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>n-no you


How original

Soywojack came into popularity, someone did an edit so the was a soywojack with a copy of Horizon zero dawn, later a bunch a xmas gift reactions of numales getting switches lead to someone editing soywojack to have his mouth open and holding a switch. Now sonybros and nintenbros are fighting it out over who is the soyest

horizon wojak came second



OP's was the first one

Make an edit where when the switch comes down and he opens his mouth a cock slides in his mouth

The gif did, but the original image predates the switch soyboys

>ninturdo cucks so soy they have to copy sonybro memes



Who is that image making fun of?

What's up with the roaches?

>sony cucks steal Sup Forums meme and get mad when others do low effort work to get a funnier effect

laffing at you cucks

Please have a look at what you just wrote and do some reflecting on your life choices.

Sup Forums started wojakposting.

this wojack looked like my dad, the years where he was fatally ill.

Well deserved

Kitties are the last bastion against soyism


Cockroaches have been found inside PS4's as well as being loyal consumers of Sony products.

Cats are soycore. Dogs are the only pets for real men

memes aside, That would be an interesting way to handle vr for the switch. Too bad it won't be able to run vr at all

Being a cat and not a dog person is a surefire way of spotting a soyboy.

>rehashing wojak over and over again
It's like I'm really on reddit

what happened to his tupee?

Muh soy

As if anyone on Sup Forums knows about being a real man.

kek, the cat - a reference to that soyboy getting savaged while hopping up and down like a retard with his new PS4?


t. soyboy

Sup Forums is a joke.

>a black soyboy
Can't say I've ever seen that before.

Rate muh soy

What's the story behind this? Why did the cat attack and was it put down?

>another wojak edit
0/10 set fire to yourself

The eyes are too expressive.

this has gone too far

Where is his switch?

There's nothing saying it couldn't.

The visuals would just have to be fairly simplistic.

The screen could likely go to 90fps if need be, and images rendered internally at 1440p would look rather crisp displayed on 720p.

he looks so dead inside

Keep telling that to your cats, fruitcake.

we all know that. don't keep saying it tho or the kids/senile people from Sup Forums (r/The_Donald colony) will start throwing shit at their screens

Cats hate sonnyggers. Then almost everyone hates sonnyggers.

My guess is either it had marked the box as its territory/possession beforehand or the guy startled it by gyrating the box up and down in front of it.

Are there any more soynimals?

I think he doesn't really care and is just "smiling" for the picture.

Does soy also induce premature balding?

Why does consuming soy make you so bitchy and defensive?



>soyboy is a reddit meme used by the_Donald faggots
It all makes sense now



The overbearing obsession with identity politics and masculinity didn't clue you in?

>Chad cat

Great work, user

You're the person in the webm getting attacked by the cat, aren't you?


its ok man, i was wrong, soy is super funny and Sup Forums are the bastions of a new era that have NOTHING to do with reddit

The Hell they did. The only thing this board did was put a Mario hat on him. He was the feels guy from /r9k/ beforehand.


The consolewar shit threw me off, but I guess only an overcompensating Sup Forumsdittor would post twitter screencaps on Sup Forums.


Need a BLM/Force is Female t-shirt.

Is this the poorfag general?

Fuck off Oat Daddy

>Sony poster mocks Nintendo

>Sony poster gets mocked
"I-it was just banter! Why do you have to take it ao personal"

You people are that "friend" at school everyone hated all grown up.

No that's mostly genetic. Hormones, such as abnormal levels of androgens (DHT release from fapping so much). A low-protein diet or severely calorie-restricted diet can also cause hair loss.

Using hat wojak to falseflag is Wojakposting

Jesus Christ imagine getting attacked by a fucking Jaguar. Terrifying.

Imagine being a phoneposting faggot

>I-it was just banter! Why do you have to take it ao personal"
Who are you quoting?


>sonybros and nintensoys are all one person

I can't imagine anything worse


I dunno why this one is so funny

God dammit.

Not in VR they wouldn't.

Even 1080p looks pretty low res when in VR. That's what the PSVR is.

post pls its deleted

>Chad prankster
>virgin takes it all too seriously and complains afterwards


Is that an actual picture of an anus?

That's it!! You asked for it Sup Forums!

who comes up with this shit lmao

0/10 you tried to make a realistic soy wojak instead of a funny one

Relax, it's just a leopard, not a jaguar.

There's two memes being stolen

Wojak who was feels guy which didn't even originate on Sup Forums. The soy meme is from Sup Forums

Sony cucks can't be original at all and complain when others effortlessly do the same



Mods confirmed sonybros!