Majula... Home.
Majula... Home
Dark Souls 2 has a silent protagonist so this quote is missatributed to them I think
At least it was before I fucked everything up
Majula is the comfiest hub in the entire series
Nexus is better
Best hub, best music, best level up slut
Basically the greatest part of the game is this place and its theme. Fucking dope man best hub in all of Souls. Feels like there's more branching out from here than any other souls game, too. Ds3 dropped the ball on the hub desu though it felt less stale than Ds2
dark souls 2 is the comfiest souls game
Prove me wrong. Oh wait, you can't.
Yup, DS3 hub was disapointing.
DS1 was fine though
your nostalgiafagging will blind you from seeing how shit DeS really was
Also has the most heart warming NPC in the whole series. I was taken back with how sincere he sounded, they struck gold with this guy.
Bearer of the Curse. . .
Thats not DeS's Nexus
I still love Maiden in Black the most,
yeah, actually. the way demon's souls' nexus feels completely safe from the literal hell that lies outside is unlike all of the other hubs, where there's danger when you walk a few steps outside. Or in bloodborne's case it's a creepy graveyard.
Plus it's a variation on Demon's Souls' theme and Demon's Souls theme is fucking fantastic.
Level up waifus were a mistake. DeS gets a pass since it was the first but after DaS1 it should have never continued.
>DeS gets a pass since it was the first
the first ever faggot is still a faggot, he can't get a straight pass
you have a heart of gold... dont let them take it from ya...
I think that hub area is something that DaS2 did all the right things with. I remember leaving Things Betwixt after recovering from the retarded, "o let's not fuck oursevs... u will LOSE UR SOULES... ALL OF EM... OVEURE AND OVEURE AGAINE... *shits pants*" bullshit, and seeing the sunlight and the ocean was a real "wow" moment. If there's one thing that DaS2 really hits the nail on the head with, I think that it has to be the atmosphere. IMO, it has to be the darkest/most depressing of the games. There's just such a somber/dreadful feeling that permeates an entire playthrough through each area you go to that I couldn't shake off, and even though Majula was the safe haven for undead, that feeling was there, too.
The yay leaving no-man's wharf right?
>that first time in the nexus where you stick around long enough to hear the sad as shit part of the song
i want to go back and i can't
From someone that didn't hate Das2 as much as some other people, Majula's problem is that
>your reason to come back (the maiden) is just awful
>most of the characters that show up to populate the town aren't THAT memorable, save shalquoir. I remember a guy that becomes increasingly snobby as you buy equipment from him and some family of blacksmiths, but not much.
The Nexus just feels comfortable to me. Demon's Souls has an atmosphere of dread that the other games don't quite as reach for me for all its comparative failings.
Also one of the biggest determiners in whether a home base is comfortable (at least for me) is soundtrack, and the nexus soundtrack is just the best. It's not overbearing at all, it's subtle and soothing.
Nexus feels too alien to be comfy desu
Still better than DS3 Firelink though
>it has to be the darkest/most depressing of the games
Is this a joke? It's literally the least dark and the least depressing of all souls games.
In a lot of moments the game also feels like a cheap imitation, like some random dude was commanded to replicate the magic of Demon's/Dark Souls
Ir's not nostalgia. I played DeS for the first time in 2013.
Fashion souls was strongest in DaS2
I thought the game was intentionally pessimistic and absurd. I interpreted the ascending the throne ending as basically the main character performing some nonsense ritual Shanalotte and Aldia thought would link the fire.
It truly felt like walking into an apocalyptic dark fantasy world.
It really doesn't. If there's one thing I'd say Dark Souls 2 blatantly fails on, it's atmosphere compared to other souls games. It really feels like an imitation.
I think one of the reasons I ended up kind of ultimately enjoying Das2 was how long it was and how bullshit it was at some parts. When I got to the end it felt like a real journey, something I had overcome as a player. Aldia isn't a super interesting final boss and one has to wonder why he decides he has to fight you but I ended the game feeling satisfied.
fuck the reindeer though, also the room where you have to guess which room faraam armor is behind and if you guess incorrectly on your first run you end up with a horde of ruin sentinels
you should legitimately be ashamed of your taste, or rather the complete and utter lack of it
>I think that it has to be the atmosphere. IMO, it has to be the darkest/most depressing of the games.
What quote? There's no quote marks or meme arrows
Das2 wasn't that bad. I like the game.
>If there's one thing that DaS2 really hits the nail on the head with, I think that it has to be the atmosphere
I completely disagree.
