Are y'all excited for the new map to drop?
Are y'all excited for the new map to drop?
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Can't wait for my favorite tactical Dolphin to play it
>tfw the only time I ever win is when I'm playing with friends who are better than me
Should I get the Battle Pass bundle?
Yeah, I was just looking at my stats. Huge discrepancy between solo and squad.
My friends did. It just gives you skins and stuff. They always looked decked out with cool skins and dances and axes but jokes on them. I didn't spend a dollar for a great game.
>tfw too poor to buy skins...
PUBG shitlord here, why should one play this over PUBG besides Fortnite having more action compared to running 50 kilometres in Miramar?
Literally no one plays it but sonybros
In the past everyone on xbox played it as well until pubg got ported
This game is so idiotically random with the bullet spread. It's literally a dice roll on who does more damage, once you're past 20-30 meters.
The snipers are fun but their projectile speed was intentionally crippled to make them bad at a distance too.
>why would anyone eat a gourmet meal over literal shit on a plate?
I think they're reworking the aiming
>pronounced 'yawl'
Whens it supposed to be coming out?
This game is literally shit. Whoever hides the longest, sees the other person first, and gets the best gun wins. Wow, what a fun game
>Xboner exclusive
Never got how an Asian company which is Sony land signed that deal with microsoft, even if they offer fat stacks surely the PS4 market is bigger and better.
Sooo PUBG is gourmet and Fortnite is McDonalds iyo?
Mcdonalds is so good. I got it the other night and it was one of the best fast food meals ive had. Fuck I want MORE
Yeah but it's shorter than PUBG
Wrong, this game isn't about hiding it's about rushing and building. Unline PUBG where all you do is lay down and wait for someone to come into your shit.
Gourmet is fucking cancer
>waiting 10 minutes for 1 bite
So just like every other fps?
Sarcasm or not?
this game is for faggots, so is pubg
>"fucking campers!"
I have heard this in nearly every fps game I've played.
I guess, but most campers get punished. You have to have sense of your surroundings to die from campers.
Fortnite is more fun
Yea I know Fortnite punishes campers. The question is, how is the camping different from other fps games?
It isn't, how can camping be different?
This game is better than PUBG in that building is a large portion of the game. PUBG has no crafting therefore it's glorified hide and go seek.
If anything it punishes everyone playing agressively by making you wait for centuries before playing again.
>"Should I rush that guy that has his back turned?"
>"nah if I die it's another 2min queue + warmup time, plus we just dropped from the bus. I'll hide in the bush"
The only way to git gud is to be agressive, the only way to be agressive is constantly dying and going back to the lobby until you git gud.
It's great but feels like a waste of time once you realize this, if you could die and go immediately back to another bus, I'd only play this game.
There is no better feeling then making a huge ass fort every few seconds and fighting to the death as it falls apart around you
meanwhile pubg was hide in long grass and hope nobody steps on you
kinda wish i refunded pubg when i had the chance
This kinda, but if you truly git gud you won't wait the 2 minutes because you'll survive longer when being aggresive
>Get my collection book to level 100 to get good looking soldier
>BRbabbies can just pay 20 dollars for it
Wait until the PvE goes F2P, farm up some currency there, and buy a Battle Pass. :^)
Yeah you won't rank up 70 times in a week
>fortnite killed paragon
You all have blood on your hands
Velvet is cute, CUTE!
Fuck paragon, faggot
So then why was he complaining about a shooter having the same things as other shooters?
stinky velvet a best!
I acually dont know tell me
> tfw you land a sweet ass one-shot sniper kill
got my second victory today within 30 matches; I didn't know the last person was actually the last person and just took a pop shot at her.
Yeah I'm excited for the new map; yeah the battle pass is worth it cause if you max it you get around 1200-1300 instore currency.
I know that feel user I had a win just like that today.
You’re a fag, FAG
>tfw ill never be operator kyle, killing everyone in my path
>Just because wildly different body types
>And if they do the paste his head on a soldier body schtick they did with ninja, it will be shit
they are but i don't think for snipers.. due to the slow speeds players travel at, bullet travel time is necesarry or it will be unfair.
>Will never get the thicc bitch in BR
shit sucks
Not at all because they still haven't fixed any of the gameplay.
Shooting is still RNG bullshit.
Shotguns are so inconsistent, one shotting people from a mile away one minute to getting 14 damage crit headshots from above from a foot away.
