How come Sup Forums don't have recommendation threads like other boards do?

How come Sup Forums don't have recommendation threads like other boards do?

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Because they end up shit every single time just like yours

Your picture answers that question

wrong pic. i meant something more like these things

because Sup Forums doesn't like anything

>legend of heroes
>not weebshit

lazy b8

>dq and loh not absolute pleb

I'm not even gonna go into the ridiculous amount of hypocritical placements with games that are really similar.

the simple fact that Dragon Quest is great while Final Fantasy is entry level just baffles me

why the fuck is souls even listed amongst these titles

Because we don't need to discuss this worthless shit on the board, we have a wiki.

please, ff is literally THE MOST MARKETED jrpg ever to exist, how the fuck is it not entry level?

Because we don't like or recommend things we only talk shit about every single video game we can think of.

You play the role of the chosen undead / bearer of the curse / ashen one.

o i thought u were referring to a penis chart because that's all i see when i visit this board


Everything would be weabooshit

that is a shit list if I've ever seen one

great bait, heres a (you). you play a role in literally every game, retard. souls is not a jrpg.

don't get me wrong, Final Fantasy absolutely belongs on entry level tier. What's mind boggling is how FF is entry level while Dragon Quest, of all things, is great. They BOTH should be entry level, because that's how those games are structured. Basic, entry level games with a little bit of depth to make you want more. They're both also marketed up the ass, but that's more of a Japan thing

surely Sup Forums can come to an agreement when talking about any specific genre. hell even VN games have a recommendation lists

Too many shills.

Sup Forums is constantly plagued with consolewar threads. Plus, there are just so many games (and so much expense) that most people cannot reasonably pick up and play them all. So you have a large number of people who haven't played the games the other people played, you have a large number of people who will defend their chosen game series regardless of quality, and the few people who have played a large number of games have such wildly varied taste that it's hard to judge which voice is correct. You ultimately end up in a situation where you either just take everybody's recommendation and put them all up on a list (which is what happened with recommended games wiki) or you just have everybody making their own lists and it ultimately boiling down to a bunch of different opinions.

mario rpgs are superior to your obscure weeb shit

>made by japanese
>stats distribution
>not a jrpg


lunar not being in highest rank
saga not being in highest rank
phantasy star not being in highest rank
grandia not being in highest rank
bof not being in highest rank

ys being too high
etrian being way too high
dark cloud being way too high
rance being way too high
v. profile being way way too high

dragon quest not being entry level shite
smt being too high
legend of heroes being too high
front mission being way too fucking high
xeno being too high

Just kys OP

I used to collect Sup Forums tier lists back when that was popular because I was going to make a "tier list tier list" but I got lazy, here's one from 2009

Low quality bait

>is an action game
>not a turn based game like almost every other game on that list

by your generalized categorization every single game that comes out of japan is a jrpg. puddle deep stat distribution and quests are not what categorize it as a jrpg. go back to preschool.

i wonder

2009 nov 10th

well shit, you're completely right.

The only way we could have a truly proper discussion is if EVERYONE played EVERY SINGLE (insert game genre here) so we can express all our honest opinions. Sadly, that's just impossible

more 2009
Any interesting trends?

>green lex luthor
>shit tier


>>>>>>>>>>GAME FREAK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A GOOD DEVELOPER

I think DQ is pretty entry level and V profile is grate. Basically I disagree with roughly half of your list.

its an action RPG

Put Golden Sun in pleb tier and Etrian in Elder God tier.

>Always Awesome


Remember, this is nearly 10 years ago.

>Etrian and Ys not in great
>SMT not in pleb


This is so out of date

They are though.

I like how you can spot the newfags with these old charts.

>SaGa in pleb

Everything they've made for the past decade has been complete shit.

>high tier

If i could go back in time an slap whoever made this

Outside consolewarring (which results in a lot of falseflagging against console-specific games) there is just a sense around here that EVERYBODY must have an opinion on EVERYTHING and must present themselves as experts in that thing. Nobody says "Oh, that's a JRPG thread, I don't like JRPGs so I'll just ignore it." Instead, they jump in and decide to mention how shitty all Final Fantasy games are because of FFXIII, or how every Dragon Quest game plays the same, or "lol grinding" for SMT. There is an amazing amount of pride for people who will be completely unknown by their next post on the same board, as opposed to just "I played three Dragon Quest games and they all felt the same, didn't like the series."

Then again, on the other hand, a lot of these series have fans (or perhaps shills) who will defend their preferred games to the death. I've seen a lot of people dismiss the above opinion just because they haven't played every single Dragon Quest game. Ironically, I think a lot of these fans/shills probably haven't played every game in their series either, since most people who have will offer their own opinions on the good or bad games in the series, including which DQ games were more boring to grind through and which were more interesting.

Also FF related to the OP bitching


SFV was pretty good. Dragon's dogma was fantastic. Monhun is consistently great and world looks fantastic. DMC4 was 2008 I think and it was really good.

