Capcom Reveals The Results Of Street Fighter Popularity Poll

>Blanka at 10
I don't believe it. Blanka is a meme and everyone hates him.

As expected of best girl.



Why the fuck do people even like Blanka?


Maki is cute! Cute!! CUTE!!!


Still waiting for this birch to get added

>Hakan so close to the bottom
Don't worry I still like you

Q and Makoto confirmed for next set of DLC

I really want C viper in the game :(

>juri 3rd
>capcom still wont admit they fucked her up in sfv and overhaul her to play like she does in sfiv

>when your waifu and main finally actually wins
there is a god

how many times is Q gonna top a poll only to be told to fuck off.

just stop it, capcom.

>have a super fast internet
>try sf5 ae online
>5 bar connection only
>wait 5 min to find a ranked match
>opponent tp everywhere impossible to reac to anything

Fucking hell capcom

Juri is at least playable in SFV even if she's a shadow of her former self.

Fucking Ibuki though? Jesus Christ.

Feels good for my wife to be so high. Also Makotofags remain to be cancer.

>Q in the top5

G is Q

>Skullomania that high
I'm glad but also surprised he's allowed on the poll.

also that Arika fighter is terrible.

The Street Fighter roster bores me for the most part. It's hard for me to say what it is about them, maybe it's just that I'm not that fond of SF to begin with, but I have a hard time getting attached to many of the characters. I do like Sakura though because she's cute and she's also in Rival Schools, which I actually do like.

>G gets a Q costume
fuck, man
there better be some kind of tie between the two and not just a fucking cosplay costume or i'm gonna set capcom's hq on fire

why are you dissing charlie, man?

Blanka is unique and the shitty, spammy, faggoty assholes who actually play him like him.

>Jurifags calling anyone else cancer

Supreme taste

>Hakan not number one
Shit taste.

>No characters from EX series
yeah fuck this gay shit.
EX series has the best cast.

I re-installed SFV the other day and I thought you could play the DLC characters in training mode?

You think the Jews at Capcom would allow that?

wtf i thought everyone hated sakura-chan

who should I main now?

what is blanka doing there?
other than that the list seems pretty correct

Makoto still won't ever get added to SFV.

Guy should have been top 10

Am I crazy or did they change Blanka's moves to motion-based like Vega?

I miss her too user but lets face it, she would be nothing like her sf4 counterpart if she got in.

Do we really want her added to SFV so she can get fucked by the shitty ass game just like they did with sakura? Nope, keep makoto on 3s, sfiv is ok. The waifu needs to be protected.

>Skullomania memeing his way into 16th

Fucking hell

This poll really doesn't matter. They didn't have anything in place to prevent people from voting multiple times, I know some dude mentioned voting for Makoto a shit ton.

Like there's no way in hell fucking Remy is higher than Urien.

Fine top10, i'm not a fan of blanka but that's still fine.

>evil ryu 13th
Why? Please tell me it's just the moveset, fucking angry ryu is such a dumb fucking concept.

>yun 25th
Same as above, people really like the twins as characters or they just want their OP moveset back?

>mika not even top30 anymore
Damn, but what else can you do, i thought she was more popular though.

>violent ken 39th
I hate fucking meme voters.

If Haitani would play her again I'd like to see it.

poor ibuki

>C Viper in the top 25


Lots of these unusually high characters is moveset begging, everytime a character manages to show up again in the game they drop significantly in the tiers.

btw since there is a 3 season dlc, does it mean that a street fighter game of the year edition will also come later this year.

should i wait for that?

So the least popular are
SF Lee
2 Dhalsim
Alpha Juni
3 Gil
4 Rufus
5 Nacalli

>Q that high

Q suprises me more than anyone. Would think Ow the edge would only be beaten by waifus.

>Makoto in second

I'll buy SFV when Capcom brings her back

Q being that popular due to Kurodas Q destroying top tier characters and players is a thing of beauty. Glad he’s up jay high and I hope he and Kuroda return.

How the fuck does Balrog end up at 70?

I mean, Sean beat him by like 30 spots. Fucking Sean.

>most of the SFV newcomers are mid to bottom on the list
Looks like they really fucked up with the newbies this time around.

Sawada, a character made for the game of the fucking live action movie, more popular than Urien, Charlie, T-Hawk, Rolento etc.

What the flying fuck?!

There are two problems with the poll. People voted like it was a "who do you want in season 3 poll", and the season two characters had only been around for a few months. Hard for Zeku to be your favorite when he's only been playable for like two weeks.

Some of these are the same damn character! Akuma, Oni, Cyber Akuma.

Why the hell are they seperated in the polls?

They should've excluded EX characters, SF2010 characters, crossover versions like Cyber Akuma, and SF: The Movie characters, as they're non-canon. In their place, they should've instead had Final Fight characters (the ones that haven't appeared in Street Fighter yet), Rival Schools characters, and Slam Masters characters, as those universes are canon to Street Fighter.