How did you like Reddit's Progressive GDQ, dude?
How did you like Reddit's Progressive GDQ, dude?
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I don't know what the third person is
Transtestical freaks need to be purged
Imagine the smell
absolutely disgusting degenerates
Did you just assume my gender?
post your speedfu
Why has the purple-haired guy become so prominent? He did like one run last year and was all over the mic this time.
oh god. I feel gross after being fooled for the first few seconds of that.
I can't say I do, but what do I know. I only tuned in to see Wario Land 4 then never watched it again
Probably the most boring and sterile shit ever, the only saving grace was making fun of the mannish trannies
this is what happens when you thirsty af
let go of ever having a gf anons
post 100 dollar bill edit please!
Reddit didn't like this GDQ though
I don't even hate Proto for being a mentally ill faggot, the guy is so fucking egoistical he tried to make 2 GDQ about himself to get more popularity.
Even if GDQ is just a money laundering scheme, that shit is just terrible.
also who is that? if it's a guy don't bother answering
also, did I see blueglass at the end? Was he allowed entry this year?
Just saying I'd fuck Protogirl, and I'm going to say it in every ADGQ thread.
This is who I see.
to be honest, not having the audience cam for half the marathon, staple runs like mario 64 and super metroid being declined this year, and the general chat policing being scummy i can understand why people would be turned off to the event.
overall however, the marathon operated extremely smoothly and i believed there were tons of runs that were actually worth watching. not to mention there was an extremely minimal amount of tranny presence the last few days i noticed. that combined with no fucking tranny love in the ending video, mike uyama getting jabbed at by based caveman during the animorphs run, with the exception of the 13 year olds who didn't get to spam the chat i'd say this GDQ felt a bit more genuine at least coming from the runners.
i still don't give two shits about the charity nonsense, but the runners looked like they had fun this year and i think that added a very positive vibe for the marathon as a whole.
with ESA next month and then NASA coming up this summer, 2018 is looking comfy all around.
is she autistic?
SHE(he) was the most feminine and attractive tranny out of the bunch. It was no contest.
Just watch NASA and ESA you dumb fucks
its not on you wank
Autism is the first requirement of speedrunning.
Why do they always get the huge donations at the end of the event?
Same reason you pay for something after you know what you're getting.
fake donations to maintain the image that the event is succesful and growing each year
but really it's people who realize the event is almost over and get in at the last minute
Reddit was bitching about it more than anyone
I don't watch it anymore t.b.h.
Didn't watch it, didn't even know about it. Don't give a shit because I'm not mentally ill
AGDQ wasn't bad this year. Why are you posting a picture of SGDQ?
>AGDQ wasn't bad this year
Old one but gold one.
I haven't watched it since it got coopted
Reddit is redpilled as fuck.
What did the tranny count end in? 12? 13? ProtoMagicDude is literally giving exclusive speedrun rights to his tranny buddies.
Something like 6 runners and 4 attendees or volunteers. I don't keep up with how many are submitting runs to be considered for GDQ but I can't imagine a lot of tranny runners didn't get their runs accepted.
I bet everyone who used a Kreygasm or FapFapFap in chat got permanently banned.
Imagine being a Memerican
Can we please talk about this scene?
Never understood how we got to enabling someone's mental health problem by going along with it and labeling it as progressive.
Seems regressive considering there isn't a single other animal in nature that removes it genitals in an attempt to be the other sex.
the optimism is c-cute? Like damn you don't need that bra
My favourite game this GDQ, was guessing if they were trannies or just low test men. Makeup was a gimme but some were hard.
>Like damn you don't need that bra
gender is a social construct that's why trannies try to resemble what society expect women to look like
>not speedrunning your favorite game
then there were ones like
where Im really not sure if its a girl, tranny or dude trynna be a dude.
This doesn't actually look much worse than most ham planet feminists
I need a quick run down of what the fucks going on with adgq
>set in america
>full of trannies and sjw
turned into a freakshow. Depressing really. and they got rid of kill all animals.
At least some of those can pass as ugly girls and don't just look like fat men with long, dyed hair.
So, let's take a step back here for a momnet. Who is more tpahteic? A bunch of speed runners who go on about there day not bothering anyone and just keep to themselves, or you, a virgin loser who is obsessed with making fun of them even though they don't do a single damn thing to affect you in way?
the first one.
What an interesting screencap? Is that from that show that had the Sup Forums guy rape the two girls cause trump one?
Do burger normies actually accept this shit? It's so alien to me.
user I just want to know why everyones talking about adgq why do YOU care?
No, but we have to pretend to.
You, the faggot defending trannies.
did we hurt your feels ?
I enjoyed the Bloodborne run a lot and Diablo 1 was pretty funny. Nothing too remarkable left to mention except the sub-only chat was pretty dumb.
agdq is over and this is the only place still talking about it. Reddit has even moved on.
t. tranny
Yeah, shame on us for wanting to have our fun back during GDQ.
Fuck trannies and fuck trannylovers such as yourself.
sometimes i forget chris chan is a tranny
If you were there you would know everyone had a good time. No one had a problem with the boogeyman "trannies" you speak of. Try going out sometime, I know that must be hard for you being a social inept losers, but people outside are pretty nice and don't judge that much.
The fucked up thing is that we treat most people with mental illnesses like shit, but gender based mental illnesses are being slowly accepted as mainstream.
ok leftypol, you can't manage a win on your pseudo native board, so you come to this one to feel like you aren't a total failure? It's sad, but ill give my last (you). Don't spend it all in one place now.
It was fun. We had good threads and the late night ones got downright comfy. There was some good runs ofcourse but I mostly had fun laughing at the trainwreck and posting lewds.
Sorry your gaping, freshly operated open wound you think makes you a girl in any way is causing so much physical pain you have to come on here bitching and crying to feel well.
Way to self-project, friendo.
Who gives a fuck about what's going on on-site?
Nobody of the staff, runners or visitors can speak up about shit nowadays anyway.
whats thgis?
What most people here don't understand is that this goes far deeper. Our society has made it so shitty to be a white male that men are choosing to be women instead. The people who are legitimately born and assigned the wrong gender are few and far between. I know people don't want to admit it, but this is a choice a lot of men are going to be making and the more we accept it, the more it will spread. It's the worst nightmare of feminists. Men will become women.
As far as the runs go this was actually the best gdq in a long time.
aperturegrillz is lefty as fuck
Uh, them? My dick is not inside out and covered in puss so I'd say I'm pretty far ahead of them, sanity/life-wise.
I need to know
this guy is pretty dumb. If we have less cops, who is going to cull the black population?
She has a boyfriend, fuck off.
I hate trannies. But I agree with you. Sup Forums is pathetic
>and so am I.