Do you think that Rainbow Six Siege is being infiltrated by sjw ideals...

Do you think that Rainbow Six Siege is being infiltrated by sjw ideals? When you look at Ela and Zofia it can certainly look like it.

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It's funny to see female only operators with retarded outfits on MVP screen, but i don't give a shit.

No, stop going out your way to find it.


>new units had 1 male and 1 female operator
>now it's 2 female operators
>visual design by tumblr
It's not real, goyim.


>sjw ideals
What does this even mean, you niGGer

I think it has to do more with appealing to the ADHD memespouting teens.
Making DLC operators overshadow everything before it equals more dosh.

Make a female character with yoga pants, the appearance of an alt teen girl and make her god tier and they'll eat it up.

>Do you think that Rainbow Six Siege is being infiltrated by sjw ideals?

the fuck are you talking about op

>Game still almost has twice as many males as females
>Once release two women
"Oh my God sjws!"

This is autism

Female characters in video games. Video games should be a safe space for people like me, but the SJWs are ruining that.

There are women in a realistic military shooter, when there aren't women in real life.
That means it's a Jew conspiracy meant to make everyone into gay Communists!

It's the Tom Clancy universe, anything could happen.

No, except for Ubisoft refusing to nerf elas smg to 30 rounds because they want to make her "unique" in her ability to fight multiple people.


did this sort of thing already happen in brazil?

I think they're taking a gradual approach to nerfing, rather than go all out and completely rehaul them like a lot of other games do.

She'll get hit with another nerf at the start of Year 3.

i want to buy this game. someone explain all the year 2 year 3 bullshit for me pls

Yeah, the whole country is gay communists now.


Brazil: a country of gay communists because women exist

Most attacker teams consist of all women now
Ash, Hibana, IQ, Zofia, Ying, Dokkaebi are all much more consistently picked that Sledge, Thatcher, Blitz or Thermite

this kind of post makes me believe in the opposite, and that even you know it happened and are trying to over it up for some reason

Would someone really do this? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

In the first year after release they released four free mini-expansions that each added a map and two operators. If you bought a season pass you could get the operators without grinding. The game was unexpectedly successful, so they announced "year two" of free mini-expansions and a separate year two season pass. Now they're moving into "year three".

no, they’re just trying to dip into the Overwatch waifu market you fucking retard pollock.

Not an argument

The game has season passes like most games with dlc.

You can just grind instead, but a 30$ dlc pass means no grinding for a year.

The maps are always free.

personal anecdote isn’t an argument either. until you’ve got statistics of who’s picked to back you up, stop whining and just play the game

not bad. so DON'T get the cheap version of the game?


Nope. SJW won't allow sexualized women. I think they wanted to make a waifu. Zofia doesn't look anything like SJW. Ela looks like an anarchist teen, on the other hand. Hair was a bit too much.

Do not, under any circumstance, buy the "Starter Edition." It is a trap that makes it so you grind forever to get the basic operators.

The standard version is good. It takes about 30 hours of playtime to get all the base operators, and then another 30 hours for each DLC operator (they really aren't necessary).
Or if you get the Year 1 + 2 or Year 2 packs, you get more renown (xp/currency) and everything is 10% cheaper. So you could start saving up for Year 3.

You're not telling the truth
How is that for an argument?

Pro level attack will usually have Hibana, Thatcher, Thermite at minimum. Iq, Ash, Blackbeard or glaz for fragging. Ying is only brought for specific plants. Usually Buck is brought for vertical play.

Typically the most female ops on a team would be Ash, Hibana IQ. Which is a pretty rush heavy attack bound to fail.

Zofia has seen lackluster play since release and rarely doubles up on a squad with Ash since they are redundant.

So on all levels, you are wrong. That work?

Standard is the normal base game. You will need to unlock all your operators. Vanilla ones are normal price (500-2000 renown), DLC ones are 25k renown each.

Gold is the base game + Year 2 Season Pass. You will need to unlock Vanilla and Year 1 DLC operators. You will get Year 2 DLC operators automatically. Same unlocking costs as standard.

Complete is the base game + Year 2 Season Pass + Year 1 Operators. You will only need to unlock Vanilla operators. You will get Year 1 and 2 DLC operators automatically. Same unlocking costs as standard.

