The new season just started. You literally have no reason to not give it a try.
The new season just started. You literally have no reason to not give it a try
Other urls found in this thread:
I do, none of my friends are online
I do, I lost all my friends thanks to that game.
I even have it installed but don't play.
Carpal tunnel, from playing season 4.
Don't want to bother making room on my hard drive right now
>still playing league of legends in 2011+7
Already gold 4
I suck at it and dont wanna play more than 2 champions because all the other champions are too boring for me
but how are people not sick of that game by now
I run Linux.
Why? Did they finally change their shitty balance philosophy? Their community micromanagement? Start actually paying their pro players?
7 wins 3 losses plat 5 good start I think
>Start actually paying their pro players?
Nope, its still the same, most popular champs keep getting stronger while the ones people dont play keep getting no skins, no buffs, no nothing
The community is still as toxic, only this time the mini-games they release are enjoyable to play casually, still no region change to the accounts, something they promissed to fix before 2018 came
And finally, no, they started unbanning the ones they gained profit from
how can one man be so wrong.
DOTA 2 is more fun as a Support main, so that’s my reason. Not to mention it’s the better game. Between that and single player games I’m gonna be busy.
by having someone say hes wrong and actually give evidence to it
go ahead user
More like i have no reason to give it a try
this game is a worse version of dota which is already a dogshit game
What changed?
shitty new runes and shitty new champs. everything else is the same as it always was
You are saying this like it's an accomplishment.
>assassins completely cucked in the current meta
No thanks
In the year 2018 there is zero reason to play anything but hots if you get the assfaggots itch
Not to mention
>supporting chinks
but user, assassins' burst is a "toxic" gameplay style
litteraly what are you talking about
>everything else is the same as it always was
I miss the old days of league of legends.
>being able to instakill shit at lvl 6 and one item
>no reason to not give it a try.
>still takes three months to hit level 30 and actually play ranked
They halfed the xp you have to gain, but you haven't a lot of champs when you hit 30 now.
I do and it's the toxic-ass community
xp to 30 went down, but not nearly that much. Champion unlock rates went up dramatically, especially for new and/or casual players.
I had more desire to play it after I quit than when I came back and played one game. This is a blatant advertising thread and I don't see how it's still up after over an hour.
>Balance is garbage
>Entire game and everything that happens in it centered around one mandatory role.
>Character backstories are ruined to virtue signal
>About a quarter of reworks turn characters into unrecognizable garbage designed to appeal to 12 year olds and make their gameplay way less fun when it was fine before.
>There are hundreds of more fun games you could be playing in the time it takes to play this.
>The developers added lootboxes with secretly nerfed drop rates for rare items and also openly nerfed drop rates for everything and filled with worthless clutter twitch emotes.
>No matter how high you get in ranked your teammates will never get better unless you move to Korea.
community is fixed thanks to scrubs getting banned. when you in high tier games you dont face much toxcitiy. Champs are getting reworked all the time. Look at Urgot went from tier 5 to tier 1. So you wrong about popular champs getting stronger.
Not really an accomplishment, but i barely play the game.
People suck at league.
>Still playing League of reworks where everything is "toxic" and "unhealthy"
also DotA2 is better, too bad I can't play because they force you to have a cell phone.
fuck off this aint overwatch, they just nerf them to the ground, no excuses of "muh community"
>can't even speak in chat because it's toxic
>meanwhile people can mass report you for picking a character that's not in the current meta
wow great community
>Dota 2 is better
There are people who still believe in the Dota 2 meme
>not following League just for the drama as Lyte quits after cheating on his girlfriend with a fuccboi and Sanjuro quits after calling one of the most popular streamers a disfigured homunculus
Yes I do.
I don't play shit games.
at least I get all the fucking characters at once and not the 6 free ones available this week
not to mention custom games. The genre is shitty in general but DotA2 is definitely better than LoL, as little as that means.
>caring about esports
if I had a button that would choose between BTFOing muslims or esports from the planet, I would choose esports
>He posts this while in a LoL thread
well, pretty much all of them except katarina.
>lul lets give a melee AP burst assassin teleports and literal resets on all abilities on kills and assists, and an ult that barely even has a visual cue apart from your hp bar being torn to hell
literally nothing in my post has anything to do with esports
Yeah 4afk 2rage quitting faggots and feeders
Don't play this shit gamr
inb4 elitists dotards get offended by the glorious succes of league
This Lyte and Sanjuro aren't esports """"""""""""""""""""""""""athletes""""""""""""""""""""""""""?
