What's The Room of video games?
What's The Room of video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Deadly Premonition.
Enter the Matrix
Dark Souls 2
But it was good
anything by kojima
Nah, Deadly Premonition ambiance is top notch.
Probably something that shits the bed as much as Aliens Colonial Marines.
Came in to post this.
Well /thread'ed user
Dragon Ball FighterZ
This is the answer stop making this thread
All indie games.
big rigs
If you look at every exact copy of this thread in the archives, I kid you not, the replies are exactly the same every time.
The Room: The Game. Should still be up on Newgrounds.
Breath of the Numale
Nintendo BTFO
Dead to Rights
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Sup Forums - the same threads every day
but the replies are so interesting and unique every time!
half of all gamecube games
Ride to Hell: Retribution
Two Worlds and Two Worlds 2
The dubbing especially in French is hilarious. The rest of the game is the definition of clunky.
we are all bots
Tommy Wiseau is an odd, but good, person.
based as fuck
You sure showed them.
Hideo Kojima
Metal Gear Series
Alot of the quotes from the game sound like something Tommy would write
Tommy Wiseau genuinely thought he was making a masterpiece though, whilst Deadly Premonition gets a lot of its goofiness from being a blatnt Twin Peaks homage
in terms of how utterly ridiculously bad it is?
Easily this, I challenge every one here to find a worse game than this. I got this game for free and I'm still pissed off