You are going to buy her game, right?

You are going to buy her game, right?

This is the only weeb game I like

You fucking pig


I dunno. Maybe?

I wish I was that bench

Not if it stays PS exclusive, it's a terrible business practice.

Can i have more akko reaction images please? thanks

Comes out on Steam in March I think





Looks like shitty Odin Sphere but sure, just wish NA got a physical release




I just want to romance Diana or Sucy

I would if I knew when the fuck it came out. I don't have any Akko reaction faces so here's here in her greatest moment

>It is to be released in the Americas and Europe on 20 February 2018 on PlayStation 4, and on 16 March 2018 onSteamforMicrosoft Windows.

Have some best girl

If it doesn't have denuvo I'll get it without a doubt. I promise.
But if it does then I don't know. I'd never get it for the PS4.

Fuck reaction images. Some one post pictures of akko's thighs

I love pink witch tomoko
I wish I had a gif of the neck crack roll.

Akko really wants you to buy her game!


It looks pretty shitty.

>not sure if clicked on /u/ or Sup Forums

But that's not Lotte

I'll probably just look up a compilation of all the cutscenes and dialogue because the game looks pretty boring tbqh.

Do you only get to play as Akko?

I hope there will be romance routes or something like that.

Reminder that Barbara has Akko give Lotte her email and Hannah gets flustered over a pic of Amanda in a suit.
Yeah but what if I want to support the franchise?
No. Diana is the most OP character of course.

Do you know if each character has their own route/story?

so this is like dragon's crown, just with sorceress/wizards only?

>Main writter died
Why bother getting into LWA?


>You are going to buy her game, right?
Yeah for my little sister. Any grown man buying this game for himself needs to re-evaluate his life choices.

he means Michiru Shimada, writer of the anime and the sequel to the first movie of LWA

If it played half as well as Leifthrasir I would get it in a heartbeat.