Be honest, Sup Forums. Do you still see yourself playing and talking about vidya 30-40 years from now when you're of retirement age?
Be honest, Sup Forums...
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I hope I'm dead 30-40 minutes from now let alone 30-40 years
Oh no no no no no. I'll be long dead by then.
What the fuck else do old people have to do
Of course I intend to be 80 and still beating 20 somethings at twitch based games and prove that old age means jackshit.
I am 32 and still going.
im morbidly obese, smoke, drink, too lazy to take my diabetes meds and ride a motorcycle without a helmet. I won't live for 40 more years
yes. ill finally have the time to do so.
I hope to be literally 80 years old and still playing vidya and watching anime like a dweeb.
is that deckard cain
Yes. I've invested too much into this stupid hobby to quit.
Nasty old people sex. The Villages is the largest retirement community in America. It also has the highest STD rates in America. Oh, and golf carts are status symbols there. You're a pleb if you aren't driving a $25k custom golf cart
Yeah that's when I'll finally have both money for a decent rig and time to play. And also probably no more desire to fuck.
i want to do grandpa fucks teen girl porn.
probably won't be alive that long, but yeah.
>Be honest, Steve, do you see yourself listening to and talking about rock music 30-40 years from now when you're of retirement age?
>Be honest, Leonard, do you see yourself watching and talking about sci-fi 30-40 years from now when you're of retirement age?
>Be honest, Willard, do you see yourself line dancing and playing shuffleboard 30-40 years from now when you're of retirement age?
kek, that's is pretty nasty, and hilarious.
There's no way in hell I'll be able to retire on my shitty salary. And thanks to being trapped in the hell that is being too normie for autismbux but too autistic for normieville, I'll never work anything but low level jobs for the rest of my life.
At least I'll always have nights and weekends.
In my state we cant retire in my profession until age 67. Probably will be dead by then.
I'll be retired long before then, and yes.
>The Villages
>look it up
>it's in Florida
What the fuck is wrong with that state?
That is the coolest old man.
Hell yeah I'll play and talk about vidya for as long as it remains fun and interesting to me
I've started to draw a few months back and hopefully i will get gud some day and get some cash for it
I think I'll be playing, albeit slower games like grand strategy. I'm already starting to feel my reactions slow and I don't know if I could do fps in 40 years.
depends how long this playstreaming trend lasts.
I work at a convenience store with another guy whos been there forever, he's 31. Quite often he'll be talking vidya with customers who are definitely into their late 40s and 50s
If I don't have children and grandchildren, then hopefully I'll be dead by then instead of having to live in a closed off dead environment as my memory gets worse over time, my ability to eat down to apple sauce and pills, and I'm unable to move around like I use to. Getting old is fine when you have a loving family around you, but I don't see it being fun outside of that.
Who says this word seriously?
>More guns than an army
Florida really is bizario land.
Most normal people under the age of 30.
yes, i have 5200 games on steam, it will take me 30 years to play them all
Sure. I used to play Day of Defeat presource with an old dude who was in his 80s. He was average skill level and sometimes he'd yell into the mic but otherwise a fun dude to shoot the shit with
Numales and redditors.
29 now so yeah. When you're retired what else is there to do but maintain a god level pc and smoke weed?
as you get older your current concerns begin to subtly slip away
before you know it you'll be 60 and you won't give a shit about anything but sleeping and eating
I hope to be dead by then.
I dont know how long I will continue gaming. Soloplayer games, probably for the rest of my life.
multiplayer, I dont think ill last another 5 years.
Its always infested with dickish behaviour and 14 year olds screaming in microphones to a point where its expected and accepted, so game developers dont even bother dealing with these kids. Not to mention the amount of hackers you will find especially in competitive FPS games.
completely ruins the experience. Korea has it right, you get jailed for developing or using cheats there.
Act like an adult and get into politics and discussing news. Sell all your electronic toys. Anyone who still plays video games after 20 it's really cringey.
Politics are for niggers and discussing the news is also for niggers. Are you a nigger?
Yes, what else I am going to do in my free time?
Gaming has had it's twilight. It's almost entirely gone the way of books. You don't see kids generally jumping up and down to read books, but some of them do, and as kids get older they find that there's a hell of a lot of good in books, even with all the commercial crap pumped out. Video games are almost 100% there. Kids don't think they're cool anymore, they associate them with us 20- and 30 year-olds and older. When video games were a new phenomena, the impression was that it was a "kid" thing, because the adults of the time had never played games like them as kids and considered them weird. We've grown up with games and shown that they can have legitimate meaning to adults, but now are being struck by the exact opposite dichotomy. The kids of today have all grown up around adults playing games, and now they see it as a tiresome adult thing. Video gaming is fuddy-duddy now. In twenty years time when we're all 40-60 video games will be like "dad music", the way kids who grew up listening to Kanye think about their dad's R.E.M and Lynyrd Skynyrd albums.
And you know what? R.E.M. haven't gone away and they haven't stopped being good music. Their work still inspires artists to this day. Reading books is a huge cultural thing still as an indicator of intelligence among adults. What, then, will come of video games? It will find it's niche. Something about someone who has the skill to play a hard video game will resonate in future generations the same way someone who can read tough books resounds today. Something about having good taste in classic video games will come off like have good taste in classic rock music does today. Video games, good and shit, will still be made forever more, and they will be seen in the same light as books and music made today: as either worthy inheritors of the good games of old, or drivel. Time goes on.
