It will get better!

>It will get better!
>New drivers will fix it!
>Muh Vulcan!
Why do people defend AMD

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't understand this anim

also vulkan is being used for loads of games

>vulkan is being used for loads of games
Sure it is

Wait. Is violet evergarden just fate??
Im scared now

>3rd one is another generic moeblob made by KyoAni that just has pretty animation but no substance
god i hope KyoAni fucking dies
they are ruining anime

Ufotable > kyoani

Everything > Shit > KyoAni

There is a certain type of personality that is prone to always blindly root for the underdog in all kinds of situations because they see themselves as the underdogs in their own lives. This is basically the AMD fanbase in a nutshell. There's no arguing with these demented jehowah witnesses. Anyone who shows intel or nvidia beating AMD is a shill and should be disregarded, until they don't, then they are based and 100% factual. See: LinusTechTips taking a dump on the i9, which made AMD shills start licking his dick. Now that he's shown the i5 beating ryzen, then he's an intel shill again.

Who's the target market for that, rich kids?


KyoAni is literally niggers' favorite studio.

>installed assfaggots 2 again
>fps drops like shit on my 1070 and fucks up whenever i set shadows to ultra plus v sync
>run it on Vulcan
>smooth as a babys bottom on butter

No wonder nudoom runs flawlessly too.

That's a lie, kyoani doesn't even make battle shounens.

>implying niggers don't watch moeblobs the most

>it took OP 30% longer than it should have to make this thread

No niggers fucking flock around shit like DBZ. This is not a new phenomenon or something, it should be evident to anyone who's ever seen a black person who watches anime.


What is the appeal of FATE?
I don't know shit about it except that King Arthur is suddenly 100 cute girls.


battle royale with mages and their stands

Big dick mages summoning heroic spirits to wage a war, last man standing gets to claim the holy grail. Usually, some of the big dick mages are full of themselves and ruthless.

read the VN then watch the shows and play the gacha game if your a bad person

Just because it doesn't have a big ole VULKAN logo at the start or in the trailer doesn't mean it ain't using it.

Whats the problem op, works fine for me :^)

that's fine for AAA, but loads of indie and vr are using it


It’s a universe where the quickest way to transfer mana is cumming inside