Starter is a gimped base game. You will need to unlock all your operators. They will be more expensive than normal. Vanilla operators will cost 12.5k renown instead of a mere 500-2000, while DLC operators will cost same as standard. DON'T GET THIS. It will turn up the grind to Korean MMO levels. Don't fall for the Starter Edition meme. You can definitely buy the Standard edition for cheaper than even Starter if you shop around.

DO NOT get the starter edition. Check key reseller sites, they often have the standard edition for $20 or so.

>Standard Edition
- Start with no operators (only generic Rookie)
- Unlock and outfit all original operators within 15-20 hours of playing online (by the time you've played a few rounds with a new operator you'll have enough to unlock another)
- DLC operators take some serious grinding to unlock

>Starter Edition
- Start with four free operators
- Additional operators take HOURS of grinding each to unlock
- DLC operators take even more grinding

I can understand operators like Mira and IQ being on team rainbow because they are combat engineers.
I can't defend team GROM though.

DLC operators are 25k in both standard and starter edition.

what good does it do you to cover up for brasil?

uh... are any of these girls cute at least?

They all are.

I'm piss poor at this game. I'm never standing in the right place and generally never have a chance to be useful as Thermite. I'm much better at games like RO/RS2, ARMA, Tarkov, old R6, etc

What habits would help? Is full auto just better than burst/precision fire?

Good. No one cares. I don't know why so many neckbeards identify with grom enough that they worry about their operators being female.

You aren't good enough to join grom, so your fictional Avatar may as well not qualify for grom either.

Zofia looks badass, though. But I agree.
Caveira is fitting in, because she's sneaky-beaky, Hibana does, too, she's a combat engineer.

Never change the fire rate of your weapon. Just control your trigger finger, idiot.

If you are new/bad, let your team go in first or you will die to angles you didn't imagine.

Just pay attention when you die, always watch you kill feed and think about where you died from. It wasn't a fluke, that was a known angle. Next time watch it or prefire it.

Play safer, don't rush, always aim down the sights and go for the head.

Learn map layouts. Personally I've never touched the burst/single fire modes but I will manually shoot those ways if the situation demands it.

The reason, OP, why Ubisoft is adding so much female operators is to bait people with waifu marketing tactics. They're the masters at milking people of their money.

>Is full auto just better than burst/precision fire?

Stick with your team on Attack, coordinate plans with them. On defense, if you're anchoring try to stay out of sight and listen for cues when to attack. Stay behind people until you know where you're going. Map knowledge is the most important part of the game.

If nothing else, ask your team how you can be helpful.

This is Vigil. Say something nice about him before he gets killed by IQ.

holy shit Sup Forums used to be cool but is this the absolute fucking state of it now? What the fuck did the SJeWs actually go through your head and now you're actively on witch hunting mode indefinitely?
What the fuck happened to make you like this, it reeks of someone just getting into the right and just spouting every single vomit that comes out of faggots mouth.

>Is full auto just better than burst/precision fire?

Headshots kill instantly. One way to get headshots is to get really good at twitch aiming. Another way to get headshots is to fire a lot of bullets at the chest and let the gun's recoil take care of the rest.

>Playing as IQ
>Pulse is trying to wall track me
>Step back to 11+ meters away, shoot him through the wall

Just listen to footsteps, learn maps a bit and you'll be fine. Full auto is better, because you shoot when you want, and how much you want, with a single mouse press. Don't always use an ACOG, recoil is still a thing.

Don't use an acog until you learn how to control recoil.

Shitters typically skip killcams, they will never improve like that

meant for

>Dokkeabi literally wears fake nerd glasses into combat

They need to bring back the visual and story guys for the launch and early DLC operators back right fucking quick before things get any worse.

I always pick Ying and Dokkaebi because I have the yellow fever something terrible. In fact Dokkaebi looks exactly like my gf.

>Woman wears ponytail down to her middle back and shades at night. Nerds don't care.
>Woman puts highlights in her hair, nerds lose their mind.


>I always pick Ying and Dokkaebi because I have the yellow fever something terrible. In fact Dokkaebi looks exactly like my gf.
Same on all accounts, except my gf always picks Ying/Dokkaebi.
I even managed to convince her to cosplay Dokkaebi.

Ash is even JEWISH.

More like waifu bait

also same. Except my girlfriend is way too fat to be either. She still loves Siege though.

