Why did he think it was acceptable to use racial slurs in his latest video?
Why did he think it was acceptable to use racial slurs in his latest video?
I don't know shit about this guy, but knowing Sup Forums, I bet he just said "honkey" or some shit.
He was quoting others and no-one actually gives a fuck
worse, he said the n word
Post the video
He said "Nigger" like 4 times in a row in his Mafia 3 video like a year ago you dumb nigger.
You can say nigger.
the madman
His opinions on videogames are hot garbage anyway.
More importantly, why do YOU care what this old neckbeard has to say about videogames?
He'll say anything to get views.
He's not a reviewer. He's not a real gamer. His opinions are not meant to be taken seriously. He's an entertainer who does what he must to get people to visit the site. No more, no less.
he needs to stop
do people still watch this guy? is he still popular?
eat a dick nigger
idubbbz says nigger all the time who gives a fuck
and he needs sto stop also
I know you're just baiting, but kill yourself anyway, you dumb nigger.
>He's not a real gamer
you sound like a huge fag.
you need to stop getting butthurt
underage please
We call Sonybros all the time and nobody bats an eye, whats the difference?
I miss pre-theme-song Yahtzee
ZP was somehow popularizing whole new words for gaming culture every other week back then, stuff like pants-on-head retarded or mumorpuguh
>niggers are subhuman, they will all hang
Damn, he really let it all out this time
>Hitler was right and the Jews deserved it
holy shit I didn't expect that one
Post the review already
his latest was Okami HD and there's literally nothing.
Fuck you Ben
Of course he’s not a really “gaymer” like you m8
>this game, which i have dubbed as PlayerUnknowns Niggergrounds, as its as shit as a nigger and full of chinks, is shit as you may have guessed, its no surprise that chinks made this niggershit game as it runs like total spic shit
a bit fucking far, yahtzee, fucking hell man
No, you need to stop, stop being a nigger
I miss when he would use real songs, usually for ironic humor.
"Wow, what a fucking nigger" - Internet personality Felix "Pewdiepie" Kjellberg, describing the behavior of an opponent during the online game PUBG.
i love pewds
>I need to stop watching him and caring about stupid shit but I'm way too stupid to fathom either of these concepts so I'm going to come onto a Japanese toblerone tileset and crybaby shit all over the place instead of actually discussing clockwork-fun-shinies like normal civilized people do.
eh contextually its okay i guess. Its better than when pewdiepie said it
I'm more shocked his shtick is the exact same as it was 10 years ago. The fucking intro is even the same.
>play a new game for a few hours once a week
>write some dick and fart jokes related to it
>make good money
Does he "animate" the videos by the way?
did he say shithole?
does he live by the code of the Gamer? no. does he fight for the Gamer way? no. he's not a real gamer then
so he basically complained how the first sounds he heard ingame was voice chat going
He just mentioned he had to mute other players because they said nigger to much
Nu/v/ is so similar to tumblr
>living by a code that hasn't been updated since the early 2000's
>fighting for the way of the cringelord
lmao at this """oldfag"""
Fresh off the boat from reddit I see
don't you dare address me that way, i completed the oldfag challenge, can you say the same?
What could have been
Yet another 'I'm a video game journalist/e celeb who doesn't understand video games" who should have never been popular to begin with. PUBG is overrated and severely flawed but that review was painfully stupid.
>stuff like pants-on-head retarded
That's a pretty common phrase in Britain, people have been saying that for as long as I've been alive (1992).
Earliest I can think of is from a Black Adder episode in 1989.
It was literally never googled before october 2007. You are either a lying faggot or a retard.
No, how about you kill yourself? This is what he was referencing.
go back to Sup Forums retard
He's said before that ZP is pretty much just a job to him now. It gives him a financial buffer to work on other projects he's interested in.
There's literally nothing wrong with saying a word and anyone offended by how he used it is getting upset over a completely victimless issue. Poor taste and low class sure, but no harm was done to anyone directly by what he did
>liking pewdiepie is Sup Forums now
I remember when hating him was just because of mainstream popularity and stupid fake emotional outbursts, but the instant someone says nigger he goes from clickbait to full on Alt-Right, huh? Retard.
>but the instant someone says nigger he goes from clickbait to full on Alt-Right, huh?
This seems to be the general opinion of both sides of the political debate.
Let's be honest though, you are probably from Sup Forums, getting overly defensive and butt-hurt pretty much proves it.
I got a bad sense of humor for a black dude, I don't watch the yahtzee but I get the humor in that. Pretty much the context in which game developers in the AAA arena virtue signal. I picked up on it a long time ago, and I love it when I see someone point it out.
>haha im such a cool centrist
>didn't see fun in tension of clawing the victory from the hands of another player
What a fucking beta.
Either way, only good thing Yahtzee ever did was LDO, and he threw that away for pussy.
not him but he's correct, both the left and right vastly overestimate how racist people are (for different reasons ofc)
I didn't say anything centrist in that post. Libtards alienate anyone that do anything that isn't 100% politically correct while alt-right and Sup Forums embrace it. I have more conservative values than alt-right or libtard values, but that is beside the point.
Make him nigger.
>I like doing nothing for more than an hour before either being killed by someone dozens of yards away or killing someone dozens of yards away
Does this nigger even play online shooters?
The video doesn't even have an option of quality over 480p. A blast from the past.
>I have more conservative values than alt-right or libtard values
Alt-right is just another term for "extremist conservative" just wait, you'll be crying for the white house to hang "thems dirty neggers" and fucking your sister before long, might as well end your life now while you're still sane dasu
He says nigger all the time. There's a huge difference between SAYING the word the calling someone it
>painfully united a britches gradient
fucking lol jesus
>now while you're still sane
Hey that's a compliment, I'll take it.
And that's how I know you never won a match.
>overly defensive
This is my first post in a fucking nigger thread. I just find it hilarious that Pewdiepie went from Retard to Alt-Right Retard seemingly overnight, and people aren't even the slightest bit ironic about caring about it.
I don't play PUBG, because no part of it appeals to me. If I want a "last man standing" deathmatch thing, I'll play Zombie Panic or Team Fortress 2.
t. mad ninten drone
Why do libtards treat nigger like voldemort?
Yes, it's not like it takes much effort
How about you go back to your containment board, instead of pondering the third-grade philosophy your shit brain (if you can even call what racist Sup Forumstards have a "brain") made up out of retarded boredom?
>painstakingly united a britches gradient
>He's an entertainer who does what he must to get people to visit the site.
Speaking of, What the hell is going on with the Escapist?
You are actually kind of enraging with how legitimately stupid you are. There has not been a single post I've made in this whole thread that would imply I'm from Sup Forums. Pewdiepie is a funny face making children's performance actor, who said a funny word and now he's Hitler.
You need a reality check.
>He's not a real gamer
Are you? I bet you never even tasted Cashews of Chaos.
They laid off like 90% of their staff. Yahtzee's like the only person on their payroll.
Stop being mad and just go back then, retard.
There, made it easier for your inferior white chromosomes.
I'm pretty sure Yahtzee is literally the only paid employee left. Everybody else was fired and the only other people remaining are volunteers.
Just look at their own Youtube channel. It's been exclusively Yahtzee content for almost two years.
>He'll say anything to get views.
He barely gives a fuck about ZP anymore and Escapist will do anything to keep him happy because he's the only thing keeping their garbage website from dying.
Oh, fuck. You're just trolling me. I can't believe I fell for it.
Well fuck you anyway.
Mario's a nigger
I miss Unskippable
Good, never come back, Sup Forumsscum like you aren't welcome here.
I hate Sup Forums
he doesn't even study the blade