Be woman

>be woman
>a large part of your potential mates around the 30 years old have never stopped playing nintendo games
>go to his house
are you expecting women to see stability and a father in you. an embryo is closer to the target demographic of nintendo games than you are.

rick and morty normies are stealing your women, beyond sad really

What if it's my girlfriend that is playing mario?

pic is funny at least

>using KC to shitpost


Why would you ruin your life like that? Fuck off.

Why should i care? women are disgusting whores.


>ding ding yahoo
You didn't even get the maymay right.

>be a woman
>don't want to work
>find mediocre man who's neither fat nor uggo
>marry him, have him provide
>fuck him two or three times a month, he's alright
>sleep around while he's at work
>he's either too oblivious to realize or knows his odds of getting another relationship are terrible

This is pretty realistic
I play more vidya than my GF but she watches way more anime/streamers than I do so its not like either of us is really more mature than the other and we're both fine with that

Neon lights in your “gaming rig” are way more soy manchild than owning a Nintendo console desu.

I refuse to believe there are ANY women on Sup Forums.

but seriously, just find someone as autistic as you are and things will be okay. as long as you're both functional and working who cares what else you do with your time?

fuck off this album is in top 5 of all time

What kind of fag cares about women

beta male spotted. not spreading your seed is what beta cucks do

i remember being in high school. i was a complete faggot just like you, OP

>are you expecting women to see stability and a father in you
Do you expect them to see that in someone who goes on the internet and types something like this?


>falling for the vaginal jew

>customizing your pc and having a gaming rig are now a reditmeme-tier activities

I'm pretty sure that women who are turned off by games don't care what company makes them when they turn up their nose at you

In my experience though girls will at least play Nintendo with you. And it isn't seen as extremely nerdy to have a Nintendo relative to something which masquerades as something other than a toy (high-end PC, Sony aircraft carrier). A Nintendo is seen as more of a social thing because you can actually play with your real-life friends. Other platforms scream either turbobro or turbonerd.

I'm not even a big Nintendo fan anymore, just stating facts.

This is totally not just another sonybro trying to shitpost. Nope, not at all. The irony is that there are probably females playing on Nintendo hardware than any other gaming hardware.

>your women

Women belong to no one, you misogynist rapist scumbag.

What are you, a fucking animal? How sad.

wahoo > vagoo

Don’t know about Sup Forums, but on big copycat board of another country I know for sure many women are sitting around. The thing is, they are nuts as fuck, while men are usually just pathetic, they are aggressive in their madness and pretty perverted too.

>rick and morty normies

Yep, pretty much.

Your newness is showing, JJBA has been used to shitpost for years now.

this desu why do normie girls like nintendo so much?

kek, this

Kys roastie.

Owning a desktop these days is New Balance shoe tier to girls.

because it's fun

>rick and morty normies

I don't understand how a woman would be attracted to a pile of ashes at the bottom of an oven.

it's brainlet friendly


What’s wrong with NB

might as well rename Sup Forums to /cosmo/ because it has fucked them so bad that they are turning into females.

>are you expecting women to see stability and a father in you

well, they came to MY house and see that i have disposable income, so they should think hard about that before crying about video games

Because it’s made for children, thus graphically appealing with bright colors and easy to understand.

>implying I even go outside
The audacity.

>be boss
>a large part of your potential players around soul level 50 have never stopped using the Drake Sword
>walks through your fog gate
>he dies without even making you reach phase 2
are you expecting to get anywhere with a Drake Sword. a broadsword is closer to slaying me than you are

zweihander and claymore chads are slaying your bosses, beyond sad really

It's cute. Mine likes Animal Crossing and Mario Kart.

Nintendo enjoys the same sort of mainstream friendliness that Pixar or Disney do. They're technically "children's entertainment" but they're seen as enjoyable enough and of high enough quality that it's not totally weird for a twenty something to have a few of their movies/games around.

However, like most things, to display an outright obsession with them is often seen as a red flag.

Go ask /fa/ or /r9k/.

>he hasn't taken the gaypill

>tfw you got both dragon swords early and climbed down to the dragon covinent before you had fast travel just because you wanted to complete the area before you started the actual main game.

I had to climb back up

>Using KC with this shitty meme
Fucking kill yourself holy fuck, i'm actually upset

OP women love Mario and Nintendo it's when I play Counter Strike and VNs and obscure steam games and platformers that women are turned away. Bitches love mario because they can play it as well and not feel like total garbo

>chaining yourself to a literal money pit

Nah, 99% of western millennial women are used up spoiled sluts. More and more are hitting late twenties and realizing nobody wants them or their 2 niglets Dequavian left her. Not a single member of my graduate class is happy with their marriages.

It's better to focus on your own life, hobbies and career. Blame leftist society for allowing Christian values to deteriorate in the name of diversity and acceptance.

Trying to impress women. The state of your life. So sad. You work your whole lives to impress somebody who spends 99% of their time tapping on a tiny glass screen. You won't have time for games because you'll be too busy making diner and doing dishes for them because women today are nothing like the housewives our grandfathers married.

it always has been. "gaming lights" and other unnecessary rice shit is awful.

you are nothing like your grandfather either

Unironically this. Also, it's just way to fucking expensive to have a child and there is no reason to have a marriage other than a foundation for a family, it's simply not needed.

Not to mention how at-risk you are as a man with a kid in a marriage. Your child(ren) could easily be taken from you on the whim of a fickle woman, and courts will side with them more often.

Simply not worth the risks.

