>cancelled games and content you want to play
Cancelled games and content you want to play
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Stalker 2
Fuck you square enix
Imagine bros.
Tombi 3
Pilotwings on Wii :(
silent hills
>Mother 64
>Conker 64
>Super Mario wacky worlds
>Half-life 3
most if not all the dialogue in the earthbound 64 screenshots is found in the final game. mother 3 GBA and 64 are the same game.
Itoi said in several interviews that Mother 64 was going to have a way darker story.
>warcraft adventures
>Starcraft ghost
>maybe original project titan
Don't remind me
First RE4 stuff looked hella eerie.
mega man legends
The complete version of crash twinsanity
>Prey 2
>even the fantastic reboot won't get a sequel
it's not fair
This and Ultima X were some of the few MMOs I could get excited about after UO had run its course for me.
Well, to be fair, most of the content in that game was recycled into DKR and CBFD. Or at least it looks like it was, by looking at the beta screenshots.
what happened?
this pisses me off because with most of these games it's something you already had before (like a sequel) or at least get a lot of their content put into the final game, but here you have a completely new game that will never see the light of day. Nothing from this game survived into BFD besides a few musical pieces. It's terrible.
It's almost been 15 years, and I still want to believe it'll come out and get rid of all these hollow "MMOs." Things back then seemed so much more enchanting.
it still hurts
you really dont get a sense of much from this. other than its directionless or took to many reworks. probably for the best it died
Nintendo killed it and swallowed their assets. They didn't like that it would compete with Mario Kart so easily.
That was actually in development? Now I need it too.
I would really prefer if you stayed quiet
Right in the feels and my slav soul.
Though I still have hopes that money from cossacks could finance stalker 2, at least to time to find publisher.
Silent Hills still gets me, PT had an atmosphere so well crafted I couldn't believe it. First game that genuinely made me uncomfortable and scared me in years.
We were so close, bros.
Well good thing not!prey 2 was actually a decent game.
Now you just gotta make prey 2 without the prey 2 name, you can do it user!
I'm still mad about Prey 2 getting cancelled. I'm so mad infact that I don't want to play the new Prey even though I've heard good things about it and it looks cool. Todd deserves to suffer.
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