Why did we let this grow Sup Forums? It was supposed to stay buried with the censored garbage. Where did we go wrong?

Why did we let this grow Sup Forums? It was supposed to stay buried with the censored garbage. Where did we go wrong?

game's cool i don't give a shit about not seeing a bit more cleavage

Lawbreakers had more player at release even though it wasn't free

>games goes f2p
>only gets 1k players
Even wildstar managed 5k the day it went f2p
It hasn't even offset the number of people who refunded founders packs in EA.

It's more the issue is that the number keeps growing so far.

>I'm a spineless cuck who eats whatever shit the localizers shovel down my throat
Sorry, that's all I could make out.

If it makes it past 5k I'll be surprised, tbqh.

It just barely went f2p, it'll die down soon, it has the taint of Nexon.

Because it's fun.

Too bad it'll be dead in a few days,
thanks to nexon.

>it has the taint of Nexon
that's a good point. What was first assault's numbers when nexon decided to axe it?

What could possibly go wrong?

yeah yeah whatever just post those gifs with the big titty girls i like those

Don't forget
>publisher tries to remove negative reviews by falsely flagging them as off topic or whatever else.
>when that doesn't work they reply to every single one with a copy paste comment linking them to some pr shit and that everything's totally fine now
>average is still mixed

Uh, no big tits allowed, sweetie

Now I can play this for a couple hours and never pick it back up ever again

>ITT: People literally crying about tits.
>On Tumblr: People literally crying about tits.

Smells like trans-demi-otherkin in here.

I don't really think anyone was crying about the tits before Nexon censored it. It's honestly just what Nexon does, take an existing IP, censor it or simply aggravate the existing fanbase by
subjecting them to their moral standards, insult or outright ban those who dare go against them.

They're like EA without the power. So I doubt tumblr had anything to do with this game, they didn't need to voice anything, Nexon does it by default.

The people hating on HU here are exactly the same as the SJW, they don't even play videogames, they just like to complain about irrelevant things from they don't even like.

Enjoy the game while it lasts, it's a damn good moba if you play with a controller, it deserves to have an active community..

My point is either way people are crying about tits in a video game. The argument of 'whats wrong with big tits' is no different than 'whats wrong him being black' It's the same shit. Both sides want to be catered to but will scream foul if one side demands the special treatment first. They could both shut the fuck up and play the game but no no.. too busy bitching about shit that doesn't matter at all.

>Allowing anything censorship of any kind no matter how 'little'

>My point is either way people are crying about tits in a video game.

The scheme is grander than that, if you can't see that there's no point in even talking about this.

The opposition against that censorship was huge and it had virtually no support aside from Nexon itself, and when the change was forced upon the consumer they voiced their opinions and was damned or straight up banned by the new fags in charge. They proceeded to delete reviews and to punish users.

It decided that their own moral standards were more important that the existing consumers of the product, because in their eyes those existing consumers were literally hitler.

It's like if they got their hands on The Witcher and suddenly forced an update that removed Prostitution and sex scenes from the game, would it effect the core gameplay? No, but of course it would piss people off that they made that choice against their consumers wishes.

>too busy bitching about shit that doesn't matter at all.

Same shit could be said about video games in general, you don't decide what matters to people here.

>the changes are so minimal why are you complaining?
>if the changes are so minimal why make them at all?
>but they're so minimal why are you complaining
>why make them at all if they're so minimal? it's only putting people off.
>yeah but they're so minimal so stop complaining