I quit like 3 years ago after having played it for 5. I find it too time intensive nowadays and I already reached the highest possible rank so there's no appeal left for me. Overwatch is more fun and quicker games so that's my current competitive multiplayer fix.
>success of league
>dying genre that has had most of their playerbase grown out of
>losing massive money to pubg
MOBAs are a 2012 meme
No game that requires an internet connection is worth playing. There are no exceptions to this rule.
>dying since 2012
>2014 and 15 were their best and biggest years
get your facts right brainlet
hope youre right though, its about time league stops being topdog
when OW blew up they SUDDENLY released a ton of big changes
now every sees that overwatch is just a memegame and they start being jewish again
I do my placemeant in the first week then I dont play rank until the last week or so of the season
Got placed in Silver 3 at the start of this season. It's the highest I've ever started. Thank god I don't have to climb out of Bronze to get to Gold again.
Maybe this year I can get to platinum.
Why should I?
assassins one shot everyone even when i have hourglass plus tabi.
fkc this meta literraly takes no skill to play those champs
they the ADHD overwatch pubg crowd
no more 40 minutes tactical games
10 minutes game is decided is the new hype.
I do have one reason. I no longer play games that do not end. Be it mmos, mobas or arena shooters.
I only play games that can be finished so Im always having new experiences in vidya.
Endless like sports games are cancer and realizing this fixed my relationship with vidya.
My only exception is local multiplayer with friends.
>Diamond account go permabanned
>Level another account
>Get placed in Gold V
>mfw watching people make stupid as fucking decisions even after you tell them to stop doing what they are doing
It's hilarious but also frustrating as fuck
>implying people are better in diamond
>The new season just started. You literally have no reason to not give it a try.
It still has the same 6 year old forced meta
That's a reason
It's objectively better in literally every regard except for developer communication
Prove me wrong
Reminder: "popularity = quality" is a fallacy and Riot doesn't even release player numbers anyways so you couldn't fall back on that regardless
she was like that from day 1 and then people werent too retarded to stun her. Ow wait, riot nerfed all stuns
*picks malzahar*
ive never met a kata main that didnt ban malz
its her only counter, annie is too slow
Well at least they made up their minds, before when they tried to make everything work only to create more problems than fix them was terrible. Sure its boring but for the casual its a lot easier to understand 1-1-2 than a bunch of different setups. LOL is for casuals, so why be surprised they focus on that
>Well at least they made up their minds, before when they tried to make everything work only to create more problems than fix them was terrible.
This wasn't a thing after season 1, and season 1 was fine.
I'm not sure what you're saying
*uses qss*
At this point I just go jungle and play it as farming simulator. Solo'ing Dragon, the Rift Herald and even Baron a couple of times. The only times I don't is when I go twitch and annoy the shit out of the enemies or go cho'gath and play farming simulator top.
Playing anything else isn't fun. Unlike in DOTA where DAZZLE is one of my mains
*Q's your ult*
>*either dies in lane every time or rushes qss but has no damage*
>after Shallow Grave nerf
>after they reworked(aka completely fucked) Poison Touch
>This wasn't a thing after season 1, and season 1 was fine.
In season 1 people already went 1-1-2. That was when irelia, jarvan and the like were made. Those raped top 1v1 because they were designed for 2v2 (so their regen was overpowered as hell), in a 1v2 they would survive and then the XP advantage would roll the other team over.
Poison Touch isn't as powerful as before but it's fantastic for identifying heroes that love to use illusions. That and Shadow Wave is still pretty ridiculous when you manage to hit the enemy with all the waves.
Why are Dota pros getting more money
>more complex = better
can someone please elaborate why the only measure of "goodness" is complexity?
this is ALWAYS the ONLY argument that gets brought up
no, former Riot employees.
they only get prize pool money, league players are on a salary +prize pools + sponsorships, they make more money
Faker has made the most money out of any esports player so far he passed csgo pros last year.
Not that Id expect a dotard to comprehend..
Only the ones that go to TI get more money, the rest have to operate at loss. League is more stable, all pros get a salary regardless of winning or losing.
First of all, "it's complex!" is not the argument anyone's making for Dota
And yes, when complexity is designed properly and actually has impactful interactions with things, it creates a lot more content and replayability and tends to make games much more rewarding
Oh sorry, just checked from here.
lol forgot link
Lol why is Faker only 37 on the list? Haha are you full of shit?