>too normie for autismbux but too autistic for normieville
I know this feeling as well. I function well enough while faking the guise of normiehood but it gets to me.
>get burnt out on social stuff and long to be alone quickly
>can't schmooze or make decent small-talk for longer than a few minutes
>don't want to get married, have kids or own property, and this is all normies talk about
Christ, I can relate to everything in your post and it feels bad.
>the absolute state of americans
>Manchild who still plays games after 20 says the N word like it was nothing
Wow so shocking.
I feel you, my friend. I wish you the best of luck that something incredible falls into your lap and helps you escape the tiring trudge of the outcast life.
Yeah, same here. I have too much pride and couldn't live with the disappointment of my friends/family to give up completely and fade into NEETdom, but god damn I hate interacting with normies so much.
Not him, but what if you're into politics AND video games? You can have an interest in more than one thing you know
Anyone who says that they'll keep playing games into their old age is delusional. Most people lose interest in vidya by their mid-20's.
Games inherently appeal to immature and undeveloped minds, that's why the overwhelming majority of their audience are children, teenagers, and early 20 somethings. As your mind matures you will lose your ability to enjoy games as they become less and less stimulating and you'll slowly play less and less until one day you realize that you haven't even thought about playing games for months. From here you'll move on to more mature and fulfilling activities and will leave vidya behind.
There's a reason you don't see adults playing with toys, watching cartoons or anime, or playing video games. It's called growing up and almost everyone has to do it eventually.
congrats, you're an outlier. You are not the norm.
12 year olds
>Kids don't think they're cool anymore
Blatantly false
wow I never noticed that even the other background characters are the same positions
>normies, twitchsluts, redditors and the mainstream audience will eventually stop playing video games and they'll go back to being a niche hobby for outcasts
Thank you, God. This is all I want in the world.
Why would I stop watching anime when it's the only major source of artistic merit in animation left?
Nice meme r/T_D.
How old are you
>congrats, you're an outlier. You are not the norm.
>Gamers age 18 or older represent 72 percent of the video game-playing population, and the average gamer is 35 years old.
You are wrong
young people getting old now video games/online communities are "normal" since they grew up with them.
Its only obvious they will keep playing
FPBP always.
obviously thatll change a decade from now
people who are in their 40s now grew up when games werent a big thing
Anything but normal.
I am willing to bet that number will go up as time goes on. Those of us that have been playing video games our whole life are far more likely to be playing them in retirement homes.
You raise a interesting point. The next generations of old people are all going to be tech savvy. Wonder how different that will make us compared to the preceding ones
>people who didn't play video games as kids grew up to continue not playing video games
>kids who played video games grow up continuing to play video games
The only thing that might stop someone playing video games as they get older is the time commitment once they start having more responsibilities to eat up time. I know I can't marathon several JRPGs over the course of a month like I used to.
>Most people lose interest in vidya by their mid-20's.
This happened to me with video games and anime, but it was more burnout than anything and I got back into it, I've been playing/watching since I was a kid and I'm not going to stop, it's not like vidya affects my ability to function as an adult, some fans might be like that but that's their own fault more than anything. If it wasn't vidya it'd be something else, like alcohol or drugs.
I'm going to make dank memes because I'll be old and brittle
I hope Cybernetics are good enough to replace my dying body parts by the time I'm that age.
>Here you go sonny, a prepaid card for pornhub subs
Nah, I already stopped playing video games last year. Trying to better myself
I'm still a kissless virgin though
Bitch someone who is 45 years old in 2018 was 10 years old in 1983. Vidya wasn't as big as it is now but it was still a worldwide cultural phenomena by then.
this happened for me at 19
i tried to be a normalfag for about 3 years
tried relationships, being a good guy
wasnt for me and im a social autist i belong behind a desk playing games with other manchildren while insulting others on a taiwanese sewing forum
yes, and the 80s had nerd culture where gamers and wizzkids were shamed so only very few got into gaming at least in the west.
90s is when it really took off.
>using reddit
90% of this board are obese virgins with shit taste who will die in their early 40s
people like you seem to be the ones that make it past 100, i mean that guy who is now the oldest man alive was a wwi vet who says whiskey and fucking bitches is what kept him alive so long
You think people are going to retire in 40 years? Lmao
I wouldn't say best post but its definitely relocatable
Oh fuck off, phoneposter
the golden age is just around the corner but first everything needs to burn to the ground
I work at UPS. The truck i mainly load has half the damn packages going to the villages. I shit you not, there's a large market for golf cart tops and accessories there.
I hope I die before I go bald
I hope that when those of us that didnt kill themselves are in their retirement we still shitpost on Sup Forums
How do you know if someone is a phone poster? Legit curious.
Holy shit this
Well for starters obvious autocorrect mistakes in their posts.
then why does boogie and his ex-wife exist
Well yeah. What else is there to do when you're old as fuck?
My normal person phase was in my early 20s and I get what you mean, it just doesn't suit people like us, and there's nothing really wrong with it, as long as you can still function like a semi-normal human I guess, though some hardcore NEETs might disagree.
the obvious fucking autocorrect from relatable to relocatable, maybe?
42 and still going, fuck you kids.
grandpa please tell us about the great tumblr vs Sup Forums wars
I'm going through my normal person phase right now and I fucking hate it. I'm trying desperately to start some kind of work-from-home job so I can escape this awful excuse for a lifestyle.
As long as my health permits it, yes.
I was in the trenches during the Something Awful vs worth1000 photoshop wars, you whippersnapper