Games that killed their respective franchises alongside their studios

>that game that destroyed all the series potential
>that game that not only ruined its own franchise but also made its studios close its doors


Not even joking.


man fuck ea

i said that killed their studios too, nintendo is still alive and well so this one is just INCORRECT


Killzone: Shadow Fall. If the writing was better and they didn't try to casualize the game from what Killzone 2 had, it would have been brilliant.

ppl dont freaking get it i said that killed both their franchises and studios , this one and zelda only killed their franchises, ubi and nintendo are still alive anyway


Zelda is dead?

Helghan literally did nothing wrong.


I forgot about this game entirely.
Are the helghast the good guys yet.


Damn, quite literally.


But user, 3D Realms was already dead when that was released.
And Battlefront killed Gearbox.

That's not Okamiden

Killzone Mercenary came out after it

>Games I never played

Show Fall tries to make you question Vektan policies and treatment of the Helghast, you have a sniper that grew up on the Helghan side of the wall on Vekta and she constantly guilt trips the player about how fucked up the whole situation is. The Heghast and the Vektans are both the "good guys" depending on how you look at it.

>Dead Space 3
>Red Faction Armageddon

Fuck those shitty ass games for existing

Oh well, for me Helghast were always the good guys, their methods were the main problem though.

Oh you right, I'd still say Shadow Fall "killed" the franchise in the sense that nobody cared anymore once it flopped hard.

>3D Realms was already dead when that was released

Not that user, but yeah, you're right, and DNF is the reason why.

So naive, taking credit for the TRUE mastermind behind Mass Effects fall.

I don't want to defend that shit, but it sold fuck tons of copies and DLC, whereas Andromeda was a failure in every regard.

Honestly RF1 was the only game in the series that was above mediocre, it's not really a tragedy that the series died. The only thing guerilla had going for it was the tech demo physics that are pretty standard in shit like R6 Siege or really any game that touts destruction, with the added bonus of it actually working a lot better from a gameplay perspective in newer games. Red Faction 2 was genuinely one of the worst shooters I've ever played so I'm surprised it didn't die there.

>looking up all the cut, changed and removed content for infinite and their DLC.

Jesus fucking Christ, talk about a clusterfuck of ideas.

game ?

That ended up going back to Rapture anyway. Meanwhile I'm okay with BioShock 2.

Yes is sold tons of shit,but it ruined the series forever LITERALLY

i didnt knew 2 was that bad, i liked 1 back in the ps2, guerilla was fun for the physics, armageddon was forgetable but not a bad game, at least it was functional unlike shit like meh andromeda

That one had closure at least.

>What game is this?

This is literally true, but Mass Effect 3 was also the biggest "fuck you" I could imagine before this pile of shit came out. They ruined the entire universe they created, gave no closure at the end of a trilogy, and then attempted to rectify it with a paragraph of text in a dlc.

I remember 2 better. It had a lot of things vs the first that I liked. And you're right, it finished what was left of Rapture in more ways than one.

When I went there in Infinite I got pissed, because fucking INIFINITE is what we got after tye 'BioShock 2 is bad' meme

i dont get why 2 is so hated outside of Sup Forums it should have been labelled as the best game in the series, it just picks the good points of the first one and improves and fixes some complaints people had in the first one like hack minigame and a shit ending where choices dont matter that much

gimmie the game name right now or you sister will die in 10mins, then your mom on 20 mins, then your father in 30mins, then the rest of your family in 45mins, and in 60 minutes or an hour you will get raped first and killed second, now go!

>this kills the single-player genre

It gave me the same basic motivation to wreck the shithole world that Silent Hill 1 did.

>Where's my daughter?

Though different in that she's learning from you. Any game that does that gives me feels I didn't know were there.

>i didnt knew 2 was that bad

From both a gameplay and graphics perspective, 1 felt like a sequel to 2, and 2 didn't even feel like it was out of beta. I have no idea how they fucked the game up so badly, and to this day I've never seen anyone do it to that extent.

It's interesting even from the worst ending, where she forcibly takes your essence... But you were dying anyway and you live in her now.