>You know I tell you guys, and and believe me... Past a certain age a man without a family who still plays video games can be a bad thing.
Why is representing people who play video games as losers still a thing in 2018?
>You know I tell you guys, and and believe me... Past a certain age a man without a family who still plays video games can be a bad thing.
Why is representing people who play video games as losers still a thing in 2018?
Because if you're here, you're a loser.
Its for the best, its the only thing keeping the hobby from being even more infested with normiefags.
Whatever, I was sold a false version of reality when I was a child so it's the least I can do to escape it the only way I know how
Old fucks enjoy jerking themselves off while watching 10 hours of TV a day.
anyone else excited for season 3? the writer for season 1 is back
Easy target I guess. It's still more popular for adults to watch TV/Netflix/etc. 6 hours a day than play vidya 6 hours a day.
Because the kikes are afraid that you might achieve financial freedom if you don't settle down with a roastie and kids to milk you dry for the rest of your life
So they try to shame you into becoming a normalfag
I'd rather have the medium be respected and able to contribute to society the way TV and films do then still be made fun for playing video games and seen as a virgin loser.
No, that's not it. I've always been a weird loser and Sup Forums is a place for weird losers.
At what age should you start a family? I'm 25 and still a virgin.
"I know what happens next"
"I've seen you in my captchas"
"Your're in The Vidya now, with me"
Eh you got the next 15 years or so
Just make sure you find yourself a nice young wife so you don't have autism tard babies
Because it directly competes with old media. More games = less TV adds watched.
I just want to tell you that if you're over 20 years old and you're not a NEET yet, you've lost at life.
But they did same thing with Comic books and and super hero movies and now they have accepted both as being something only sophisticated people do.
Eh. Might as well just forget about it for now.
This. How have kikes not realized the more inclusive they are to games the more they can push their agenda.
>the jews want me to get married and reproduce but I'll play their video games instead, haha
>comic books
>accepted in any way shape or form
Just because superhero movies are the latest blockbuster fad doesn't mean jack shit for comics themselves.
Only once they started raking in mountains of cash, user
Ever hear of Comic Con? It's fucking normie central.
This. You think the normies who flock to Marvel movies read comics? Sales for comics are terribad, even the ones based on their precious MCU. Once the bubble bursts, nobody is going to give a shit about superheroes.