You fuckers will argue over anything

You fuckers will argue over anything.

Lances are superior to both anyway


>fucking up the balance by putting in a useless axe at the tip

when has it ever been useful

Hammers are cooler but swords can be more effective typically. Depends on the enemies you're fighting though.

I pick a third option

real warhammers >>> metal cinderblock on a stick

>Use crossbow
Checkmate, meleefags
dont you dare bring a shield to this conversation


>worrying about usefulness when Rule of Cool applies

pollaxes *

also, mallets are dumb, and you can hold a sword in mordhau anyway

lmao shit range
get a longbow instead

I choose AXE

*blocks your arrows and bolts' paths*

>bends down to cock crossbow
>rush forward with lance
>pshh, nothin personal kid

that hammer is not even usable irl...

*blocks your path*




I like realism in weaponry, but god damn the warhammer looks lame


Most OP weapon ever created and people don't even appreciate it

Spears weren't very effective when facing plate armor, but for most other purposes they were da bomb yes

Why would I argue when I don't have to choose one over the other?

nobody uses sword mode

Based Hoplite spearbros


Between those two the hammer would be more useful although ungodly heavy.

Sword is too fancy with too much ceremonial decoration bullshit to be useful, would probably break very quickly.

and you facilitate it by making this shitty post

Please off yourself


I mean this is basically a spear with a sword on it instead.

archers get out

shit taste, user

Don't be dumb

*blocks your path*

why not both