Just finished this. Is it worth getting Dead Space 3?
Just finished this. Is it worth getting Dead Space 3?
No no no no no. Avoid at all costs. It doesn't exist. 1 and 2 are amazing and leave it at that.
even 2 wasn't worth it
Not yet, do Hardcore now unless you already did it.
If you want a good three person shooter game, no
If you want a good horror themed game, no
Depends on what you liked
3 has custom weapons that can be pretty fun in a Dead Rising kinda way
3 is awful at horror with only a couple exceptions
3 is awful at characters entirely
The story of 3 is ridiculous but not over-reaching. The DLC to 3, Awakened, is actually pretty interesting
Hit and miss. Some new enemies are cool, some are shitty
Worse than 1 and 2 but not awful
If you care for the story, skip 3 and then make up a suiting continuation and ending in your head
If you care about the gameplay with the thrilling ressource management throughout the game with the scarcity of ammo and upgrades skip 3 and never look back
Only play 3 if you can forgive EA that they completely changed the above, and if you want an enjoyable coop third person shooter with a somewhat unique weapon crafting system
That's the next thing on my list. Really enjoyed 2's single player so looking forward to going through it again.
The only thing that made me interested in 3 was seeing where the story goes. I felt 2 ended with a lot of unanswered questions, and I want to see more of Ellie and Isaac.
No. 3 is hot garbage.
I bet some contrariando will recommend it but avoid it at all costs. That game ain't worth it
>The DLC to 3, Awakened, is actually pretty interesting
What the fuck are you talking about? Only the boss was somewhat cool, but at same time cliche. The rest of DLC were just copy pasted corridors with Serious Sam kinda monster hordes. Horseshit.
>I want to see where the story goes
Well 3 is the game for y-
>I want to see more of Issac and Ellie
... maybe just read a synopsis
In terms of the story and how they presented it
The "insanity sections" were a hint a something cool but you can tell Viceral had no money to go further with it
Worth it but only through co-op online so you can see your partner slowly get more paranoid at visions only they can see
Honestly, no. It's fun to fuck around with a buddy in the game, but it's an incredibly shitty Dead Space title. EA gutted it by forcing the devs to focus on action, include coop, not letting them do interesting things with coop, and some small time microtransactions. It's nothing like the first 2 games.
DS3 gameplay-wise is exactly the same as first two games. You shoot of limbs, stomp the shit out of necromorphs, etc.
Weapon crafting is cool as well.
However, the horror elements don't exist. 99% of encounters are predictable, there are no scary places or anything like that.
Also, every single character is insanely retarded. Isaac, Ellie, Norton, etc.. All of them are braindead, say the dumbest shit and you just wonder how could someone write this shit. Carver is the only character that manages to not be a complete idiot (although still forces through in the end).
Story and setting are a bit disappointing but not awful.
don't listen to these fags
>DS3 gameplay-wise is exactly the same as first two games. You shoot of limbs
It's actually very much NOT like the previous games since you don't have to aim at the limbs at all and dead center shots are just as effective.
Universal ammo takes away resource management, crafting takes away choice between benefits and drawbacks since you can just mix the best stuff together.
deadspace 3’s trailer was fucking amazing, idgaf what anyone says about the game itself, but that “take down the terror” trailer was the shit.
Just finished beating 1 and 2 for the first time the other day. What were your favorite weapons? I loved using the force gun and the pulse rifle
Plasma cutter and force gun.
Those were godlike in 1
>I loved using the force gun and the pulse rifle
Same, best combo.
I had the contact beam in my inventory to sell off the ammo for extra cash.
Plasma Cutter and Ripper
>that ending scene where he turns to his right expecting to find Nicole
i fucking loved the flashback stuff in 2