Thatcher, Sledge, and Thermite are still staples for pretty much any team composition though, I have almost 700 hours in this game and at my level it may be different than yours, but all female comps hardly ever work. Take a look at competitive Siege and you will also notice that That you are incorrect.



See you in a week, faggot.

>Never change the fire rate of your weapon. Just control your trigger finger, idiot.
That's a imbecilic statement at its core.

I can't wait until they add that female Russian operator for Y3S1.

You just know she will have sass, but still be hot, and it is going to drive Sup Forums insane.

still more men than women as operators.

I hope the "realistic military shooter" you're talking about isn't R6S lol

Okay. Keep messing with your fire rate. Just make sure you stay off my team.

Mmmmmm can't wait. Spetznaz is my favorite CTU

If she's fat, she doesn't look like her

Name a more realistic shooter that isn't a milsim like BF2:PR or ARMA

>going out of your way
It's literally infiltrating everything. You don't need to find it because THEY make sure it will find you

New DLC characters aren't going to be part of the original CTU's shes probably going to be OMON or VDV or something

No one mentioned anything about changing fire rate. You're just sperging.

>Keep messing with your fire rate
>Implying I don't understand after 600 hours of gameplays how to switch fire modes for specific situations
>Implying I wouldn't get top score on your team because I'm not emptying my clip constantly and can confirm kills without reloading unnecessarily.

You can have a hate boner for semi-auto and burst all you want but there's a reason its implemented in the game.

I just like the Russian OPs and I hope she will have a similar playstyle.

So you're openly admitting that there are actual, realistic options out there compared to R6S, which isn't realistic at all.

Also, Insurgency.

>Isn't realistic at all
Its more realistic than most shooters out there, even if things like ARMA are more so. The simple fact that you can shoot through surfaces that make sense in a real combat situation, or that you use reconnaissance equipment mid-game still makes it a semi-realistic shooter. Anyone who claims its THE combat simulator game though is just retarded.

I'm hoping, since she is released next to operation Chimera, that she is going to be the 'dark' solution to the virus.

Either using it offensively, screw the geneva convention, or just using fire to burn anyone slightly infected. The first might be too close to Lesion though, so I don't know what they will do. But so far Capitao is the only one with anything like fire, so there are options there.

The French op can be another doctor for all I care.

No one ever said R6S is the epitome, but Insurgency definitely doesn't come close.

In fact I don't think any other game has a similar sound system to what R6S has. The wall breaking is also quite unique; I can't think of ANY other game with something similar on the same scale.

It was sarcasm.

No. The game is pure in it's stance of being a game first and makes an effort to disassociate itself with reality in writing. In a game like this, it's probably far easier to make a female operator distinct in appearance compared to the men. There's an entire new season coming up though, so we'll see what they have planned.

French op will be French Foreign Legion I bet so they can fit in a "proper" African operator in the game

I mean, we are getting Morocco at the end of the year, so I don't think they are too worried about that.

That's what the Moroccans are for.

Hence the "proper" African like from Mali or something

This is going to be another Sup Forums thing isn't it?

Now who's lying lmao glaz for fragging no one who isn't stomping or throwing picks him anymore. IQ is picked more and more with lesion and ela being a thing and what about Twitch? So now we have the very likely team comp of: Ash, Hibana, Twitch, and IQ. That leaves one possible space for a male operator IF they haven't gone with another fragger pick like Ying or Zofia

>Only two new maps and one rework

Thank fucking jesus, 4 maps a year was clearly too fast for them to playtest what they were putting out.

Do I need to link you games from the invitational?

You only bring Twitch if you are on sites where you need to open Mira windows. If you are more worried about hatches, then more likely you need to double your hard breaches (bring Hibana and Thermite). IQ is not necessary for Ela (you can't get to her traps anyway, they will be behind an impenetrable wall), she is for clearing Valk cams.

Glaz is still played on certain sites. If he isn't, you are probably bringing BB. If you aren't bringing either, it is probably because you are bringing Buck.

Thatcher should be on every attacking team. No exceptions.

>When you're so unemployable that you have to try and find self worth by perpetuating a made up culture war.

No normal human being gives a shit about this.

Huh, interesting. An attack team with only two female operators.

you made a thread to complain about a non problem?

B-b-but user, they are putting CUTE GIRLS in our vidya. How will the human race survive?!