What do you think of Uncharted 3

What do you think of Uncharted 3

when will he get btfo like kraut and cuck

sargon doesn't like to get kicked in the balls and his son is his one tho.

>it's a fat enlightened centrist faggot who lives with his wifes son and larps as an ancient semitic king level

god I hope him and cuckstiny kick the bucket

it's a movie

recently got a ps4 with all 4 uncharted games.
1 and 2 were 'okay' for nowadays standards
i realy enjoyed 3, but 4 was a true masterpiece, was a 9.5/10 for me

It's got it's demographic y'know.
Some people just want an experience with a narrative focus and the gameplay be bombastic like an action movie.
I see absolutely no problem with this series or tlou at all

My favorite uncharted game for sure. They seemed to up the anti with each installment and this is really the pinnacle of the trilogy. I wasn't impressed with 4 for a few reasons so this 3rd game remains my most highly recommended.

I loved the variety in the environments, the different scenarios, all the characters. Had a nice glimpse of the past and some fun incite on the antagonist. Things were action-movie silly when it needed to be with out getting in the way of the dramatic areas.

Also, even to this day, it's a fantastic looking game. The series has never looked realistic but always vibrant and consistent. It's just a blast to run through the environments and appreciate all the touches that bring the scenery to life.

I think those peeps did a great job on this game.

When you look away from the cheese, do you remember it was there or does it surprise you when you see the cheese there again?

Just trying to understand how small your brain is.

They fucked up the aiming somehow. I don't know what they did, but the shooting does not feel as good as it was in 1 and 2. It just feels like the bullets don't go where they're meant to or the enemies don't react the same way to bullets as they used to.

It was enjoyable and looked amazing, but it didn't feel as nice to play IMO.

2>4>1>3 imo
2 had an awesome story with gameplay that's still fun to play to this day.
4 i still play very often on multiplayer, even go back to the singleplayer and do some of my favorite encounters.

Just realised I've never played 3, but I didn't like 1, 2, or 4 so I doubt 3 would be any different.

The second one is literally a timeless classic and one of the best ps3 games of all time.
A Thief's End was a disappointment.

Are those greater than less than things going the right way?

The alligator mouth eats the lesser... No... He wants to eat the greater one because hes hungry?

>t. dumb neofaggot

your "game" is a movie. naughty dog is a cancerous dev

It was probably a good game back when it came out, just saying i wasn't impressed.
4 was best out of all of them, but that's just my opinion then i guess

The mechanics of the multiplayer were fucked but some of the maps were GOAT.

I have the sneaking suspicion that this thread is gonna be a (you) thread

Would've liked it more if they didn't try to force that ha d to hand combat system in every encounter.

It feels better to enjoy things man. Give it a shot and quit being so cynical about stuff.

If you play a game and walk away, nothing happens. If you play a movie and walk away, you suck your dad's dick.

>that video where he stares screaming because of bernie sanders
people take him seriously?

>come into this thread thinking it will be a thread talking about Uncharted 3
>it's a Sup Forums thread

Story was disappointing.

When I play U4's Multiplayer and Classic Mode, it makes me miss 3's Multi and it's Kickbacks+Lack of Grenade Timers

How the hell does anyone think 4 was better than any of one's before it? It looked good, but there was less action and was more of a climbing simulator

3>4>2> IMO, though that's probably because I started with 3.

not really all that much Sup Forums

I don't

The fist fight at the start was really one, never beat it tho

Fucking hated U3 for some reason. Doesn't help that U2 was probably the best first party game on PS3 though.