Laughed at straight pass, of course fags don't get "straight" passes
who here /absolute madman/
>when they just put in a bunch of obnoxious PVP builds in as bots as a secret boss
>It's the least depressing of all souls games
In what way, comparatively? Obviously, each game is depressing in its own right and for its own reasons, but they also have similar themes (e.g everyone's dying/going insane, world is crumbling from a shell of its former self). However, DaS2 just felt like it gave more for that direction. Just listen to the music for Majula, for a start, and then compare it to the other hub themes. Even then, I feel like the areas in DaS2 stand out in terms of visuals/ambience/color palette etc (even though a lot of them were terrible). I'm talking about areas like No Man's Wharf, the prison complex after, the undead crypt area, Sunken City, etc etc etc. Don't mistake my praise for goggles, though. DaS2 is my least favorite Souls game by far, but I have to give it credit for these things.
Don't worry user i agree with you, DaS 2 is my favourite because if majula and the atmosphere
a true haven from the hellscape out there
a place to have respite, and to break down eventually and share in everyone's grief and melancholy
I spent so much time modding the game while I was in Majula that its music triggers bad memories of days of effort and no results (it ended in success days later anyway).
I could not disagree more. Dark Souls 1 felt genuinely like you were in a long-dead once-great kingdom that now contained nothing but decay and sadness, which is why characters like Solaire and Seigmeier were so beloved, they were glimmers of warmth and friendliness in this harsh world. Dark Souls 2 felt like an arcade game the entire time, areas like Lost Bastille, Harvest Valley/Earthen Peak, Dragon Aerie, and especially fucking Iron Keep or No Man's Warf, just every area in DaS 2 felt purely like a fantasy setting in a video game. I honestly find that aspect sort of charming but it definitely missed the point and failed to deliver the fantastic atmosphere of Dark Souls.
nah fuck you
Thats not an argument but stay upset nonetheless
Aldia as an npc/boss/voice isn't even in the vanilla version of dark souls 2.
no fuck
>literally the most hated cancerous PvP archetypes in one ganksquad
>couldn't even be bothered to give them unique armor, the armor they wear makes no fucking sense for them to have
worst boss in the series bar none, even worse than Bed of Chaos. Only things that come close to how lame and shitty it is are chalice bosses like Maneater Boar or Brainsucker, and even they are not as bad because they aren't inhumanly agitating.
I know this probably isn't the best thread for this but any build advice for Dark Souls 1? I keep playing it, stopping, and coming back to it and restarting again six months later.
I remember beating the fat dude and slim bosses as a warrior and I was still using my starting gear. Feels like I keep fucking up, everywhere I look online people do much more damage than me consistently.
what is with this meme?
noone considered majula a home, it's just a place vagabonds took a rest before moving away
i mean nashandra is an even WORSE final boss.
>completely safe from literal hell
>old one trapped under the glass
git gud
It feels like home
yeah but at least it's trapped and you don't know that at first
Why do you keep stopping? If you aren't having fun, don't force yourself to play it.
For beating the game? STR weapons is probably easier for pve stuff, you can use most weapons in the game as long as you upgrade them though.
I just want more DeS, I don't care that the journey to the boss is suppose to be more challenging than the boss where everyone has some gimmick to them, it just felt right to play through and return to the Nexus afterwards.
I'm replying, why is it not working?
just as much as any hub in soulsborne with a level up girl that you always had to visit
I do not remember this, is this SOTFS only?
Optional boss of the Sunken Crown DLC
>In what way, compartively?
Absolutely the NPCs. Lucatille seems lime the saddest shit ever just because of how much progression there ISNT for everyone else. Nearly everyone else's plot and story in Ds1 is worse. Just another mark DS2 missed.
i actually had fun with gank squad even though it's such a dick move
bed of chaos is no fun at all
What went so wrong bros?
this shit was the most hyped I have ever been for a game until Silent Hills
Development hell. They really should have bitten the bullet and just delayed it.
I absolutely believe the rumors that the game at first used a more modern "open world" structure. We know for a fact that the game was basically done and Bamco saw it and panicked because it was too different and so they hacked it to pieces and restructured it, I do not like the idea of an open world Dark Souls but I would have strongly preferred they stuck to their guns. I'd rather try a weird open world DaS than a shitty imitation of DaS 1 that is worse in every way.
A ton of the concept art has huge sweeping landscapes and giant exterior shots of what look to be dungeons/castles containing more traditional Souls levels. It could have been awesome to have a Shadow of the Colossus esque overworld and see these giant structures in the distance that contain Souls areas.
>faraam armor looks like painted, cheap plastic in 2
>neck seam in 3 it's not fucking fair
meant for
>neck seam
Dark Souls 3 armor was unbelievably lazy and it has the 2nd worse fashion in the series besides DeS because of this shit. Complete sets often have neck seams and shit but especially if you try and mix stuff together TONS of combos simply do not work and there are many sets like Lothric Knight or Vilhelm's set that cannot be mixed with anything at all. In Dark Souls 1 and 2 many sets would actually subtly change based on what you mix them with, for example if you wear the Darkwraith mask with any armor that has a collar of some sort, the long hair/hood disappears, Dark Souls 3 doesn't do this nearly as much.