After Mercy is gutted, there's one more hero to gut in order to fix Overwatch

After Mercy is gutted, there's one more hero to gut in order to fix Overwatch.

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why would you want that? genji is hard countered by every meta pick. rein kills him without even seeing him just by holding lclick, winston destroys genji without having to aim, ana throws grenade at her feet and you die, you dive deep for a kill and mercy just revives them instantly, dva just stands there and blocks/absorbs all your shots

Why would you pick Reinhardt when the meta is dive? He is the worst tank hero at the moment and Genji has been part of every meta pick for quite some time. Ana also has troubles with dive heroes but I know you'll make hypothically situtions that only occur in your low level games. Genji is one of the worst offenders of the lot when it comes to visuals because his deflect and dragonblade hitbox are bigger than they actually are.

Anyways, here's your (you).

Make deflect melee-able

>blizz nerfing the strongest healer into the ground and nerfing the fuck out of rez
>DPS now feels overpowered because overall worse support and way less rezzes
>DPS get the next round of nerfs
Can't wait for the salt.

The entire issue with Overwatch is that Defence heroes are fucking garbage and can't hold positions. When they get buffed they just turn into Offence heroes.


Came here to say this. I've hated the fucker since the start but people would only go
>muh pickrate
As if that changed the fact his design is bullshit incarnate

Lol no Genji is not gonna be gutted.

You mean everyone that isn't mccree?

moira points in you general direction or eats your health when you're behind cover across the map.
sym and torb completelly screw you over...

Jesus Christ.
>this is a AAA multiplayer game with billions of players and a hundred million dollar esports league in 2018

It gets worse when he can cancel it anytime by dashing and both his dash and deflect are on low cooldowns.

Just nerf Genji and Tracer into the ground along with Mercy.
There, game fixed.

The issue is almost every character has the same movement speed, and blizz will never adjust movement speed

Road Hog could probably be his old 1 shotting self and be OK if he was slow as fuck, but he moves as fast as every other hero

Until Blizzard goes with the age old "Stronger weapons=Slower Movement, Weaker weapons=Faster Movement" the game will always be shit

You have to actually be good with Tracer though.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day.

nah, just get better at the game thot

I would rather Widowmaker and Pharah be gutted first. At least with Genji you can actually shoot and kill him with most characters, unlike those two. In the event of an enemy Widowmaker or Pharah while you're playing as any of the other 20 characters in the game, you literally can't touch them. Such an awful feeling.

Entirely because of the jetpack. They gave a rocket launcher class a mechanic that completely invalidated a defining feature of RLs to raise the skill floor without thinking about the resulting problems.

I play Pharah, but why the fuck would they design one of their characters to be unattackable by half the roster

Hmmmm, if only there were heroes you could pick to counter Pharah. Hmmm, yes... hmmm..

You mean Mcree, 76, Widow, or Ana? If Pharah is being healed then 76/Mcree need to be really good to consistently deal with her, and Ana is gonna have to focus her for longer while ignoring her teammates, meaning that only Widow is a reliable counter. But thats not the problem I'm getting at.

I meant that aside from those 4, every other character's effectiveness against her ranges from 'can do sort of okay' to 'can't even attack her'. So for a lot of characters all you can do is ignore her and avoid her rockets.

And if you're not playing as one of those at the time? You get to die while being able to do virtually nothing about it. Then you get to swap off of your character that you picked to help your team comp to someone who doesn't work as well so that you have a chance to deal with ONE character on the enemy team. Bad game design.

In terms of actual power, why does Genji blow everyone out of the water?

Hanzo is probably next, considering they hate 1HKO moves.

not to mention

>the only hero that can double jump
>jump is highly unpredictable and difficult to track

Most ultimates are balanced where you cant kill the entire enemy team without coordination from your own

His can

>I can't play Genji so he should be nerfed


> Friend won't stop bitching about Genji because he's not good at what counters him and is thus bullshit
> Doesn't think Junkrat's damage falloff isn't deserved whatsoever

pharah is a piece of shit.

>flying half mile in the sky above your screen
>her rockets have infinite range with 100% accuracy
>everyone elses weapons have massive damage fall off

genji is easy as piss nerd.

>i think i'm good because i can jump around like a spastic retard

>see annoying genji
>pick winston
>win the game

nothing, but he is a high skill, high reward hero so the casual fanbase of overwatch hates him

>pick winston
>get immediately shat on by reaper/roadhog/ana before your tickle gun gets genji down to half health


An absurdly powerful moveset that is only balanced by his autistic weeb fanbase throwing a bitchfit if he ever gets nerfed

He just destroys at lower skill ratings because of his dash, he's a fucking janitor. He cleans up kills that other players fail to to do on their own.

Diamond and below he requires minimal mechanical skill to be successful, above that, if you have shit mechanical skill you will be rolled everytime

The only way to make OW good is to take everybody but Mccree and maybe Widow out

>>jump is highly unpredictable and difficult to track

decent genji players rarely double jump since it makes you incredibly easy to track compared to just abusing the instant-acceleration strafing

Are you assuming there is no Dva on the Winston's team? Because that would be a bad assumption. Winston's should know how to go in and out of barrier and then jump away from reaper.

