of mechanics keep you entertained throughout. A lot of criminally underused features, though.
Crash of the Titans and Mind of Mutant might as well have been new IP, the combat is so far removed from what made Crash Crash that the only similarities were the characters themselves and some surface-level mechanics such as jumping.

I don't care about the cut content of Tw*nsanity, I care about Crash Bandicoot Evolution, which was scrapped in favour of this shit.

Deserved a remake before the trilogy desu.

Unfinished as fuck but still surprisingly fun.

Decent. The soundtrack is exclusivley bangers.

i liked crash of the titans when it came out, it could be played on xbox

I found the music to be the worst of modern gaming. There's a reason why it's the only game with a full on a capella soundtrack.

> Crash Bandicoot on Zbox

The Xbox version of Twinsanity was easily the best. Probably the best version of WoC as well, if the fur shading doesn't bother you.

That OST was god tier.

>Not cracking up at using Cortex as a Snowboard

Were there any major version differences?

the lack of musical looping placement was really jarring, especially when the first level's music is ALSO the title music.


Wrath of Cortex looked awful though, the models were of PS1 quality, in addition to bad alpha managing.

WoC has godawful load times on the PS2 and horrible framedrops on the GC.

Agreed, but see above for why it's still important.

The models were fine it's just that they were so goddamn ROUND. The flat textures (granted classic Crash also had flat textures) but the bland lighting didn't do them any favors.
Looked like they took default lighting from the engine and made everything dark. This was the era where realistic graphics were the hottest meme, rather than sticking with cartoonish styling that Crash was designed in mind for.

Oh yeah, I remember WoC was absolutely painful to play on PS2, but I meant to say Twinsanity.

>The models were fine

They really weren't. Compare the model quality of WoC to Twinsanity and the difference is staggering.

It basically just looks and runs better. Nothing terribly much.

Oh I see

Best nu-crash by far, it wasn't as good as the OG trilogy, but it was a solid game.

It was alright. Game was clearly unfinished but as far as nu-Crash goes it was one of the better ones.