If fighting games were realistic, which female characters would win against male characters?

If fighting games were realistic, which female characters would win against male characters?

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Chun Li could probably kick like a transport truck


anyone with training in combat against someone without training


Realistic as in physical body strength? I guess any female who can shoot fireballs can still win against other fighters.



probably the one with the armor and the spear

Alisa from Tekken could annihilate most of the cast since she is a robot with rockets and chainsaws.

Depends on how you define realism. If Ling is as good at kung fu as she is supposed to be then she could probably kick the shit out of a whole bunch of other martial artists of any body sizes.

This is a thinly veiled musclegirl thread, though.


>tfw just jerked off to that webm

My ideal fighting game is one where the women get beaten and raped.

Motoko Kusanagi.


Yeah, that one where she is gangbanged by 6 dudes.

Does such a game exist?

Taki would assassinate everyone

oh I thought the one where she fucks a guy on wrestling ring

The one with the folding chair.

>were realistic
this word should get an autoban in Sup Forums

realistically, none
semi-realistically, Supergirl could beat up most people, I guess

How realistic? Like, the women are only human? Most fighting girls are so strong because they're robots/demons/aliens/whatever.

truth real

Care to share?

Shut up and post her.

Do you want me to get banned?

Uh, okay.


link it you dummy

They would surely beat at least characters like Dan or anyone who is canonically over 70.

Not in English.

Until she finds someone who uses a spear and a shield instead of dual wielding like a tard

>throws fireballs with one hand
>could be beaten by a female

Realistically, Dan would beat the shit out of Sakura. Only reason he loses is because he's the official joke character. As for the over 70 comment, old people in fighting games are even more ridiculously overpowered than the women.


>throws fireballs

I knew what the first post was gonna be before entering the thread, but I`m still glad.

>he can't throw fireballs

It'll be for a day at max man.

That's unfortunate

>Dan would beat the shit out of Sakura

Ah the 90s. When PC idiots still ignored vidya enough that you could get away with this.

>that pic


Honestly? None
>But this chick is super muscular and fast
And the same dude from her game is 400 pounds of muscle and shits out fireballs

>Honestly? None
supergirl can

Sakura is a literal schoolgirl with no real training. She can't even beat the average male, let alone someone who trained.

Can get her ass beat by SuperMan? absolutely

this, if you want realistic fighting watch sports or Hip Hop Blackstars

Probably not. A female character would have to go above and beyond in physical fitness and technique to have a chance, assuming we are only counting human characters.

he gets his ass beat buy a guy with no powers i think she can beat him and lets not forget wonder woman


>Which female characters would win against male characters
Wrong version
Delusional is what you are friend

the powerful, non-human ones

What is this?

>Endless Injustass comics
>Meanwhile people want more MK comics and never get them once the first season is done
Fuckin WBDC

What do you mean realistic?
Like can people still throw fireballs

Your waifu is not only shit but she is not strong.

anyone with swords vs anyone without swords

weapons op

Weird times we live that posting this image is okay but not a single "brap"


Why the fuck are you namefagging here?

Clubs beat swords, don't forget.


Don't reply to trips. They won't go away, but you'll save time. None of the current trips on v or any that I can remember have ever been worth talking to.