>Winston's job is to kill Genji

It's his job to disrupt him bud

>50hp barrier

>jump out

>no kills or enough damage for anyone else to follow up on

Oh yeah well if you pick this character, I'll just pick THAT character!!!

What a game.

Roadhog does one shot, you're bad


Nigga I moved them closer

>Nerf Roadhogs damage into the ground, making one shotting squishies insanely inconsistent
>Hanzo can still aim at the ground and get a triple kill
>Doomfist can easily one shot with his rmb
>Pharahs jetpack is so advanced it doesn't even make a sound flying over you so she can ult and instantly kill you

What the fuck kind of retard Winstons are you playing against if they are going for Reapers? Are you playing in quick play?

missed the second shot, and he got healed, what's the problem?

what was her catchphrase?

what kind of retarded reapers are YOU playing with that aren't going for winstons?

>nerf roadhog's ability to kill out of position retards after landing a hook
>also nerf his hook so that it breaks if a dust bunny happens to roll out between him and the target
>give him the ability to feed ult charge to the enemy team more effectively as compensation
what a great game so fun hahaha :)

Ones that die to everyone else before they can get to winstons only to be shielded by Dvas if they are able to sneak up behind us.

Christ. That shot after the hook was terrible. Less than half of the circle was on genji, and virtually none of it was on the genji's head. If you can line up a damn shot, the hook combo still kills 200hp characters easily

Point blank body shot cant do half of genjis health
Meanwhile Reaper can pretty much two shot squishies while having a higher fire-rate, more ammo before reloading, one of the biggest playmaking ults, teleporting, and invincibility that reloads his weapons

>Doomfist can easily one shot with his rmb
Yeah, unless whatever you're fisting bounces off a wall.

shoot him in the head then

>ult and instantly kill you
The corridor-wide RNG projectile pattern makes that fundamentally impossible, desu. Whereas you absolutely can kill her instantly while directly in front of the ult itself.

You'd think a shotgun could do 100 damage to the body at point blank right

Literally none of those shots were on mark

just shoot the fucker, he can't deflect while he's ulting

If she's literally standing on your head, all you hear is "JUST-" before you're dead.
Obviously not if you're a tank though.

Had all of the pellets hit him, sure. You can see half of them hit the floor behind him

It's a shotgun. At point blank range. On a character with half health. The last shot after the hook hit him right in the center of mass and he didn't die because the shotgun's spread is so bad and his hitbox is small (like 3/4ths of the characters in the game). That's fucking retarded

Hog in the wemb walks backwards when he hooks him, it's far from point blank

>If she's literally standing on your head
Then she gets headshotted by the support.
Um, he can, actually.
I fucking despise Overwatch and it's clear I've played it far more than you have.

>shoot deflecting genji that is getting healed
>badly, at that

Thanks for reminding me why I stopped using this sub

He didn't die because he reflected the shot.

What's the current ranking tier heroes for competitive right now?

>>shoot deflecting genji that is getting healed
>Hook and he survives a point blank shot
Did you not watch the webm

He didn't, he deflects after the hook stun is over

Genji is the only reason I still play this stupid fucking game. He is so fun to control and has the highest skill cap in the game. He's fun to the point that I think every game should have a character like Genji in it.

If they ever nerf him, I'm done.


>can't deflect while he's ulting
Lol have you literally played like 1 hour of overwatch and then uninstalled and then just go on Sup Forums to shitpost?

>has the highest skill cap in the game
It's definitely above the rest of the characters, but not the highest.
Even tracer is harder, having the lowest health bar and her weapon forcing you to be in their face to be effective.

False. Tracer's decision making resorts to: 1) Aim at the head 2) Blink around to avoid damage

Genji's decision making process is infinitely more complex than tracer.

Did YOU watch it?

It wasn't center mass at all. The way it was aimed, I'd say about 30% of the spread hit the genji, with none of it being a headshot. When you actually shoot center mass, you do damage because 70% of the spread hits and a decent percentage of that is headshot damage. That hog sucked major cock

>Throw shurikens from halfway across the map
>Dash in for a elimination
>Dash out to saftey or just use your Defense matrix that throws everything back at them
>Ult hits basically anything on your screen, no aiming needed

He deflected after getting shot. The roadhog just sucked ass at aiming

I had no idea, lol. Well if he's deflecting in ult he's not cutting people up.

That is such a ridiculous simplification that there is an absolutely zero percent possibility you are outside of bronze rank.

>flank and kill supports
>dash out
>see someone low and dash in for kill
>dash out
>Press Q
Damn you make me feel like Einstein playing Genji.

I admit that that is a simple description, but complaining about rank in a rock-paper-scissors game is what overbabies do best.
also not an argument

>uses rank as an insult
>there are literally mercy one tricks in diamond+

>has a literal undo bad thing button
And I say this as a Tracer main.
Poor Overplebs think they know what skill is.

>not nerfing tracer instead
genji has hard counters while tracer has next to none

why doesn't blizzard give every healer a rez as part of their ultimate? makes more sense to me.