Shields are still way too dominant, but also not spread evenly. I'll go some matches where I'm lucky if I see 2-3 spare mini shields after killing 5 people with full shields, only to get into a fight with another guy who has full shield plus another two full shields to recharge after he kills me.
And it's still dominated by high ping bullshit as if they couldn't figure out what to do after pubg's issues with the same thing.
Oh I also forgot the
>Shoot at a guy and he spins around 1080 degrees spamming walls and ramps that despite being freshly laid can eat 6 shots from a legendary SCAR and you'll never get through
>The second you get shot at and try the same thing bullets go through your solid walls that are still standing, and then two shots completely destroy your two newly placed walls
Its the same map, just the shitty half is getting updated for more stuff.
Its whatever honestly. I can see this making the mid game even slower, with people spreading out.
What game?
>Shooting is RNG bullshit.
>Shotguns are so inconsistent, one shotting people from a mile away one minute to getting 14 damage crit headshots from above from a foot away
Not really, if you manage to hit someone with a long barrel shotgun from some range you deal more damage because more bullets go into him.
>Shields are still way too dominant, but also not spread evenly. I'll go some matches where I'm lucky if I see 2-3 spare mini shields after killing 5 people with full shields, only to get into a fight with another guy who has full shield plus another two full shields to recharge after he kills me.
Nope you can easily kill someone with full shield at 75 hp
>And it's still dominated by high ping bullshit as if they couldn't figure out what to do after pubg's issues with the same thing.
Have not had any problems with this one so cant answer.
>Shoot at a guy and he spins around 1080 degrees spamming walls and ramps that despite being freshly laid can eat 6 shots from a legendary SCAR and you'll never get through
Keep shooting
>The second you get shot at and try the same thing bullets go through your solid walls that are still standing, and then two shots completely destroy your two newly placed walls
You vs good players
>2min queue
what are you australian or something EU/NA is basically instant
Except it is. Even the very first shot from a crouched, immobile position will not go to where you're aiming. It can deviate ANYWHERE within the crosshair's edges, which means barring fights up close you will sometimes lose fights strictly because of RNG.
>If you manage to hit someone with a long barrel shotgun you deal more damage because more bullets go into him
Except that's false, if the player's body fills more of your crosshair more of the pellets should be hitting. For whatever reason this isn't the case, and so the pump shotgun feels more like a hitscan mid range sniper than anything else.
>You can easily kill someone with full shield at 75 HP
Assuming the RNG gunplay doesn't just let you die. Barring lucky headshots he still has double or more effective HP in that scenario. At least in pubg the armour only reduces damage.
>Keep shooting
Again, it's about the inconsistency. Why can someone place down a fresh wooden wall and the second it appears I shoot it and it takes 6 fucking shots from a Legendary Scar, but everyone else can rip through my wall with a common AR? Also the shot through the wall shit is an actual bug that isn't fixed, but good job being retarded.
The rng shooting okay i guess you have a point my shots have been consistent and seem to hit most people
RNG gunplay again my shots have been consistent mostly
I never have this issue unless the person backs up and places walls while baking up so that i have to eventually reload and giving him his full health wall
its the same map tho. just with like 3 new areas added to it
>My shots have been consistently mostly
But again that still means there's opportunities where you may have won a fight because someone else just couldn't get lucky to hit, or you got lucky and lasered someone else. It isn't skillful, and doesn't provide a player with any means of constructive play.
They're supposedly changing the gunplay but at the rate they actually fix the gameplay shit I doubt it'll be any time soon.
Hit me up when they remove the building component
>2min queue
I don't like actual graphics
its call of duty, except with 2 minute respawn timers now xd
You do you boo
I like the game in it's current state and im sure there are some parts you like too
>I like the game in its current state
Sorry you have no standards and just want games to have garbage low skill ceilings for multlplayer games.
>I'm sure there are some parts you like
Yes, there is. I like the smaller map and more action oriented gameplay and wider options for traps and weapons. I like that it doesn't run like hot garbage like pubg, and actually gets updated.
That doesn't mean the gameplay isn't fucking garbage otherwise and there's tons of unpatched bugs.
>Sorry you have no standards and just want games to have garbage low skill ceilings for multlplayer games.
Not really I just like the game not because I win because it's more fast paced like you said, I play csgo and league but those games are really slow compared to this one.
Xboner here
You would think that, but Fortnight is still the popular game.
The games run pretty much perfectly on the base Xbone while PUBG barely works on the X. When me and my friend bought the X, it came with PUBG and since we gameshare, we gave the extra copy for another set of friends that gameshare. Game doesn't work and the one time it did, we had to go to solos and meet there since Squad didn't want to work.