>franchise i like & franchise i don't like
Ys is great though.


>Based Garland
>Low Tier

I sure hope you got your shit properly archived and perserved, would be a shame to lose Sup Forums's legacy.

I got it on an external but i'm kind of lazy. Also running out of vidya related ones

>shilling potential
>Sup Forums has good taste in videogames

The worst SF to date
Mediocre at best, so I guess I'll give you that one.
Same shit rehashed with prettier graphics with each installation.
>Game literally killed the series so hard it's corpse was sold to Ninja Theory for sloppy seconds
And they STILL made a better game than DMC4 considering you didn't have to repeat every boss and level halfway through the game.

Capcom is surviving by the skin of it's teeth, it's only a matter of time till they sell MonHun to Ninja Theory too.

DmC wasn't even close. Combat is 90% of what matters in a dmc game and 4 has great combat.
Monhun is fantastic combat so it's a good game.
SF5 really isn't that bad, it's about on par with where 4 was at this point in its lifecycle and probably better than 3 pre TS.
DD was fantastic.

Sounds like you just don't care about good combat, which is fine, but to me it's the most important part of a game.


Archivers are willing to perserve them if you're willing to dump them. If you've got some free time that you won't spend playing vidya then maybe consider doing that.

The last two categories should really be "Porn Tier".

Time to ease into less vidya related things I guess

Angry sony fans would never allow that as most of the recommended games would end up being nintendo

That's one thing I kinda dislike about talking about certain games/topics. You need to make direct comparisons to other games to support your idea, or at least play most of the games in the series to even earn the privilege of talking about ONE game in the series. It's like saying I love playing Blitzball in Final Fantasy X, but OH NO, I can't make a proper judgement on these minigames because I never played Triple Triad or any of the minigames in Final Fantasy VII. Even though they're not related, JUST on the principle that they're within the same series, I MUST make comparisons to back up my opinions, less they be considered weak or lesser due to lack of proper experience. It's like I need to explain in explicit detail over why I like something in a series, and only a fucking essay will convince some people.

God forbid you also have an extremely unpopular opinion you can't properly put into words. one of my favorite FF's is FFII

garbage list

I'm currently waiting for a dungeon queue in my shitty MMO.
You know maybe I should just pack up my Sup Forums folder and put it on megaupload. Got a lot of fun memories in there.

>God forbid you also have an extremely unpopular opinion you can't properly put into words.
No need, just say that the game you like is comfy or the one you don't like is not fun. Only drones will disagree.

how do niggers not perceive this is just japan vs west?

You misunderstand, people put effort into their shitposting a decade ago. Be it subtle or blatant, effort was there. Lovingly crafted shitposts.

Because it's not and I mostly agree with it. Especially for 2009.

but that's fucking stupid! Those are blanket statements that only prove how little you've even analyzed your own enjoyment of the subject at hand. Granted, you don't need to write your own thesis on why you do or don't like a subject, but using those kinds of terms are also sort of weak. Maybe it's just me, but I dislike not being able to explain why I like or dislike a particular subject.

I think there needs to be a small explanation to support opinions, but it doesn't need to be a fucking novel to explain it all

That user said 2009 so yeah.

>not shit tier

Nah I get you. If you can't explain your opinion then it's worthless. But the guy you responded to was being facetious.

>thighs not best tier
Oh boy, you better be jesting


>rhythm games in bad tier

Meh tier, I don't even care

>shit tier

>the simple fact that Dragon Quest is great while Final Fantasy is entry level just baffles me
Maybe you just never played DQ and just assume what's on the surface.

what about SAO?

>above ys
no way man

its for autists, same with VNs.

go play a proper fucking videogame

SMTfags have got to be the most pretentious people in the world. I bet they like LoGH too.

I've played all of FF and a good chunk of DQ and they belong on the same tier imo. What tier that is depends on the person.

>green lex luthor in shit tier

this is vintage bait

They'd have good taste if they did. Intentionally having bad taste doesn't make you smart. Pretentious hipsters were right all along.

>music games

>Final Fantasy in shit tier while DQ is in great tier
>Chrono in shit tier at all
>Xeno above all these other series
>Suikoden that high
>Legend of Heroes better than anything in Good tier or even Pleb tier
>Fucking Phantasy Star in pleb tier
>Fire Emblem worse than Disgaea
>Fucking Neptunia in anything but shit tier
This list is hot ass.

Is that fucking shad?

Great tier:
Any genre, except...

Shit tier:
Non fantasy sports games, MOBAGE, MMORPG.

Nigger it's already been explained. Just because DQ doesn't have the billion dollar marketing campaign in the US that FF does, doesn't change the fact that Dragon Quest is the quintessential entry level jrpg.

you're paranoid bro

>meh tier
Fuck off

now here's a correct list

Only Xeno2 has lazy weeb shit

Check out
There's a few recommendation images for every console/PC platform at the bottom of their page. Games are usually divided by genre.

Because retards can never make a consensus, even when logically the genre should be tied to the game itself, not how and where it was made.