>women are constantly pushing for men to accept their bad habits and low impulse control and basically be treated like a child their entire life
There's a reason why a increasing amount of men stopped giving a fuck about women and society thinks. They opened Pandora's box by constantly cramming the idea that nothing has any value and that only idiots believe in anything beyond themselves and their own comfort.

I'm going to marry a gen z girl when I'm 40

it was always mocked as something only nerds would do. I guess original Sup Forums user base was eroded in favour of "lol such a geek" demographics who genuinely find Dark Souls hard and watch anime ironically.

>are you expecting women to see stability and a father in you
why the fuck would i care about that shit?

I know. He just had to stand in a line to get a job that came with benefits, retirement, and a house you could buy with fucking pocketchange. So yes, I know. Fucking sucks.

>crying because they got rid of gibmedats
fuck off commie faggot

They don't like it. It's just the go-to way to pretend to be "such a nurd" for social media points and nothing else.

No. This is how capitalism used to work. Employers were desperate for workers. Then TFWs and immigration happened. Wages were driven down and unions gutted. That said, bring on communism. I want everybody to have a shit tier life like I do. I can live with it. They can't.

not gonna lie, this soy meme is almost funny when you take the wojak part away from it

wojak and pepe are a blight on the internet and need to be put to rest for good

>not keeping your phone on record any time you're with a tinder date
fucking normalfags

Every female under 30 expects a potential male to have either a PlayStation or Xbox at their house and at least a call of duty game and some sports games. It’s all the other shit that will get you the weird looks.

You'd be surprised, I know a woman who is active on /fit/ mostly to scare herself into going to the gym and I'm pretty sure she's not the only one. Plus /cgl/ is pretty much entirely women and /soc/ and Sup Forums have quite sizeable female demographics.

The way you overthink these things probably turns off women way more than playing video games from time to time

I'm with you in the big picture but this seems like more a personal political issue for you as opposed to monetary/decision based

this, but also:
>Be a man.
>Fit, have a decent job, have my own house, have a car, 6'1, white, nice hair and hygiene.
>Just looking for a gf and possibly something serious.
>Try internet dating.
>Hot chicks are dating 3 other guys and are "free spirits" just looking for a side-piece because they're mad at their current roaster of partners, or they're constantly seeking infatuation, or they're just legit roasties.
>Ugly landwhales expect legit 9/10s with all their shit together to treat them like Beyonce because over the years a few thirsty Chads and chub-chasers got drunk and fucked them thanks to hook-up culture, and now they think their dating range is close to Chad's.
>"Grrrrrl interrupted!" hipster psychos and feminists with hypomania who will constantly talk about their feelings before fucking you over because you had a single argument and you "don't understand them", and whom find the concept of settling down and having kids to be horrific.
>30-something divorcees who aren't interested in having any more kids and have a fuckton of baggage.
>All these bitches expect you to check all the fit, tall, handsome, have a great job, have your own place, etc. boxes.
I don't even play videogames outside of a little fightan nowadays, but bitches need to get their shit together or they will continue to compete for male attention with videogames. Neither gender is doing their job and actively discouraging the other. Luckily, I've fucked enough sluts and been in enough relationships that I'm ready to go the rest of the journey alone.

>Filename isn't soygirl
You had one job user

whoremongers are rapists. God didn't consent.


Why would I ever care about some shitty women when cute boys are infinitely superior in every way?

>>Fit, have a decent job, have my own house, have a car, 6'1, white, nice hair and hygiene.

The mere point that you had to add that you have good hygiene means you don't.

I want to fucking die

>going on tinder dates
>interacting with women
>interacting with any kind of human beans
>calls others normalfags


The only women who'd care about such things are western women. I would assume everyone here has enough common sense to date and marry asian exclusively, right?

How can I get a Touhou girlfriend?

weirdest boner

>He thinks people should dirty their hands picking up trash

What kind of reasoning is this? You have to have a gold medal in mental gymnastics to come up with this shit. I bet you are one of the people who constantly spouts "you hate x? that must mean you secretly love x"

Because women are children

I've seen too many pissjugs not to include that point, but way to project your insecurity.

Too bad they don't exist irl.

>implying having tinder matches is being a normie

bitch as long as u got a decent face you're golden. years of Sup Forums give you enough training on texting bantz to at least get a few """"dates""""". obviously youre fucked when you meet, but the key is not to go on any proper dates and only go over to her place / invite her to yours to fug and leave / kick her out a few hours later

They exist. They're as shitty as everyone else on Sup Forums. But there's still the occasional gem who adds you when you're putting yourself out there for videogames and ends up falling for you and buying you videogames even though you tell her fucking not to and despite being weirdly bipolar and an absolute poopsocker she's still a lot of fun to talk to.

They also had stable, homogeneous countries with a high sense of community and a government that knew when to fuck off

Uh, yeah?

>40 year old nigger lover
I still cry that i can not date this jerewl of a person!!!

I gave up on women a long time ago.

Vapid cunts.

>not playing mario games coop with your boyfriend

This. Unless you are a top 1% Chad, dealing with women isn't worth it.

>and they call themselves "master race" and it's okay because reddit
It's just sad.

>gf tells me she doesn't want to date me anymore
>after a year of putting up with her alcoholism
>after months of supporting her financially, feeding her, and giving her a place to stay
>months of her refusing to have sex with me while she's sober

I obliged her and broke things off then and there and LO AND BEHOLD, just like a fucking woman, she tried taking it back because it meant I wouldn't do anything for her any more.

Some women are just fucking worthless.

Fuck you cunt no wonder your previous boyfriend cheated on you.

>tfw no bf to play vidya with

>tfw no big titty gf to play vidya with

Just... how?

lmao I guess I'm a man now