>Pubg barely works on the X
It barely works on my i7 4790k OC'd and 980 SLI.
Fuck even when the game tells me I have 120 FPS it doesn't feel like it. The frame times and stutter is also fucking HORRIBLE.
ur the faggot giving it bumps tho. know that queer
>motion blur
It's nice that they're improving the console performance at the same rate as the PC updates. Fortnite also seems to have pretty often updates lately
Because it was made by complete retards that don't know how to optimize for shit.
I am so fucking happy that other companies that actually know how to make games are picking up the slack.
Because competent people are working on it
>2min queue + warmup time
All platforms right? Been playing it on PS4(yeah yeah I know).
are you fucking stupid? bluehole is a gook company; sony is a nip company. they're technically supposed to hate each other and they actually do most of the time. they're still going on about the occupation during the war and who owns dokdo island. how can people not know about the korea-japan thing?
Today I will remind them.
Yep, all platforms
It's better because it actually works
PUBG devs say the game is pretty much ready for proper e-sports, but compared to other big esports games, it is a pile of broken garbage
The building mechanic for this is horrible. You should not be able to just build cover in front of you because you got caught out. This is the biggest issue with this game, that and the sniper rifle is not actually a sniper rifle.
>still in the discussion
Because Fortnite actually works. PUBG's actual shooting is a lot better, but the game is a broken fucking mess compared to Fortnite which feels incredibly smooth after coming from PUBG. I honestly have given up on both games though, neither game is nearly fun enough to put up with shitty RNG shooting or the absolute embarrassment that is PUBG's dev team.
What's the real appeal of battleground games? I tried Fortnite and it was fun, but it's not something I could see myself investing a lot of time into.
If it was team deathmatch rules or had a limited number of respawns, I could probably get more into it.
But with a ttk as low as this and large map (even with being able to build to defend yourself) it just feels like a modern version of Hide and Seek. Fuck up once or simply get unlicky and it's back to the lobby.
I got a fairly big multikill while I was playing and it didn't feel satisfying at all. Simply because I knew that I just happened to stumble on a trail of broken structures and followed it to a group of guys fighting, then blasted them while they were distracted.
TTK is pretty low in these games, atleast in Fortnite you just spam build a 1x1 with stairs real quick. You can heal pretty quick in all of these games too, besides H1Z1.
The problem with these games for me is that there is no reward for moving 100 times as much as someone else in a match. If someone gets basic stuff, but gets EVERY circle, he will have a better chance of winning than me who is running, fighting, chasing a circle with 10+ kills. At some point you will get shot and rushed down.
Same shit happens in PUBG, you can chase airdrops but the guy who gets lucky with circles more often than not will get consistently higher placed.
You can definitely tell that they're trying to kick Save the World out the door ASAP so they can concentrate on the real cashcow in Battle Royale.
>Look at latest patchnotes
>Extensive list of fixes and changes for BR
>Save the world has maybe a paragraph
I don't play STW but I feel sorry for the people who do.
The building aspect is actually really cool and adds a lot to the game.
Can't say I've played pubg, but my fortnite friends started with it, and they say it blows pubg out of the water.
Someone needs to make a Battle Royale game with Borderlands-style randomized guns to loot.
I saw a "pro" playing this and all he did was
>run around
>build ramp
>snipe soem guy
>jump from ramp
>make new ramp
>shoot other guy
PUBG looks more interesting
Dont give gearbox ideas
Shooting is a bit bullshit, but thats because it doesn't translate well from pc to console
Agree with shotguns
Same with shields
Scar IS op
lag is kinda weird
Pt 2
Gun spread in general is fucked
Just today, I got lucky with shields and health and never had to move once i set up shop
>late game kill the last guy off my hill
>3 people left, other 2 fags have to approach me
>One guy comes up light him up, walk in to push with a tact
>About to finish him off and he suicides me with his gold rpg
>I place 3rd, the guy who killed me and himself second and the last guy was still at the bottom of the mountain
did this game really overtake pubg in the western world?
Fortnite doesn't have hard numbers for player count like PUBG does, but the general claim is yes. The Twitch Streams are referred to for having more watchers and more channels playing it, but I personally don't use that as a metric, because
>People watching aren't playing the game
And checking now, Fortnite is down to 60K Viewers while PUBG is at 90K. The 2 keep cycling back and forth, probably cause some of the bigger Streamers play both.