Who is your favourite virtual youtuber, Sup Forums?
Who is your favourite virtual youtuber, Sup Forums?
Ahoy / XboxAhoy. Incredible production and work on any video. Never boring.
I don't have one because I actually play video games and have friends.
*kush kush*
Ironic weebs should be banned
I love Luna !
I don't think you know what "virtual youtuber" refers to, user.
I'm unironically a weeb, sorry.
She really is the best, isn't she? Her voice is adorable as fuck.
I fap to Luna the most, so I guess her
>I love YouTube celebs if they are cute anime girls XD
It's literally ok when they are cute anime girls, everything is forgiven by default.
They actually use their models in-games so it's okay.
The only good one of course
As always, there is only one correct answer.
Oh i know very well. I just can't read apparently.
correct. your point?
Shiro? yeah I agree
Do others curse in as cute a manner?
literally who
come back daddy
fucking idolshits shilling their cancer gay janitor
Kaguya "Paizuri Queen" Luna.
Personally I like Akari the most. She's very energetic in a loveable, silly way. I wish she had more videos, she's great. I've also been watching some Moemi stuff. Her gimmick gets real old real fast, plus she's kind of weirdly emotionless sometimes? Like the infliction of her voice almost never changes. But the way the videos are cut and edited are fun, even if Moemi isn't fun herself. Shiro I don't like that much. I watched one video and understood why people call her a retarded dolphin, holy shit that squeaking. Kaguya is nice, but man she really needs more videos.
>Shiro I don't like that much. I watched one video and understood why people call her a retarded dolphin, holy shit that squeaking.
She's fine. I used to think the same thing, then I watched some more of her videos and she's actually pretty great. The squeaking grows on you, it's only really bad in that climbing meme game video. Her voice and acting are actually really impressive, plus nice production quality.
What a coincidence, the only video I watched happened to be Climbing Meme.Also,her fingers were glitching out like crazy or some shit. I'll watch some more of her videos and see if she grows on me.I can't but help think her design is kinda....plain though.
I recommend this one, also her PUBG ones.
potty mouth
Is she wearing a swimring on her head?
I'd like her more if she uploaded some fucking videos jesus christ. I'd thought after she got a shoutout by Kizuna she'd become a little more active or something.
Unironically this.
You got me
Her last video was yesterday.
Don't rush her man.
0 for 2 here bud
post luna's pixiv id please
>it was just twitter shitposting in video form
>2 minutes